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Why is weed the hardest........



i thought it was called a weed because its impossible to erradicate?

truely after looking at your plants pics i must guess... you out of weed? thats why your buggin?


Sneak attack critical
I gotta tell you, it's called weed for a reason.

You provide the environment and it'll do all the hard work...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I don't see any major problems with your pix m8.....
Like Frank said though....practice makes perfect! Keep on doing what you're doing...
seems like you're on the right track.


full time daddy
"dub h" horse shit n hose water, i seen it .... growing is only as hard as you make it


weed is the easiest plant to grow.

You are over thinking it if it isn't easy.

I can't grow aloe vera, everyone tells me it is super easy, and I kill it every time.
Pretty sure at this point its because I have told myself it is hard to grow and not because it actually is.
stoned teacher said:
Grow looks good to me....

Do you use RO water or have you measured your tap water? Do you have a ph and ec pen?

I like coco as well personally, but i think as long as you can know what you're giving your plants, it's easy...if you don't it's just guessing.

Distilled water.


Hopeless One said:
They look much better in the pics then they do when you examine them up close, alot of the older leaves are gradually dying off.

Well, depending on how far along you are into flower, that's perfectly normal.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Hopeless One said:
plant to grow?????? You can never get the nutrients right, whether you go half strength or full or whatever, its always deficient in something or another and always over done with something or another. Ive noticed any plant but weed is pretty much keep it watered and feed it occassionally and it thrives, weed on the other hand doesnt ever thrive like it should. :rant:

I first started growing when i was 13 with some bagseed and dirt i dug up in the back yard. Potted up some plants and bought a 400 switchable. Jammed a piece of wood in my closet and hung my light from that. No filters, no fans, no blowers, no testers, no nutrients, no light barrier (beyond the barely hung closet door) and it was some of best weed ive ever had. Now im not sure if that is my abilities, or the weed around here is just THAT BAD, but it is hard for me to buy better herb than it is to me to grow it...
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bounty29 said:
I played with distilled water, thinking it'd be better because I was starting with a clean slate. The headaches I got from trying to figure out the correct dose of CalMag and the unstable PH of distilled water weren't worth it. I haven't used CalMag in a loooong time, and I just let my tap water sit out for 24+ hours before I use it.

This might be your problem a little tip from BOUNTY29

Just keep this in mind they take a lot more punishment than you think

My biggest problem was over reacting and thinking the problem has to be solved right away or it will die

Find a guru plenty of them in here copy their style most do not mind helping

When you run into problems make little adjustments not drastic measures stick to one system

Take in mind a lot of the plants you see here are clones from very experienced growers and most can grow them blind folded and have forgotten more about growing than most of us will ever know


maryj315 said:
Take in mind a lot of the plants you see here are clones from very experienced growers and most can grow them blind folded and have forgotten more about growing than most of us will ever know

tru that!!!k+


Its very simple and I think we make it much more complicated then it needs to be . Zoo


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Excuse me, these are weeds! It takes a lot of hard, dedicated work to kill them.
Thanks alot for everyones advice, Im not so worried about it now, I now have a much worse threat facing my plant that I dont care to go into detail about, but it has me really pissed.


Active member
Hopeless One said:
plant to grow?????? You can never get the nutrients right, whether you go half strength or full or whatever, its always deficient in something or another and always over done with something or another. Ive noticed any plant but weed is pretty much keep it watered and feed it occassionally and it thrives, weed on the other hand doesnt ever thrive like it should. :rant:

i think its just you lol. weed is water and feed every now and then and other plants are water.. feed twice and then die on me for no obvious reason :biglaugh:
you just need to learn what they like and you will have no trouble at all. try a simple medium(peat n perlite) and a different fertiliser.. i use 10.6 4.4 1.7, at all stages going by the colour of the plant it mostly uses nitrogen and you top up on it when the plant goes lighter in colour. miss the feeding with high nitrogen at 2-4weeks in flower and your plant will kill off leaves early and lower yeild e.et..c e.t.c


It is easy to grow but hard to grow right. Which is true for almost any plant. You have to work with it, understand its needs and most important try over and over again. I don't think any common plant is really that difficult (excluding exotics that need 5 years to bloom and what not). But the question is how well can you grow it. It isn't easy to grow great perfect buds with no def and seemingly no stress and to the strains fullest potential as far as flavor and potency. A good example is strawberries. Very easy to grow and get some good strawberries, but hard to get a handful of reaaaal fat juicy, extra sweet strawberries with the fullest flavor perfectly grown.

Took me two years (3 runs) and at first I thought strawberries were 'easy' to grow but I had no idea the potential if I actually put forth the effort, great strawberries takes a bit more attention, practice and time. I still think they could be better but the difference between the two is more than significant. It takes time, but like I said #1 thing is to not give up because you can read all day long but I think its clear to everyone that experience is the best teacher!
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