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The green moster! 150w, rubbermaids, masterkush & THUNK


Awesome man! Coming right along.

Don't worry about the supercrop yet As long as the top end of it still looks healthy, then the plant will probably come back from it just fine.

Keep up the good work!

-Q :rasta:

Cozy Amnesia

Yeah, it's looking fine so I'm not too worried. I splinted it up and just left it at a 90 degree angle, lol, because I couldn't stand it up strait without it hitting the top. I just took the splint off today, couldn't wait any longer, and it has healed up ok but it definitally folded all the way over. Kind of funky, but o well because they top has poked up and everything is looking perfectly fine on that branch. Thanks for the advice Quazi!

Bush Grower

Those girls blew up, huh? I'm interested in how your masterkush does in such a small area. I have 5 dutch passion masterkush femmeds I want to pop after I grow out tha blueberry. I wish I was as far into it as you... I still have a long wait on my hands.


Horse-toothed Jackass
In my run of NYCD (failed because it was fully seeded) one large branch was so heavy it was completely horizontal. Still budded fine though (except for the fact there were more seeds than buds :fsu: ). I don't know if having large branches completely laying down is ideal because maybe they're not fully exposed to the light, but it should be ok. Do you have some type of support system once they start to get heavy? I would think, because of the constricted space, you wouldn't need a whole lot of support; the sides of the tubs would provide more than enough support... :joint:

Cozy Amnesia

Bababooey said:
In my run of NYCD (failed because it was fully seeded) one large branch was so heavy it was completely horizontal. Still budded fine though (except for the fact there were more seeds than buds :fsu: ). I don't know if having large branches completely laying down is ideal because maybe they're not fully exposed to the light, but it should be ok. Do you have some type of support system once they start to get heavy? I would think, because of the constricted space, you wouldn't need a whole lot of support; the sides of the tubs would provide more than enough support... :joint:

Nope, no support system except the sides of the container they would be resting against. I'm thinking about building a new cab. Here's the scenario I'm in now:

Bush Grower, they grew 1.5ft in two weeks once flipped to 12/12!

Cozy Amnesia

Thanks. I'm thinking about trying something like this in the near future:


Smoking Gun

Active member
Cozy Amnesia said:
Thanks. I'm thinking about trying something like this in the near future:

That space between the two rubbermaid containers will be too large. You will have a major light leak and problems during flowering. It would be very likely to see hermaphrodite plants. If you are looking for more space I would suggest purchasing a cabinet from Target or Wal-Mart and converting that, you could actually convert a garbage can as well. If you want to continue with the containers you will simply have to induce flowering while the plants are smaller. If you keep smaller plants you may be able to get more of them in there making up for the potential loss of yield.

Cozy Amnesia

I think that I might be fine with careful bending and placement of tops.

24 days of flower --

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I would second the light leaking in problem.

Unless you're sure you can keep your room entirely dark around the box during dark period, I would say that you may have difficulties flowering with that much light leaking in. If you want to add height, make sure you can still seal off the middle somehow. Maybe some cloth or plastic-covered cloth around the edges that gets draped down and attached via Velcro or something.

In addition to light leaks, you're also going to have a tougher time containing the smell.

Also, I would change the orientation of the light within the box. Currently you're running it parallel to the long part of the box. If it were perpendicular, you would probably get a better spread of light in there.

Just my :2cents:

-Q :rasta:
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Hey just realized we flowered basically at the same time. I'm day 29 now. Should be really interesting to compare our results. I'm using a 150w hps and 2.2 sq feet of room.

We should do updates.

Smoke em if you got em :joint:

Btw, nice plants.

Cozy Amnesia

update - half way through flower

update - half way through flower

---------U P D A T E ---------

Ok today marks the half way point through flower (30 of 60 days), so I prepared some pics for all to enjoy!

The two of them:

Both are about 30 inches tall but they would be much taller if height wasn't constricted. The hardest part is keeping them from resting against the cooltube. Today, I just swapped their positions and rotated them.

Here is Beta. In top part of this pic you can see where some of the leaves where burned:

And here is a close up of Alpha:

Hopefully I'll get a real camera soon...


Smoking Gun said:
That space between the two rubbermaid containers will be too large. You will have a major light leak and problems during flowering. It would be very likely to see hermaphrodite plants. If you are looking for more space I would suggest purchasing a cabinet from Target or Wal-Mart and converting that, you could actually convert a garbage can as well. If you want to continue with the containers you will simply have to induce flowering while the plants are smaller. If you keep smaller plants you may be able to get more of them in there making up for the potential loss of yield.

You could reduce the amount of light that leaks out by hanging thick white cloth around the edge of the gap (kinda like previously mentioned - velcro is a cool idea).

Seems like that would work. :confused:

Cozy Amnesia

Yeah, I could do that too. But I don't think I need to do anything that drastic now that they have stopped growing. A few of the buds are still hitting the top but have no where else to be moved too. Most of them, though, I have been able to position around to grow nicely.

I have 22 days left, so things should start to get exciting! Alpha as been looking much more mature, resinous, and larger than Beta for some reason. Yield so far doesn't look like it's going to be huge. Hopefully I get a couple of ounces, like 2 or 3.

I'm going to borrow a good digi-cam from a friend soon so hopefully I do these girls some justice by posting some nice pics soon!

Remember those THUNKS I was growing, but gave away to a friend because of there wasn't enough real estate in my grow box? Here's one in my friend's closet:

If you think it looks a big scrappy, I agree. But he is going to put it under a 400w HPS for flowering soon, where the bigger one already is living out the rest of her days.

Cozy Amnesia



(Dr. Nick voice) Hi ev-ery-body!

UPDATE: 12 days left of flower

I just got a digi camera from a friend. Unfortunately, it's a POS. I was pretty drunk when I took these pics though, so that might have been the problem. But whatever, here are some pics:

I started using molasses and I'm about to start flushing. This is my first grow, so I don't have anything to compare to except for pictures around the net. But so far it looks like my DP Masterkush strain won't be a huge yielder. If I get 2 ounces I'll be happy, but at this stage I'm projecting maybe 3-4 ounces.

The buds are swelling up nice and fat and have a strong citrus/pine sol smell. Less than two weeks left, woohoo! I better get one of those cheap microscope things from radioshack soon...

Cozy Amnesia

More pictures

More pictures

I'll start flushing tomorrow. Getting excited!

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