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Basic security information for surfing this website.


all praises are due to the Most High
Bulénath said:
How do the pigs find your physical location thorugh your I.P, or better yet, through these posts alone? I take it every post I make has an I.P attached that almost anyone with the know-how can see? So how do the pigs take that information, and find my actual location?

Second, I would like to have internet at my grow house, because I will sit there all day and just guard my plants, out in the rural parts...If I use a proxy site to post here on ICMAG, how do the pigs find my physical location?

let me try to explain, hopefully someone will correct me if whatever i am to say is mistaken...

there are serveral types of IP, which mean Internet Protocols, which in a way, serve the task to set logical lines of communications between any given network; that is, it identifies the origin, route and destination of any given data.

so once an IP address is recorded in the log of a server that has just received info/data from a computer, people who know how to, can look into that source IP, and find out through which ISP (internet service provider) is that particular IP operating through; once you know this, you call the ISP and ask who is behind that IP; the ISP will know in general terms who may be behind such IP since it is they who provide an internet connection to such IP, they know where in their network was that info originated.

even if leo has your real IP and tracks you down; and yet they find no grow, you can always argument that whomever they were chasing after, was using your IP as proxy... it is all data on a screen that can be manipulated easily afterall.

the best safety precaution is to not post from a place in which a grow can be located.

hope that helps,



Active member
of course the safest way to get around it is stay off of the cannabis sites but obviously we can't/won't do that. i say only what i feel safe about others knowing about regarding my personal life but still remain more open than most i see around here and other sites...personally, i don't have a prob with most knowing my appx area (and many have been to my home) and feel it's the only way i can hook up with like-minded people...otherwise i never would have made it to the nugs & jugs show! i also feel we should be allowed to freely discuss our planned parties here, while leaving the exact details to pm's...our security is only our responsibility and not the website's.

but we should be free to discuss whatever is needed as long as it is respectful and harms no one...as in the case of all of the nugs & jugs threads getting removed. we were told management will get back to us on that but so far nothing...i for one would like to be able to freely discuss and post about such gatherings knowing full well it is our responsibility and ours alone. but we need a place to communicate such endeavors! i mean we're not virgins any more and we know exactly what we're getting into...eh?


Wannabreed said:
sorry for my english
i thought about sniff the data and then identify very active members in some automatized way and store them all in database (flagged)
Yes, governments can use sniffers to identify users. But that brings us back to my comments on jurisdiction and the fact that we are just small time potheads.
NOTE:This applies to the U.S only, I don't know WTF goes on in Europe and elsewhere.

Well said, Paz. I'm still picturing a trained dolphin at a keyboard.


Freedom Fighter
Bulénath said:
So you are saying even if the pigs roll up in my house and find 24 mature and 13 immature plants, unless they can tie me to internet activity which proves beyond a reasonable doubt that I am the person behind this grow operation, that I am safe?

Even if I am the only person renting the house?

No-- I was saying that if you should happen to get busted at your house for whatever, and they confiscate your comp...if you have pics or had talked about something here, and they find it....AND they can fix a location to it...you could get busted-- But hey...does that sound like a long-shot to you?? It does to me--
Of course, I am a MMJ Patient in Cali, and I have already had the authorities here about Marijuana...my wife showed them mine and my sons paperwork, and they left-- Maybe I'm just feeling a bit cocky!!
It's a old joke that every person in the intelligence community is a "know-it-all".

Besides, why would you trust the word of someone in the Air Force? They think strategically, not legally.

Consult an attorney who specializes in cyber-crime if you don't trust the advice you're getting from the internet.
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New member
Just to get everyone a little more paranoid :)


The basic idea is that the notion that there is a computer nerd sitting at a terminal trying to track people down is ridiculous. Software can filter and profile the interesting bits of data and make sense of the massive amounts of traffic and the hardware to capture the data exists. Still though, unless you are doing some major illegal shit I wouldn't be too worried. But as the old saying goes "better safe than sorry". As kmk420kali stated it will probably be the fact that you get busted in real life for a grow and then they go after the internet and computer data to seal the deal so to speak instead of tracking you down via the internet to make a case.
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Freedom Fighter
TeslaCoil said:
Just to get everyone a little more paranoid :)


The basic idea is that the notion that there is a computer nerd sitting at a terminal trying to track people down is ridiculous. Software can filter and profile the interesting bits of data and make sense of the massive amounts of traffic and the hardware to capture the data exists. Still though, unless you are doing some major illegal shit I wouldn't be too worried. But as the old saying goes "better safe than sorry". As kmk420kali stated it will probably be the fact that you get busted in real life for a grow and then they go after the internet and computer data to seal the deal so to speak instead of tracking you down via the internet to make a case.

