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Seedling trouble


My seedlings are about 9 days old and I am having some problems. I just watered them yesterday with the tiniest amount of nutrients. Some of the leaves are starting to droop, and few of the tips are turning yellow and look almost burnt. I just got my six inch S&P fan and it is still not installed. Could the heat in the box have something to do with it? Also, my pH is a little high, would this be the problem?

All help is appreciated, I will post a pics as soon as I borrow a camera.


If they are only 9 days old then they probably aren't quite ready for feeding yet.

Why did you decide you needed to feed? Were they showing signs of nutrient deficiency?

As far as the tips yellowing, that's possibly a sign a nitrogen burn, not temperature burn -- although it could be temperature burn. If you have them under a strong light and you spilled water with the nutes in it on the leaves, that could also be a cause.

Those are just possibilities however.

The "drooping" that you're seeing is possibly from over-watering them -- the plant will droop some when it's watered so again, just conjecture from the description.

It's really all just guesses from your descriptions. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Additional information such as what you fed them, what kind of lights they are under, what kind of medium you are in, etc. is helpful when asking for advice.

Take a look in the infirmary. You might find your answers or at least see how people are able to get help.

-Q :rasta:


the tips of the leaves of two seedlings were already turning yellow before i watered them. it was some ridiculously small amount of nutrients, i think between an 8th and a 16th dose. whether it was the nutes or otherwise, the plants had a quick growth spurt and their leaves got substantially bigger. two seedlings have somewhat droopy leaves curling downwards and two of them have just some of the tips of the spikes on the leaves brown and crispy looking. they are about 2 inches from cfl's and about a foot and a half from 150w cooltubed hps.


I would move the CFLs away a few inches. At the seedling stage they could easily get burned and they don't need that much light.

Also I agree with flushing the plants to remove any excess of ferts, then abstain from watering until they show that they want it and the soil is dry a couple of inches down.

Happy growing


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Not sure if you should be flushing 9 day old seedlings

You might drown then,

I would try and increase my heat and humidity, to encourage them to grow, while giving them pure water, but flushing may soak them too much and eventually kill them. At 9 days you are lucky if they have their second set of leaves, and will have very delicate root and stem structures.

Perosnally mine wait about 3 weeks before I even think of giving them anything other than ph water