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Freebies, well do they or dont they!


Active member
gypsy, thank you , as always , just want to say i like you getting freebies out/into growers hands , for free !! monkey5

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
As always it's very heartening to here positive feedback from those that have done and continue to enjoy the 'freebies' that I have been getting out there for nearly 10 years now.....I am sure that not every single grower has had optimum success with them but seeds are a live product and so there are no absolute guarantees......we do try to make sure that the 'freebies' will bring joy to most all.......I would'nt ever want to dissapoint any grower with seeds (freebies or not) that will not germinate, so I do my best to keep them in the best possible condition before distribution......

Many I.C.'ers have joined the 'Freebie Program' and have made seeds to send in for us to distribute as 'freebies'......so returning the favour......and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for this show of kindness and genorosity.....


Making freebies is the least we could do for the chance we have to get so many fine genetix . Zoolander


ICMag Donor
We usually like to test them,,, before we send them :joint:

We'd imagine most other ppl sending in free seeds do the same :D

I n I sees it like this,, freebies are often (not always) sown out by youthful growers,, or those with nothing to loose,, so in this sense we must allow the new growers the seeds,, and patience,, to slowly learn how to grow ganja plants from seeds for themselves. Otherwise what they gonna do grow strictly from clones :no:

Freebies make it possible to make screw-ups in the garden without any collateral damage. It's a bit like when we grew bag-seed from bush-weed as kids,, only these days freebies come in packets with elaborate names and often well worked pedigree lineage :canabis:

None of which should deter people from growing out or sending in freebies,, it's a good peaceful cause :D
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Just put 5 of the Thai Haze x Skunk in paper towel, i'll post up the germ results in a few days :yes:


Haze seeker, maybe i'm being a bit keen but any news, it's been three days now and i'm curious how they faired for ya!


Hi DogBoy,
1 has cracked so far, i'm gonna move the seeds to a hotter part of the house to help them along a bit more,
this time i just put them in paper towel, in a CD case on top of the comp desk,
i usually put them in the cupboard where the hot water boiler is (perfect temps in there),
gonna move them to that area just now

peace :joint:


Well, seeing as we have done most of the freebies i thought i'd try the Mazar based freebie and see how they did. Exactly the same methods used except it's bloody cold here so the temps are slightly lower than they were for the other tests. Anyway, here you have the Mazar i Sharif after 36 hours..........

As you can see, there are a few that still have to show tap roots but many of them have actually cracked and a little longer should yield a tap root, i'm guessing there will be 3-4 that wont open but that's not too bad from a pool of fifty and i may yet be proved wrong, it's only been 36 hours.

Love the show of germing, when i get the room and time/chance to , I believe i can make some good breeds, and will pass on as many free seeds to new growers as i can. Thanks for proving they are worth it though, and thank you all who have supported others in growing, im sure ill get my hands of some when my buddies all order.


That's the spirit. If everyone contributes just one small something, be that knowledge, pips, time or whatever this community will always flourish.

It's not all about self. Sharing is where the real Karma is at!


ICMag Donor
What are you doing ...Ahhhh All those Mazar seeds ,i hope you grew some of them..Ya could have just popped 5 ,,we would have believed ya


Ive never had germination problem with freebies from Gypsy,only with some expensive brand name seeds have i had any problems,my best experiance with the freebies was giving a pack of 10 (whos ya daddy) to some friends who were doing things a little tough ,they grew 6 fine ladys in their veggie garden that year and get me to order packs for them ever since, like Gypsy says "It starts with a seed"


Active member
hmmmm ... dogboy, i pretty much germinate the same way as you did in the original post. my germ rates have been pretty bad lately. after some thought i realized that i am not using the same brand of paper towel that i normally use . could it be ... ? anyone ever traced poor germination to using "bad" paper towels ?


Well, if you've eliminated all the other factors, including simple bad luck, you will eventually stumble on the problem. I usually find when i have a run of bad germ it's something ambient like temps too low or maybe i didn't research the strain well enough and it might need a scuff to help it open. It's generally something simple though and you just need to run through a process of elimination, if the only thing that's different lately is your choice of paper brand then try changing back and test germing some of your lower choice seeds.

As for the paper idea itself, i do buy the idea that paper can, and i stress can, have an effect and believe it to be something to do with the bleaching process as changing to a non white version works for me but another grower who's skill i respect thinks i'm wrong so the jury is out on that one. Always a good idea to consider it a factor though until proven otherwise.

Maybe you should do a test of a few major brand paper towels and let us know the results. Could prove useful info and i know i would be curious to add weight to the debate. If i'm wrong i'd love to eliminate the option.


Active member
i dont sprout enough seeds to do any sort of meaningful test, but i will go back to my regular brand of paper towel and definitely keep an eye on what happens in the future.


New member
the mazarXafgan kush from cannibus-seeds.nl freebies sucked!

wet papertown rolled up in a ziplock bag on top of the floros.
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You might want to try the test without sealing them in an airtight bag. Mould and bacteria love nothing better than still air and sitting water. In nature you would never get a hermetic environment for germination and while i've seen it work many times i really dont buy into the sealed bag of water method as it's been the yielder of such varied results. If you try the same seeds in an open case you might find that the germ rate increases.

Airflow is, i believe, a critical factor in preventing mould and bacteria issues and while you may not see a visual indicator of the problem i am convinced it can often be a factor in sealed environments. Couple that with the fact there is no real valid reason to seal them as opposed to leaving them open and you see where i'm coming from.

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