Damn...I am glad someone is able to articulate what I meant--


Active member
ICMag Donor
i never login without an encrypted proxy and TOR should be the best so ive always used that
its a little slow so i often visit here as a guest when browsing photo treads but i never login with TOR proxy


I dont really think you have an issue with this site. As mentioned servers are overseas, etc. I do use a proxy server to access this site.

Heres the thing though. I still view this site from my home, so at SOME point, the information I type, view and read, is being transmitted back to me at MY IP address after going through the proxy.

I guess if they wanted to filter my screenname they could, but I cant even imagine the resources needed to filter all internet traffic 24/7.

Not sure how TOR works


OH and if you still got your panties in a wad, heres a bullet proof solution. Go get yourself a laptop with a wireless card for $400 from a local store and pay cash.

Every day go to McDonalds, Starbucks etc for lunch and get your ICMag fix on.


yamaha_1fan said:
OH and if you still got your panties in a wad, heres a bullet proof solution. Go get yourself a laptop with a wireless card for $400 from a local store and pay cash.

Every day go to McDonalds, Starbucks etc for lunch and get your ICMag fix on.

haha, good idea but making a habit of using the same location is still locating yourself!


cherokee said:
haha, good idea but making a habit of using the same location is still locating yourself!

Of course you wouldnt use the same place, who wants to eat McDonalds EVERY day


Listen to me jerky
yamaha_1fan said:
Heres the thing though. I still view this site from my home, so at SOME point, the information I type, view and read, is being transmitted back to me at MY IP address after going through the proxy.

This is something I have always wondered about. It's great that you can bounce you IP all over the world, but at some point that info is going through your IPS's network. What's to stop a company like Comcast from using data mining programs to figure out which of their customers might be up to something. It might not be legal, but that doesn't mean much if the police are knocking at the door.


If an ISP used data miners against it's own customers to catch potheads, there would be major fallout. AOL cooperated with a military investigation one time and it was major news. The military led them to believe that they were conducting an operation to catch a child molester, and since the user's name was Boysearch or something like that, they cooperated. It turned out that they were trying to prove that he was gay, so they could discharge him. AOL was pissed when they found out and it was a big deal at the time. IMO, if they ever did use data miners against their customers, it would be for kiddie porn or child molesters, which law enforcement considers a much greater problem than stoners/growers.

For those who are really concerned about security, there was a thread in here not too long ago where the poster outlined a security strategy that would make James Bond jealous.


Listen to me jerky
Not just potheads maybe "criminals" in general. I'm not saying they are/would do this, necessarily, but it is possible with out the use of that many people. I know I didn't read the fine print when I sign up for my internet. What could stop them from writing it into the contract that you sign? Fine print makes us sign all sorts of rights away all the time. That's why they put it in the fine print. They know 99.9% of us aren't going to read it. With all that being said I believe you are right. It sure wouldn't be in their interest to do so. It would cause quite a stir. But you have to look at the amount of rights that have been thrown out the window in the last 10 years. Whats to say ten years from now things won't be worse?


FrankRizzo said:
Not just potheads maybe "criminals" in general. I'm not saying they are/would do this, necessarily, but it is possible with out the use of that many people. I know I didn't read the fine print when I sign up for my internet. What could stop them from writing it into the contract that you sign? Fine print makes us sign all sorts of rights away all the time. That's why they put it in the fine print. They know 99.9% of us aren't going to read it. With all that being said I believe you are right. It sure wouldn't be in their interest to do so. It would cause quite a stir. But you have to look at the amount of rights that have been thrown out the window in the last 10 years. Whats to say ten years from now things won't be worse?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. The U.S. has turned from a nation of wolves to a nation of sheep.

