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Cheapest way to clone?


stoned teacher

SirSmokalot said:
i used RR and did not like the maint. of it and lost a tray once. make sure they are not to wet either or they will rot. i had about 75% with that method

Yeah I can't believe so many people have so much success with rapid rooters....
can't wet it too much but definately can't let it dry out....but with coco, you could water it every day or every 3 days....it won't get too wet and a well watered cup of coco stays wet enough with a cutting in it for plenty of time to relax and not pay attention to it...


I fully endorse the bubbler cloner too

I have just taken cuttings off WHITE RUSSIAN 3/4 weeks into flower and have roots on them after 7 days exactly

People told me from a flowering plant would take alot longer but even in with this method they were quick

I have a tub that is approx 45cm x 30cm x 30cm
I have 2 12" air stones in there and a heater set at 78 degrees I ve used this method alot it is very simply, just put them in leave them under floro or just by the side of a hps/mh, thats what I do....on 18/6

Love it!
There is no other simplier method for clongin FACT
Minimum maintence and work

The problem with bubble cloners is they use electricity. Constantly. Plus some of us are taking 100's a cuts every week. For those reasons I just use rapid rooters and trays. I use domes, and spray the domes. Every now and then the cuts get some kelp spray. I use either dip and grow or clonex and haven't had a problem. Plus I can easily move each tray around without unplugging etc. I have 6 trays, capable of 40 cuts per tray with not ill effects. 240 cuts for something like $30 for everything. And no electricity :)


Bubble cloner and rockwool cloning are the way i go. :joint: Whatever you do just k.i.s.s! The less i do with my clones the better they come out. 100% for the last few rounds of cloning so just find what works for you and dail that way in! :rasta:

Tony Danza

My last few cuttings have been rooted in a cup of water, flowering clones too, under ten days. I think Humidity and Temperature are 90% of the process, around 50% rh and water/air temps between 70-80 and a cut will root in just about anything.

If your cloner has moving parts, you're trying to hard. A cup of perlite/coco/water is all you need. And stop checking those things all the time, if it didn't have roots yesterday, it isn't going to have them today, give it a couple days.


stoned teacher said:
take cutting, maybe a lil scraping on the side, dip in cutting stuff, put in....
...the EZ Cloner and come back in 7 days.

Tony Danza said:
If your cloner has moving parts, you're trying to hard.
C'mon Tony Danza :bashhead: Thats almost the silliest thing I've ever heard (sorry but you got 2nd place... maybe next time, eh). There are a million ways to skin this cat. Its all okay as long as we get roots, right? :canabis:

These cuts were taken 10/9 and tranplanted into coco cups 10/16 - 7 days. I could've moved them at 5 days... The "lil scraping on the side" gives the stems crazy roots all around.

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Active member
A glass of water works.
I get good roots in 7 days with this contraption.

Pump, tube & stone a friend chucked in the garbage because it didnt work. I grabed it pulled it appart and fixed it in 2 mins flat. Still works till this day...
Ice Cream $0

Total $0

Well, I've been one to try stuff and figure it out for myself.

At first I was never sucessful with cloning. They died off. I was sold on a "$100+ dollar multi site cloner machine", but before buying one, I tried it the cheap way one last time.

Then I tried the "rapid root" GH plugs (peat pucks) don't really think it matters what brand, I've let them dry out and rehydrate them and worked fine.

I take my cuttings with a razor blade, then recut the tips at a nice angle.
Then I use root gel (standard fair "butyric acid" stuff) and dip them in the gel for 2 minutes or so. It's easy to damage the stem when pushing it into the "hole", I like to take a pencil and clear the way before hand.

After placing the cutting in the hole, we then plug the hole up with a bit of loose coco, just so that it fits nice and tight, again a pencil or paper clip helps here.

Then I go into my cheapo humidity dome.

I spray with a PH'd mixture of water and rhizotonic 2-3 times per day.

My first clones took a long time to root, at least 10 days. But all of a sudden there were roots everywhere, busting out all over the exposed stems above ground, and below.

I've noticed the leaves tend to yellow and look unhappy the longer they go in the dome. Adding about 6 "eyedropper" drops of canna A/B per 32 oz seems to have helped this a bunch. I think having a super light dose of nutrients helps keep the clones green.

Now I'm on my 3rd batch, and it works pretty well.

I should really run a side by side test, but I think the rhizotonic really makes a difference.

So on the "cheap" note, the plugs cost $5 or so (I should mention I rinse them with a light hygrozyme water mix if they got dried out, but that shouldn't be critical).

The rhizotonic is the most expensive, but for me, I already had it, and it'll last you soooooooo long if you're just foliar spraying, I think you get the most bang for the buck foliar spraying with it. Really gives robust root growth, I use it 3-4 times daily for 2-3 weeks of veg'ing. Cost $30 for a small bottle, $60 for the 1 liter. Actual cost for one 32 oz foliar spray bottle's worth, less than $1.

