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Dr. Doolittle
It's growing like that due to the fact the lighting is to the direction where the leaves are.

It's not close enough to the light, put it under a light and the plant will fix itself and grow upright in the proper direction; you can't leave small plants like that so far away from the light... especially fluros..... fluros and compact fluros seedlings/small plants will always stretch for the light when it's too far away and this means exactly what your little one is doing......

Put some more light in there or prop it up closer to the light, or move the lights closer to the plants.'


Maybe its Upside Down Kush. Does everyone look like that? Take a picture farther back that includes the light.
whats going on?

whats going on?

Now the leaves on the plant are all drooping down? why is that? I put it closer to the light? and it has been waterd?

It was looking like this last night....?

Stating to look like this one here now......? im going to try to take a pic and post it....



you are overwatering... same as the other plant... in the first pic the soil is moist... did you water after taking that picture?


Dr. Doolittle
Please excuse me for my typos././//. I have a bandaid on one of my fingers I really got cl;umsy so please excuse them lol;

wygram hit it on the money now; now you are overwatering them, the picture on the bottom says it all, for seedlings this size you should be using dixie cups, for the plant you showed above it, that pot size is just barely ok.......

If I were you I would be putting up a fan on it trying to air it out quickl;y; seedlings root system is extremley delicate and any stress can stunt it and it can die or just stop growing.......

I would take a knife or s poon and cut a certain amount around the plant and put it intop dixie cups, but that is me; I woul;d not reccomend you doing that unless it's last resort...... cause you can rip roots if you do not do it thr correct way and if you do; you can klll the whole plant....

How often are you watering? plants that size need only a certain ampount of water where there root zone is... if you water where no roots are when they are at this size..... you keep water there since no roots are there to absorb it and it keeps water on roots.... it's like you are giving your plants a steak... would not feed a steak to a baby would you?

Get a fan or some nice air flow blowing on the soil......

When you water do not let water come out the bottom unless the [plant has mostly rooted it's pot or that plant has at least 3 sets of good leaves.

How often are you watering her? How much water are you using?
The picture of the one on the bottom i watered it before i took the picture because i stuck my finger in the soil and it was dry so i thought maybe it was dying because it needed water.... thats why it looks so wet.. When i watered them i would use a spray bottle and would just try to water around the plant only... i was also useing room temp. Aquafina to water the plants.... maybe it because of that? few people said to just use tap water and let it sit for a night, so that is what i am going to try i guess...


Dr. Doolittle
Do not use aquafina, it has sodium added for taste; sodium is terrible for plants./. use tap water as long as your water is not too hard or have a water softner,

You can uise RO water or Distilled later on, but would not reccomend it now since small plants/seedlings need those micros in the water to grow..... aquafina is RO water you are not only starving them of nutes, but adding sodium.

Stop using it and use different water.././ why are you not using your water? Yes, when you use your water let it sit 24 hours before using.
my tap water has a water softner, i wasnt sure if i could use it... i filled up a bucket and i am letting it sit right now...


Dr. Doolittle
You can't use it if it has a water softner.......... is there a tap in your house that the softner is not hooked up too? One that has access to plain tap water?


Dr. Doolittle
ALright, you really have no choice now if you don't remove it from that pot it will die;' so you got no other choice.....

First get a butter knife and cut a small around around the stem, try to go 1-2 in from the center of the stem, so you get a nice cut circle. cut 2 in downl then get a tab;e spoon stick it in there and bring up the soil small root ball....... put it in a dixie cup and put a fan on it for about 15 min and then fill the cup with soil....... you want to try to dry the soil around the roots before you add more soil to the cup...... do not water it; cause right now you are in a catch 22.... if you water it;' it will die./..... but on the other had it's got sodium built up ibn it too to make matters worse so you can't flush the poor thing......

So either try to save it or start over and making sure you don't use the wrong water........
i think the outside hose water my be my best bet? Because im not really sure where the softner is hooked up to in the house?


Dr. Doolittle
you can follow your plumbing if you live in your house, but ya I don't think any one hooks there up to there hose....... just make sure though and make sure the softner pipes do not lead to your hose pipes line.
yeah ill make sure and do you think there is no chance it will make it in that pot if i dont transplant tonight... also thanks for all the help Stitch


Dr. Doolittle
Yes, It won't make it much longer it may even already be too late; but the sooner you get that out of there the better.