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Blunt69s Fabulous Recovery


the keeper of the creeper
Vh, i havent tried scrog in a long time.. last time i did i had a nice even canopy. However, it was hard to maintain because of my room... I cant get to the plants in the middle or back with a net ... So this is why im now using the tomatoe cages.. Once i thin everything out you will see what I am going for, well pruned trees. Its awsome cause i am going to get ALOT of clones from these, I will be wacking about 1/3 1/4 maybe more of each plant hopefully tonight.... will update again. I like growing the chunky fat danky bud!!!Trees seem to do it everytime..


the keeper of the creeper
Oh man.... I shodda kicked them in earlier......sigh... Im already having to train them downwards!!!lol..... Most of my sick ladies are now almost 5-5.5 feet tall... uh.....whoops....subsiquently I had to HACK ALOT of crap off.

This trimming method is called a lollypop. Everything bottom up gets cut off,including my main shoots... I am looking for the main stalks to develop.. I definatly did a much better job then my previous rounds... Have a look at the lollypopped ladies!!! You can see I try to leave all possible leaves I can when doing this. some get damaged or chopped, sun catchers are your friend. I also cut small developments (branches) up top, more you hack off, bigger the main colas get.opening up your main shoots allows for light penatration all the way down the stalk.




and here is a shot of my cloning chamber...nothing special 100% success rate using nothing more then what is seen.. I use rooting power and gel, both work the same. This time it was gell cause i was out of powder... took Way more then usual.. a friend of mine wants the widow!




It's looking good in there. Shouldn't be to long before there are some hairs popping out.

I have to say thanks for the peat pucks thread. I have great success with them. :jump: :jump: :jump: I have found that a heat mat is esstenial or at least it is in my case. With the heat mat I get roots in 7-10 days with out it 3 weeks or more.


the keeper of the creeper
Excellent!!! im glad da peat puck freaks thread was informative for ya!! I dont use a heat pad because of the cuby i clone in, the lights warm the entire area up , I clone on a 24/0 light schedule.

Couple more shots of the bonsied jobby pruning job. They are freaking huge!!! I will be raising the light very very soon....




and the tops



i can see little hairs popping out!!!! let the SHOW BEGIN!!!


the keeper of the creeper
System stats.

upper trays temp 76
lower trays temp 67

room temp 30 C
humidity - 46%

PPM - 1000
ph - 6.2

To date ZERO rez exchanges. i will be running a full 2- week flush at the end, my last harvest was not good enough...


the keeper of the creeper
Hey there everybody!! A quick update !!Just had a peek inside the room.....I have officially broken largest plant barrier grown in my room.... I actually had to lengthen my light wire it was to short!!! :eek: :eek: i might have another few inchs of up travel left..Im damn near maxed out...

I normally set large buffer zones that i grow within.... I am way outta of that buffer zone..ive been out of it before ...but....not like this..... The plants will be 6 + feet if they keep this up, and im going to need every square inch of head room the trays offer me........ pictures to follow........ Im trying to figure out a way to photograph this HUGENESS :D :D This is only a 7X5X8 foot space.......

please stop stretching girls..please please please!...damn what long stalks you have......lolol
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Custom User Title
For some stupid reason I never read through your threads. :bashhead:

I just went through BUILD THE MAGIC TRAYS, BLUNTS XMAS GIFT, and Blunt Gets Serious. Watching your progression is amazing, you've got some of the best plants I've seen. And it's all about the basics. Get your environment in line, and keep your nutes simple.


I can't wait to see the size of these colas... I'm sure those tomato cages will be put to good use!


the keeper of the creeper
bounty29 - Hey thanks for finally taking a tour through my threads!!

You are very correct, my style of growing is all about just this. The basics. My intial plan was to build a high efficiency, low operation cost system that could be built from scratch using few tools. I also wanted it "stoner" proof, where by it DID NOT need to be babysat around the clock. Basically I wanted a system that would run it'self. Some say impossible, i said doable.

