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Teen's New Name Is "CutoutDissection.com"


Well-known member
And we wounder why we are not the top country(US) for science any more.

We use animals (for dissection)because human cadavers are to expensive.

straight A science student


all praises are due to the Most High
that site is crazy... i thought it was a good looking 19 year old girl posing naked to raise funds for her cause, hence why her dad did not approve but after seeing how animals suffer he understood, so now no problem with naked pics of daughter on the net. you know what i am saying? :nono:


Resident pissy old man
I think it is a crying shame that they cut up thousands of frogs in school classes. Those tasty legs could be feeding several redneck families in good fashion. Frog legs fried in a tasty batter is a fine meal. Why waste them on a bunch of dumbass kids ,most of whom will wind up on welfare anyway!


all praises are due to the Most High
well, what i do know is that when i had to dissect animals in middle and high school, i just refused, failed the assigment and got a shitty grade for the class... gaining the admiration of the female class mates as a result. good trade imo.


spreadin da love
what a dumb girl...

on second thought I think people in ashville just take everything to far... weirdest pot town I've ever been too... t:bashhead:
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
RudolfTheRed said:
Good for you. Your for animal testing. So you'll have no problem when I go around killing humans so I can test on them. Hey, now what makes you think your excluded? If your cat has it coming my guess is so does 99% of the human race.
And don't flip flop and say we can't test on humans. we are animals. you said you were for animal testing.

but in all seriousness a lot of animals used for dissection ARE taken from the wild. http://environment.about.com/od/biodiversityconservation/a/dissection.htm

The reason you can't try it on me is because i will fuck you up!
NOKUY said:
im changin my name to "leavemethefuckalone.com" ...if its not taken yet.

edit...errr taken and lame. :bashhead:

ASSSHOLE! (not you, him)

He just told me to kill myself. Hey buddy, just cause I work in marketing doesn't mean I LIKE calling your rude ass at 6 PM, when I'd MUCH rather be home with my girl smoking a bowl. Instead, I'd like to be able to get the PELL grant I KNOW i deserve(i got it when i lived with my parents, but for some reason, if i get a part time and move out and have a dependent they take it away?!?!?!) and be studying to do something useful, but because idiots like you spend their money on sites about stupid CRAP instead of about how lopsided society and government spending is or how students are fucked up the ass daily or about how weed shouldn't be illegal or about ANYTHING, really, ANYTHING, cause the site is about NOTHIIIIIIIIING, I'm flat out of luck.


Yukon, I move we buy you that site. We'll take him to court for cybersquatting and say we're gonna use it for a campaign against government intervention in personal, private matters, ie, our lovely little habit. Although... i KNOW that's not exactly your meaning of "leave me the fuck alone" hehe.

rant over.


all praises are due to the Most High
i did not understand what trying to blend wrote...

anyway, i meant to tell you mr. pops, you sound a bit sick, do u have the flu or something? you are thinking and concerning yourself with how will rednecks feed without frogs and not about good looking 19 year old girls? i know the one on yukon´s favorite site is not that ´gifted´, but you can still dream and speculate


Active member
on second thought I think people in ashville just take everything to far... weirdest pot town I've ever been too...
Exactly why every fucking person in Asheville has a "keep asheville weird' sticker on the bumper of there car.
I want to sit along I-40 in asheville with my rifle and clip these fucks off when they drive by. i'm glad i moved away from asheville anyway. theres much better pot towns in North Carolina.
Its called Boone!!!! (i don't live there either now, but i have in the past). hell, i would argue boone is the best college/pot town on the east coast and it rivals some west coast places.
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Good for you. Your for animal testing. So you'll have no problem when I go around killing humans so I can test on them.

Why not just join PETA? They don't mind hurting people, and you wouldn't even have to go through all the work of doing test.

Seriously, this girl and others like her, just don't need to personify animals so much. We like to give things human qualities because that's how we're programed. We're social animals, it's just part of being social. But when you take it farther than it's needed or practical, you get PETA and its followers.


Active member
Uh, humans are animals. If we're going to support 'animal testing' lets be consistent here. That's all I ask. What makes you more important than the frog??? Because you walk on two legs and drive a car to work??? I want to know.

And if you couldn't tell I'm not being very serious.... only half serious. I don't think humans are more important than frogs or any other species. We only think we are. that doesn't mean i actually advocate violence or think we should go around dissecting live humans haha. so I hate to disappoint but I wont be joining PETA.
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Yes, I know humans are animals. And we do testing on humans all the time (including dissection).