I apololigize if I led anyone to believe that they are completely safe posting on here. The only sure-fire way to not get busted for growing/smoking pot is to not grow/smoke pot. The only sure-fire way to not get busted by posting on internet forums is to not post on internet forums. But I still think the risk is pretty low as long as you're careful about what you say. How many people got busted for posting on OG and C-world when they got raided?


Active member
what does it matter what they find on your computer after your already busted? not like they need any more evidence when your busted on site...possession is 9/10th of the law.

this subject comes up once a week but yet no one can name 1 person that has got busted for cops tracking down someones IP address....or anyone that has gone to court and had to fight that internet pictures or posts weren't theirs.

cops can't even get a warrant to raid you because your on a pot forum...what a waste of time and a goose chase that would be...and after it happened to the first person they would tell everyone what happened....if people got busted from their pics or posts you'd hear about it all the time....instead of never.


Time2Unite said:
what does it matter what they find on your computer after your already busted? not like they need any more evidence when your busted on site...possession is 9/10th of the law.

this subject comes up once a week but yet no one can name 1 person that has got busted for cops tracking down someones IP address....or anyone that has gone to court and had to fight that internet pictures or posts weren't theirs.

cops can't even get a warrant to raid you because your on a pot forum...what a waste of time and a goose chase that would be...and after it happened to the first person they would tell everyone what happened....if people got busted from their pics or posts you'd hear about it all the time....instead of never.

Like I stated in the very first post, the reason why you wouldn't hear of these people and thier grow-op's geting busted is pretty obvious. They come back to these forums as undercover informants. It is not something I like to think about, but this kind of senario seems not only plausible, but probably a living reality for all of us posting here.
I posed the same argument while conversing with my relative on this subject, who went on to say:
"Have you ever seen well established members on these forums who suddenly dissapear for a while, then re-appear? They could very well be informants, and that is why you would never hear of people getting busted from posting on even overseas forums"....
He also went on to say "It dosen't matter if the forum's server is based over seas, the information you are sending is actively being viewed and watched as it is being sent through our own country".
This relative is a former Air Force Intellegence Captin and currently works the same job for Pentagon Intellegence through a private company. Perhaps his level of expertise is of such a different nature that it can not apply...Still yet, it is all basic internet security information, and I think it is all relevent, to all of us.
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Freedom Fighter
Bulénath said:
Like I stated in the very first post, the reason why you wouldn't hear of these people and thier grow-op's geting busted is pretty obvious. They come back to these forums as undercover informants. It is not something I like to think about, but this kind of senario seems not only plausible, but probably a living reality for all of us posting here.
I posed the same argument while conversing with my relative on this subject, who went on to say:
"Have you ever seen well established members on these forums who suddenly dissapear for a while, then re-appear? They could very well be informants, and that is why you would never hear of people getting busted from posting on even overseas forums"....
He also went on to say "It dosen't matter if the forum's server is based over seas, the information you are sending is actively being viewed and watched as it is being sent through our own country".
This relative is a former Air Force Intellegence Captin and currently works the same job for Pentagon Intellegence through a private company. Perhaps his level of expertise is of such a different nature that it can not apply...Still yet, it is all basic internet security information, and I think it is all relevent, to all of us.

I am a very "Live and let live" guy...but c'mon man....that is possibly some of the most paranoid semi-psychotic stuff I have heard in a while-- :jerkit:


kmk420kali said:
I am a very "Live and let live" guy...but c'mon man....that is possibly some of the most paranoid semi-psychotic stuff I have heard in a while-- :jerkit:

It's no secret that millitary government intelligence is extremely trigger-happy paranoid. That means no exceptions when it comes the work-enviroment of the relative I speak of...
To think merely questioning his concerns aloud brands me, or my dear relative the title of a "semi-psycotic"-jerk off does not only serve to demean your own own intelligence by display of your own ignorant, arrogant remarks, but also serves to undermine the very essence of this forum, its members, and the discussions meaningful to those who choose to participate with thier best interests and whole hearted intents.
Had you actually chosen to provide a meaningful, well-thought reply instead of insulting your fellow members here at ICM, your opinions and other shared information relevent to growing would be held in much higher regard, as I have come across many of your other posts, and am saddened to say, did see as person with good information and intents every member here at ICMag can benefit and learn from.
Hopefuly in the future, you will put a little more time into a valid reply that helps everyone.