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AK-47 how many different phenos?


mmm, mota graciously gave me some serious ak 47 bred, dinstinctly bred for the ludens cough drop flavor... medicinal cherry.



you could also look for a pheno that is distinct darker in the leafs than the other ones. I find the high a little stronger and it tastes marginally better.

I think ak47 is a bit coarse, but love it. Good allround smoke. Starting my 4th run on the same clone...started with a pack of 11 from Simon.


i have a new pack of ak47 bought at the end of July . but i started growing on ak47
in 03 and it is some killer smoke .but i have been reading on some threads that they changed their strain of ak47 .but it could just be rumors. the first pack i grew their was a couple of cherry plants in a pack the ones more cherry was the fat indaca leaning
plants. real green and oily leafs. and their where some sativa phenos thin leaf structure
and all .all where very sticky .the sativa was racy at first then settled in to a good body buzz. then the indaca pheno if left to flower longer and cure 3 months it would
glue you to the chair and you could not move you where in shock at how powerful
this stuff was.