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Closer to Cannabis


Active member
ok, i originally posted this in the strains & hybrids forum, but i don't think it was the right place, maybe it needs to be in a more open discussion type of forum. maybe it doesn't belong anywhere because it's a little off the wall and when it was written i may have had a little bit of our favorite herb still active in my blood ;)

i have a few questions, but before i get into what i want to talk about, i want to give a little bit of background on how i understand the entire cannabis culture and species.

it may or may not be completely accurate, and i'm letting you know that now if you disagree, then its totally your choice, and would love to hear it.

it's a fact that cannabis has been around for thousands of years. obviously, todays strains are not the exact same strains of yesteryear but descendants of those from thousands and thousands of years ago.

clone only or 'asexual' reproduction has also been in practice for a very long time. i'm not sure if 3000+ years ago they would have been able to do this type of plant reproduction.

come to think of it, i'm sure they probably did, as people aren't stupid just because they're 3000+ years old. every culture has its farmers. so it could possibly go back to the beginning of recorded history.

for a moment, let's say this may be the case, right off the bat i'd have to say that i highly doubt any clone strain that old is still in existence. to make a guess, perhaps the oldest of the oldest clone-only strain that may be alive today could be what, maybe 40-50 years old? you figure someone might be keeping one from the 60s, and passing it down. a family heirloom so to speak. i do also realize that an IBL seed line could be a lot older then that based on just passing down its exact genetics from seed to seed. an underground family IBL may definitely exist. but how it came to existence is another question.

now a 'cultigen' is the definition given to a species of plant that only exists in cultivation, and is created and maintained by the "hand of men" one good example of this is salvia divinorum. if not for the mazatec healers, we would of never heard of this salvia cultivar. and if not for man, it may or may not perish from the face of the earth. legal today, but soon to be another plant suppressed and thrown into genocide by the government.

it's hard to call cannabis a cultigen, because it can exist on its own, without the assistance of man. it has to be noted, however, that man and cannabis have a very unique relationship through time. some of men want to destroy it, while others go out of their way to aid it.

cannabis has figured out a way to relate to man by giving man something pleasurable in order for man to maintain the safety and future existence of it, and in the same process also using traditional means of reproduction for species survival.

all of the recent known strains, are just that. RECENT. internet coverage and public knowledge of them started to spread from the early 90s to present during the information age and internet boom. before that there were a few books that kept strain information, maybe some rare publications, but how far back did they record? 1950s? 1960s? what about before that? this is all just a BLINK of the eye in the entire scope of the plants co-existence with man.

the most trusted method to ensure future generations of any plant is obviously the seed. seed can store for a long time in hopes of a future existence. its a safe bet that maybe one seed will land somewhere and start the whole process over again, and do that process someplace else.

even in clone only commercial operations, a sensimilla clone may try to produce a tiny handful of seeds or a hermi as you say, which is just another way of self preservation when deprived of a male for pollination for an extended period of time. maybe a hermied crop just didn't like it's environment, or it wasn't being treated with respect there, so it decided to wrap itself up in a seed and send itself out to wherever the product goes, hoping maybe to find a new home, or a new master/host. it's a chance it takes, and somehow the bagseed that i saved recreated itself in my dwelling, for me to enjoy and respect, and keep alive. god only knows it's history and genetic lineage throughout time, and previous masters/hosts.

now it gets a little weirder..

i smoke cannabis for many reasons, not just to get wasted/stoned/out of it. i enjoy how it releases all of my daily stress, and relaxes my body. i also appreciate its medicinal qualities.

i often do have a spiritual experience when intoxicated by her.

the drifting thoughts and detached from body mental state have shown me many of visions. maybe visions aren't the right word for it, but what i see are images and explanations of things that i rarely think about in the non-intoxicated state. sometimes they are very revealing of myself, others, the way people interact, etc. they appear to come to me in a dreamlike state, dreaming with your eyes open. btw, this probably explains why when you take a break from smoking, your dreams are vivid. you just didn't need to have dreams, because cannabis is activating and satisfying the need of your brain that requires dreams to stabilize itself. when you stop smoking, the dream system kicks back on, with stored up energy from being in a shut down state.

sometimes i just have that moment of 'i really understand now' and then it slips away. sometimes while in that state, i have the feeling the plant is talking to me showing me things, like the previous people who have also enjoyed her and this current state i'm in, and my connection to those others who have smoked that particular strain. how the plant keeps memories, and the ability to project them onto my thoughts, i don't know. but i have drifted through present, past, childhood, and beyond. now i must sound insane. believe me, i'm not crazy. at least i don't think so ;)

some things i've been shown during this state how are cannabis causes a different way of thinking, and according to most governments of all ages, it must be suppressed. those who also indulge in cannabis share this similar state of mind, may or may not remember it after the high, and are linked somehow.

now the question is are we linked together to each other, or are we linked together through the cannabis plant. the different way to see it is this. we know that the government must not allow this type of thinking to grow too large, and as an establishment will try to suppress it by all means. i mean, who wants free thinking people walking the streets causing problems like pointing out the flaws of the current way things are being handled today.

since starting to smoke cannabis i've noticed my personality shift to a more peaceful, protect and love of nature (especially cannabis), and no war. my eyes were opened to see how i disagree with how certain things could be handled, and more and more towards wanting change for the better.