The dome with closeable vents was $7 or so.

Total cost is $12 for straight water method. The cost with rhizotonic is a tad more, but worth it.
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Tony Danza

Greyskull said:
...the EZ Cloner and come back in 7 days.

C'mon Tony Danza :bashhead: Thats almost the silliest thing I've ever heard (sorry but you got 2nd place... maybe next time, eh). There are a million ways to skin this cat. Its all okay as long as we get roots, right? :canabis:

These cuts were taken 10/9 and tranplanted into coco cups 10/16 - 7 days. I could've moved them at 5 days... The "lil scraping on the side" gives the stems crazy roots all around.

I may have been guilty of hyperbole there, but not too badly, I mean how mundane can your average day be if that was the second silliest thing you ever heard. That's only like the 15th silliest thing I've said in the last 24 hours.

But aside from the silliness, e-z clone can be a useful tool if you need a lot of clones and you need them fast, but if your not doing a sog or a warehouse full of trees, it's just gonna be overkill, and expensive overkill at that. If your turnover rate meets your demands for pennies a clone, the initial investment in cash and space for the EZ never pays off. But you do have nice roots there and if you can afford it, great. But the smallest EZ they make costs more than my light and vortec put together. I think many hobby growers find themselves chucking excess clones rather than wishing they would root faster.

My point being was that people tend to obsess over the substrate, and the dome, and cutting it under water, and all sorts of other things when simple temperature and humidity control makes 90% of cuts root 90% of the time in whatever you stick them in. Failures from pathogens and drying out are just as likely in an EZ as it is in a cup of perlite. Ive seen both methods fail terribly and both methods work well.

The more complex of a tool you use, the more ways it can fail, my cuts can root without any electricity and without depending on nozzles not clogging.

So I don't think it was that silly. I was just trying to get people to focus on the basic factors of success rather than obsessing over technique--which is still pretty fun and could possible lead to me building something weirder just for shits, I do have a fogger I'm not using.....

Peace, and nice roots to all, no matter how you get them.
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Tony Danza said:
I may have been guilty of hyperbole there, but not too badly, I mean how mundane can your average day be if that was the second silliest thing you ever heard. That's only like the 15th silliest thing I've said in the last 24 hours.
That's cause I spend a lot of time with my plants. Totally guilty.

But you do have nice roots there and if you can afford it, great. But the smallest EZ they make costs more than my light and vortec put together. I think many hobby growers find themselves chucking excess clones rather than wishing they would root faster.
You know maybe they didn't make them with the hobbiest in mind.

Peace, and nice roots to all, no matter how you get them.
thats the morale of the story!


For those guys who use bubblers, homemade or not, do you dip your cut in rooting gel and/or use a small nutrient solution in the bubbling water? What exactly is your formula for 5-7 day roots?

Wanting something a little quicker than peat pellets and have most the stuff lying around to make one. :rasta:


justanotherbozo said:
a couple of ml's of ThriveAlive B1 Red and 1 drop of Superthrive per gallon.

it'll work with straight water also, just takes a little longer.

i've tried dipping my cuts in Rootech rooting hormone with no noticable improvement.

What % of the cut do you keep submersed in the bubbling water?

Using GH 3 part flora series, anyone out there mix a very weak solution of this into their bubbler water with success?


AbaZabba said:
For those guys who use bubblers, homemade or not, do you dip your cut in rooting gel and/or use a small nutrient solution in the bubbling water? What exactly is your formula for 5-7 day roots?

Wanting something a little quicker than peat pellets and have most the stuff lying around to make one. :rasta:
Aloha! I dip the bottom 3/4-1" of each tip in clonex, and swirl it around for about 5 seconds before I place the collar around the stem and place them into the ezclone. I've done the exact same thing using the gro-clone (another great clone machine) and had similiar results. I don't add any nutrients or additives to the water in the cloner... and I always use tap water, too.
good luck


justanotherbozo said:
you don't want your cuts submerged.

they should dangle above the solution and be continuously splashed
by the bubbles created by your air stone.

So with this method you pretty much have to cut all your clones at the same height to prevent some from being in the water while others are not too far from the bubbling water.

How close does everyone keep the ends of their cuts to the bubbling water?


Active member
AbaZabba said:
For those guys who use bubblers, homemade or not, do you dip your cut in rooting gel and/or use a small nutrient solution in the bubbling water? What exactly is your formula for 5-7 day roots?

Wanting something a little quicker than peat pellets and have most the stuff lying around to make one. :rasta:

I dont use gels or powders in my bubbler. just plain tap water that is already ph of 6.3. no domes either. I just take the cutting stick it in the bubbler make sure the temps stay between 70-78 degrees and 8 days later I have roots.

I will use a little bit of flower nutes in the bubbler if they are going to be in there for awhile. Like right now both my flower room and veg room are prety full so the cuttings I started on 10/22 will probably be in the bubbler till the end of the month

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