I don't really understand the argument that humans are not more important than any other animal. Can you name one animal that has had more of impact on the world than humans (within a comparable amount of time)? Can you name one animal with an imagination and foresight? Can you name one animal that is conscious of itself? It's really the big brain that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Honestly, I think every one of you people here are more important than frogs. I would kill a frog to save your life. And if you wouldn't do the same for me, well whatever. What do you mean that the only we reason we are more important is because we think we are? Are you wanting for some other being to decide? I really don't know who/what you think should be the decider, if it's no us.

And what practical reason is there to not do studies on animals? There's plenty of reasons for it, but I haven't heard of one well thought out reason for against it.


ksac said:
Yes, I know humans are animals. And we do testing on humans all the time (including dissection).

I don't really understand the argument that humans are not more important than any other animal. Can you name one animal that has had more of impact on the world than humans (within a comparable amount of time)? Can you name one animal with an imagination and foresight? Can you name one animal that is conscious of itself? It's really the big brain that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Honestly, I think every one of you people here are more important than frogs. I would kill a frog to save your life. And if you wouldn't do the same for me, well whatever. What do you mean that the only we reason we are more important is because we think we are? Are you wanting for some other being to decide? I really don't know who/what you think should be the decider, if it's no us.

And what practical reason is there to not do studies on animals? There's plenty of reasons for it, but I haven't heard of one well thought out reason for against it.

Worms without them the soil is to dense for plants and you don't exist
Cats are aware of themselves as are dolphins I think moneys and many other animals
The imagination and forsight is harder but I know a seal that can do problems
(tell the difference between letters and numbers)
Kill a frog for a human kill a human for a frog equal trade
Everything is equally important from rocks to dust to humans to bugs.
For without one thing fate falls apart, and existance ceases to be
scientific fact

btw you're not actualy thinking you just think you are.
Realy you're brains just proccesesing input like a computer does you have no choice free will or thought these are all illusions


Active member
geez...i should stay out of the shit i start..lol

but a cpl things come to mind...

ksac said:
Can you name one animal that has had more of impact on the world than humans (within a comparable amount of time)?

true but not in a good way in my opinion....i love this joe rogan video...he says it better than i can:


Can you name one animal with an imagination and foresight? Can you name one animal that is conscious of itself?

my dog and former dogs and friends dogs are conscious of themselves, and somehow they are less selfish than my human friends. (i dont know everything that goes on in a dogs mind, but i know they have imagination, personality, and foresight)....(unconditional love can be a big fault tho)

And what practical reason is there to not do studies on animals? There's plenty of reasons for it, but I haven't heard of one well thought out reason for against it.

i'm fine w/ animal studies....i'd even donate my own body to medicine after i die if i thought it would help....even tho i plan to die in the woods and go back to the earth w/ wolves and bears getting a feast.


Worms without them the soil is to dense for plants and you don't exist

Plants have been around long before worms (or any surface animal). In fact, if you took the plants away, the worms would die.

The imagination and forsight is harder but I know a seal that can do problems
(tell the difference between letters and numbers)

This does not qualify as foresight nor imagination.

For without one thing fate falls apart, and existance ceases to be
scientific fact

I do not subscribe to the fate school of thought, and have no reason to. This may be beyond your point, but many animals have become extinct since humans have existed, yet we are still here, doing fine.

btw you're not actualy thinking you just think you are.

This statement suffers from self-contradiction. I see your point, but an argument for/against the existence of free-will is for another topic.

true but not in a good way in my opinion....i love this joe rogan video...he says it better than i can:

I like Joe Rogan and is a really nice guy, I have had the pleasure to meet and roll with him (bjj term), but he's not the most logical person. His analogies are terrible and flawed. He's not stupid, but he's just smart enough to justify absurd notions to himself. He's been know to support some really wacky theories.

i dont know everything that goes on in a dogs mind, but i know they have imagination, personality, and foresight

This is more of that personification I was talking about. Now, they may have personalities, but this is far from foresight or imagination.

Cats are aware of themselves as are dolphins I think moneys and many other animals
my dog and former dogs and friends dogs are conscious of themselves, and somehow they are less selfish than my human friends.

Ok, I'm going to make it a little harder for you guys. I'm going to give you a definition to explain what I mean when I say conscience of itself. "the capacity to think about, and therefore conceptualize, one's own thoughts"

I don't believe your dog or cat meets this requirement.


ksac said:
I find this quote to be very disturbing, and I am not able to justify this morally.

Damn, you're right. That is one disturbing quote.

With that revised definition I would just have to think WAAAAAY to hard and much to reply lol

Good thread


lol bowlgrinder, I'm tired of all the thinking too.

And now Sheriff wants me to define it. That wouldn't be very easy. The definition I gave for conscience is not my own. I read it somewhere, and wish I could remember where I read it, so I could give proper credit.

Anyways, I'll have to get back with you on that Sheriff, I'm off to bed.

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