what controlling government would want its people to experience something like this and lose all control of its people?

but is this really me? or is this the plant using me in another way that we don't yet understand, remember it wants to survive more then anything and now it has come up with a new way to manipulate people into coming to its defense.

this can be used to explain the whole medical scene, and every angle foreseeable to change the state of thinking of the masses and of the government to favor cannabis, rather then suppress it.

it's almost like an "US vs them" type of feeling that it was showing me, but is it being brought out by the plant in a self preservation tactic?

from what i've seen/been shown i'm sure its won this fight in the past, and i'm talking thousands of years ago. maybe a group or tribe nation that publicly used the herb and rose it up as their sacrament was feared too much and suppressed and then totally wiped out and written out of history by stronger governments, tribes, etc. this has happened over and over and over again throughout recorded and unrecorded history. this war is never ending. and this is just one phase of it.

i'm convinced the plant has its own consciousness, and is able to manipulate and make people do things that they would look back and be like wtf am i doing. and what your doing is just obeying the wishes of cannabis.

next time your in the midst of your high, ask some questions of her, see what she shows you. as quickly as it is shown to you, it's memory is removed. you really have to pay attention and concentrate in order to retain the information. once you see, you will notice how we forget so quickly, or are we just slowly remembering?

you are enjoying the effects of a plant that is literally thousands of years old, and inside it contains a universe of information and experience, if you just want to see it, that is. i don't know how long you have to be smoking it, to move away from the 'just doing it cause its cool' phase, and be opened enough to realize what it really is. --end message--

-and now here we are- present day.

yeah, people have to eat, so that's why you have dealers, seed companies, etc. but deep down inside you know the feelings she gives should be shared, without charge.

cannabis working itself into the capitalist society somehow. hats off, and congrats cannabis, you've found another way to survive. so what's next..

now back on topic, (phew)

is it really possible that someone can own a name on a strain, or claim a strain as their own creation? yeah, they just happen to be in possession of a certain type of cannabis today, but can anyone really OWN it? or does it OWN you?

one way to argue would be 'ok well breeders created a cross of two species that have never met each other, to create an all new more potent species, but whos to say that cross hasn't happened thousands of years ago? and cannabis is controlling the breeders mind to make it introduce it to a different species, that is no longer obtainable to it, due to shifts in the continents over the years? oh yeah remember that? google 'pangea'. deeper into the rabbit hole we go. eh?



Mudhippy propaganda.You forgot the answers to lifes questions are contained in mushrooms..


Active member
aha, lol. clown. i'm no mud hippy. i don't own anything tie dye, i cut my long hair ages ago, and i've never done mushrooms either.

but have had my fair share (small arsenol?) of the microdots in the old days. would never touch them again though.

maybe this explains it?


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Nice thoughts, man. Truly. Reading that was like being really, really high. hehehe
BTW, nothing wrong with some good mushrooms every once in a while. ;)


I know how you feel. Before I even started smoking herb, I kept hearing from my fellow Rastas how this plant is the "healing of nations" and how she can open your "third" eye and such. I always wanted to try it, even though I was 21 when I took my first pull. Now I have thoughts similar to yours and believe that something as sacred as cannabis shouldnt be bought or sold. Maybe traded for other strains ;)


Active member

this back from the grave!! i was pretty high when i wrote it, and i just reread it again .. it gave me goosebumps as i don't really remember writing it.

j/k .. i do kinda ... just not in that detail .. i've also formed many more ideas and opinions since that time, which may still agree with or disagree with some aspects of that whole cannabis as its own entity and using man concept..but of course i don't remember them. i have to get high to remember them.

i keep saying to myself, this is the last time, yeah the LAST time, i'm going to run her - for real this time! i should just become a customer again .. much easier, less stress!!

she keeps pulling me back in..

i'm getting somewhat worried ;)


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I don't know if this is related to your original point(s), but maybe the relation between cannabis and man is closer than you may think. Humans have cannabinoid receptors in their brains, which is why cannabis has an effect on us. Neurons (nerve cells) in the brain use these receptors to receive and transmit information from cell to cell. But these receptors didn't evolve to receive input from cannabis (did they?). They evolved to receive input from cells in the brain that produce chemicals similar to those found in cannabis. I think it's more likely that the cannabis plant evolved to produce chemicals that mimic those found in our brain. By producing these chemicals that have an affinity for certain cells in our brains, the cannabis plant is in effect communicating with us. It's substituting its message for the one our brain would normally produce.

I'm not sure what my point is other than by its effects, cannabis is essentially communicating with us. It's using the same language that our brain uses internally, so it's a pretty low-level, intimate communication. Does that make any sense at all?


Active member

yeah it's part of it. great points. it's all connected somehow. it's just odd that a plant that can survive on its own without man, by reproducing with seeds, has figured out a way to use man as a back up plan in the grand scheme of self-preservation. you'd think that if it felt really threatened it would just produce a toxin that would kill us, and then we would never touch one of their kind again.

maybe because it smells so bad, it figured we are a threat to it - might not want us around. so let's give them something so they like us better, lol. helloo buzz...


maybe because man has only existed in the equivalent of a whole second compared to the entire existance of the earth, it thinks this is the best way to deal with man, until man is just no more.
