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Favorite Stoner Activities


Not in any particular order....

Backyard BBQ & pigout
Fishing (lakefront property)
Thievin MP3's & finding some great-ass musica
Any kind of travel (love seeing the sights)
Surfin the web
Enjoyin a hummer from my honey


with it starting to get cold out i get stoned and head out in the woods to cut them down for heat ,the dead ones of course it is best to get the ones that have been dead a couple years



Registered Pothead
I love just listening to music and also i love watching my lil girl run around all crazy yelling and screaming.
In no particular order ...
Playing ball with my dog
Mowing the yard on my bitchen' John Deere
Watching my 3yo trying to dress himself (or any other difficult task)
Fishing (seems to be a popular stoner activity)
Sailing (try it, there's really nothing better)

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livin my way the high way
dude +rep for you danger mouse sailing is prolly one of my all time favorite things to do. i barely ever get to go but i sure do love it along with SCUBA. small boats like that one are the best.
Zingablack, Thanks bro! The boat in the pic is a friends 40'er. That's me on the Port winch. I used to sail a lot on the Chesapeake Bay. Sold my big boat when I moved out of the area, but have a little 20'er now. Don't have time to sail much anymore either, but I dream about it a lot. SCUBA is awesome as well, but can't do that very often either.




livin my way the high way
yea ive only been diving once in my life. well it was a week long diving cruise. nektoncruises.com to be exact. it was awesome not only for the diving they waited on you hand and foot. one night i was up till early morning hours and i was talking to a chick that was up too and said how good some fresh cookies would be. about 15 mins later one of the crew brought out 20 choco chunk cookies and chocolate dipping sauce. holy crap it was sooooo tasty


Active member
someone listed bud trimming above. you have got to be crazy. by far the worst part of growing your own and smoking is the trimming that comes a long with it. ask nearly anyone who has had to do it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
RudolfTheRed said:
someone listed bud trimming above. you have got to be crazy. by far the worst part of growing your own and smoking is the trimming that comes a long with it. ask nearly anyone who has had to do it.
I love it bro,
and the worst part 'bout being rich is having to count all that money.......

EDIT: OK, OK, trimmings not always a blast.......
The only time I didn't enjoy trimming was when I did it for a friend of a friend who wound up being a bit of a maniac years later, I knew I didn't like him though the moment we got behind closed doors with each other; the mofo was way too edgey/twitchy in the worst kinda way. Lousy karma I can still feel to this day & trimmed way to much bud for not enuff weed in return.
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read about politics and political strategy
chill with my cat
chill with my girl when she's not pissed at me for blazing before i see her
think about my master plan to make money through investing and not have to work for anyone


Mother Nature's Son
Wow, listening to music seems to be popular, but I am amazed I only saw one person say "playing music."
Love to play guitar.
Reading (mostly Frank Herbert stuff).
Being outside.
Lately I have been firing my bow, and I love it!! Gotta love Archery!

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