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Leafs starting to brown around the edges


New member
I got 4 ladies in flow 20 days in (2 NL and 2 ThaiHazex SKunk) and on the top of one of the NL's there is about 3 or 4 leafs that got a brown burn of some type on the leaf tips, the leafs that it is on are also curling up at the very tip only.. i dont have a picture due to the lack of camera :badday: i up'ed the dosage a little of TigerBloom last nute feed, this might be the cause.. just trying to get some help here.. thanks in return

All the other plants are doing amazing, so is the one with the burn... well besides the burn... the temps range from 68(lights off)-80 (lights on)


Dr. Doolittle
Need more information... how big are the plants???? What lighting are you using? nute burn does not start at the top, would start around middle to bottom and work it's way upwards..... sounds like the lights may be too close....... without a picture it would be hard to pinpoint it........ if it's starting at the top it has to be something above it which is why I said it may be heat stress/ light being too close.

How close are your lighting?
How much tigerbloom are you using and how often?
You growing in soil or hydro?
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New member
Soil, the light is a good ways off atleast 1ft, and is a 400w HPS i use full str of the normal feeding for tigerbloom, i belive its 3 tsp... and i nute feed every 4 days and do water feed every 2


Dr. Doolittle
WEll, in order to see what the problem is we would have to see pictures....... 400 watt does and will cause heat stress.... are the leaves on the top curling upwards or twisted?


New member
curling up to the light i guess you could say, not the sides only the very top .. and sorry i didnt say how big they were there about 2ft tall... ill borrow my buddys digital camera if need be because these girlies are my everything! lol


Dr. Doolittle
WHat you are saying and explaining does not sound like nutrient burn, sounds like the light is too close..... but let me know when you get a picture so we can see it.


New member
Ya i dont think its nute burn , but im still a beginner so i really got no clue... its more of a "Rusty brown" color other then burn... maybe that helps lol... i searched for a rusty brown and found someone that had similar looking color and they had a Mag. Deficiency


Dr. Doolittle
magnesium deficiency does not start on top of the plant, and the veins are green while the outer leaf area is yellow.

We will not know what you have unless we have a clear picture of the plant..... without the hps light on

Since you are new at this, this is one reason why we need a picture due to the fact a lot of new growers explain things the wrong way or can't explain a certain situation very well.