The Magic Trays are what resulted from my initial plan. The design has changed a few times and will continue to change as i continue to fix the small hinerances that cause me more work.

Currently I replace, 1 - 4 liter of gh bloom per 2.0 grows, and 1 - 4 liter of GH micro every 3 grows. Thats super CHEAP for base nutes. I have proved to myself that you dont need to spend a shitload on nutes for results. My results now speak for themselves, slowly adding new componets to the system making it even better. There are still things i want to fix/add to the system. The room now achieves 2+ per harvest using one hortilux 1k bulb.

Stay tuned these girls are.....well.. HUGE......Fars i can tell I have 6 healthy White Widows about to go into full bloom!!!! Peace bro enjoy the show!

To all my viewers......i know i know..... this is a new page???? where the hell are the pics????? Im on it....i am still pondering how the @(&# im gonna photograph the sheer size of these things.....lol..My problem is i cant back up to get them to fit in the view finder....I need an anti zoom feature on my cam!!!lol
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the keeper of the creeper
Well folks...ive lost them......no not literally, but they are outta control!!! This is the second time ive grown the widow.... and it streches like crazy......
Here are some pictures of the latest... Light needs to move up again, few things need some rearranging..... They aRE HUGE!!!

latest shots !!!! enjoy!





that DIY carbon filter i made. Well officially this it's it's fisrt real test. It;s the Fing bomb....... The widow is stinky, yet i smell nothing, awsome. awsome...
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The plants are starting to bud up nicely for you. I hope they don't get to outta control for you. It sucks when you run outta head room and have to scramble to make adjustments, been there done that.


Hey there Blunt looks good!! Glad to see you are keeping the widow going. I just finished drying the widow I grew, your strain looks quite similar to mine..... this was my first attempt at growing outdoor and WOW!! I think I'm gonna do that every year from now on. they were huge bigger than me and I planted them late to boot!! the entire plant turned purple and the smoke is nice. Hope yours turn out just as good. I'll be watching!!


the keeper of the creeper
hello hello!!!!

here are sum updates everyone!!! the main colas are large..... very large...... However they are starting to grow pass the light... which sucks....

I also had to flush the system. PPMs kept creeping upwards which is a sign of a salt buildup.Always seems to happen when i use my bloom addy...

The root systems on these babies are HUGE!! the trays are full of nothing but rootmass!!!1

I'll get this widow figured out yet...... like maybe 2 weeks veg next time.......sheesh!!! anyways very stinky very sticky!!!



abit outta focus....but huge.....


Ratty696 - good to here from ya bro!!! yes the widow has been kept alive!!! It yeilds a bit less, but i love the taste of it.....Glad the outdoor turned out for you dude!!! Warm climate must sure be nice!

have a great weekend everyone!
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Active member
wow, blunt!! :canabis: :jawdrop:

man, you are going to have some arm-sized colas!!

keep that humidity in check, though...i'd hate to hear you lost any to mold, bro.

that is one sweet system!


the keeper of the creeper
No worries sleepy!!! I have a dehumidifier on the job!!! never lost any to mold.... humidy is 49% currently.

thanks for stopping in bud!!!!


New member
This is an amazing grow I finally jumped over here from reading about the magic trays and might I say you've done some amazing work with these things.


Been followin the thread, great job Blunt those widows are awesome! You are gonna have some fat colas for sure! :rasta:


the keeper of the creeper
wh1te - Thanks for finding your wayinto my thread!!! I actually am very dissapointed with myself on this one... The damn things are to darn big!!! Trays are a work in progress, however i think they are getting towards a final version!!!

RedXIII - yes im sure they will be!! cant wait for final yields..... im a getting down in me stash levels....lol Thanks!

Ratty696 - yes this is an all widow round..... no worries, i recovered my staple strain the northern lights!!! I lost it cloning last round, forgot......thanks god for friends!!!

Purkle - All good all good thanks for your kind comments, keep watchin.... I think arm sized may be a little underestimated....lol

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