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Anyone use Maxigrow?

Hello everybody! Have any of you used maxigrow from gh? I am using it with LK for vegging some mother plants in hempy buckets under 4 t8 flourescents. Any notes or suggestions on this?

one Q

Yes, I was told that if you mix it 50/50 with maxibloom that you get close to lucas. I just took his word for it because Im too slow to understand how to work that nute calculator floating around.

The GH rep told me that grow is STRONG and bloom isnt as strong. (Probly because of the high N in grow)

What kind of numbers are you running? 1/2 a tsp [(edit) per gallon] should be good, so 1/4 of G & B would be great for veg. Ill post the ec later. Still trying to figure it out though.
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Maxigro is the bomb. Simple, easy, affordable, accessible and reliable.
Simplest of instructions: 1/4 tsp. per gallon for: Seedlings, cuttings, foliar feeding or transplants. 1/2 tsp. per gallon for: orchids, delicates and slow growing plants. 1 tsp. per gallon for: most applications, salad greens and leafy vegetables. There are two other suggestions regarding fast growing plants/vegetables and very fast growing plants. These are 1 & 1/4 tsp. per gallon and 1 & 1/2 tsp. per gallon respectively.

I've been using this stuff for well over 10 years. I use the 1/4 tsp. when dealing with small infantile plants, and for vegative plants and moms I use 1 tsp. per gallon.

You can't go wrong with this stuff.

The Maxibloom's equally as simple, but just stick with the "most applications" level of nutrients for all stages of flowering.
thanks for the tips guys.

My first gallon of nutes I mixed up i poured out because I could see the clumps in the bottom. It was when i put the dry mix in the can first then poured the water over it. When i added it to the water and stirred immediately it worked out fine. I will keep the warm water idea in mind for next nute mix tomorrow!

one Q



Now. I found this from above link.
mxG: 106 23 123 21mg
mxB: 53 70 123 ?
KoolB: 8 78 92 4

simple math gives us;

1tsp mxG 1/4tsp KoolB = Lucas
1/2 tsp mxG 1 tsp mxB = 106 81 184 close...

just putting that out there.
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The guy at the growshop told me that I could not use Maxibloom or Maxigrow alone, that they were not complete, and that I was better off going with the expensive Canna nutes.


one Q

The cheap ones never work well... for their pockets. HA!

The cheap ones never work well... for their pockets. HA!

Yes, Maxi is perfect alone. Look up Pontiac's AK48 grow, good shit there.

You must use very carefuly as you can burn easily, too easliy. Start very low, even low ppms can be misleading.

I want to be able to use it in coco coir. I try to compare it with CNS17, and cns has more PK than Maxi so in theory it should work it taken lightly.

In traditional hydro, it will work fine. The shops wont push it hard because it is CHEAP! It will also keep you out of the shop for a LONG time, as you use so little of it. If you;re smart and exp, you can get a large tub of all 3, M.B.KB powder, and you wont need to go back for a year. Longer if youre a small grower.

:zipping mouth:
I've been considering using GH Flora Grow and Maxi grow as a cheap replacement for FloraNova grow and bloom in coco. Here's a comparison of the NPK values:

GH Maxi grow (10-5-14)
GH FloraNova grow (7-4-10)

Maxi Bloom (5 -15 - 14)
FloraNova Bloom (4-8-7)

Both Maxis are a bit heavier on the N and of course you are to add KoolBloom for P and K at the appropriate times. There's also the issue of humics, which come premixed in the FloraNova, but would have to be added in the Maxi.

OR maybe I should just stick to what I know works (FloraNova) and stop being such a cheap bastard.

Your thoughts. . . ?



7 grams/gal:

N 92
P 121
K 215
Mg 65
S 74
Ca 92

Lucas in powder form.
Just missing some humic/fulvic that FloraNova has.

one Q

Dongle! That's some good shit. Where did you get those numbers?????
Simple is always best. Period. I think one part powder would be even better to the alredy better 2part lucas in a bottle. Oh shit very cost effective.
I can’t get Maxigrow OR Maxibloom to fully dissolve. Reading what others have written about this problem, I pre-mixed the ferts in a bottle with hot water to no avail. A white powdery sludge now lines the bottom of my reservoir. Yet my plants continue to grow just fine. One of two things may be happening:

1. Much of what I’m putting in my reservoir is not getting to my plants. Eventually I’ll be seeing signs nutrient deficiencies.


2. What I’m seeing as un dissolved fertilizer is in fact the inert portion of the formula. The ferts themselves are going into solution just fine, while the compounds that act as binders for the ferts are what I’m seeing.


I'm interested if anyone has an answer to the sludge question. I just bought the grow and the bloom is on the way.
A friend uses it but he just started using it too I think. I just plan on mixing it in a food processor/blender for a bit with boiling/hot water...
Then when it's completely dissolved, Slowly pour it into the res..which may or may not be running (will most likely).
Anybody see any problems with that? It'll be adding the warm/hot nute mix to the relatively colder res water. It won't precipitate will it?

Thanks for any help! :)


I think the assumption that the sludge is just the inert/anti-caking/anti-clumping agents, with no nutritional value, is pretty safe.

Plenty of folks use the stuff, at the prescribed dosage, with absolutely no mixing and absolutely no problems, aside from the leftover sludge. The stuff notes that it can be used as a hydroponic nutrient, and I don't think any large supplier would sell a hydroponic fertilizer that only partially dissolved in water, which would result in wildly different results from all of their customers. If the sludge that collected at the bottom of the reservoir had any capacity to collect and burn your plants, I think the amount of folks that use the stuff would make sure that we'd see more posts from folks with burnt up plants, or inconsistent results, touching on that possibility...instead we just see a lot of posts noting the sludge in the reservoir, but saying that everything is working fine.

Personally, I only used Maxibloom because of it's simplicity, and having to boil water and/or fire up the food processor everytime I mix my nutes would've defeated the purpose, but your mileage may vary.


Fair enough.
I'd just rather do without the sludge.. But ..ya know

Thanks man

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