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Drug Free America Foundation says marijuana is bad for you


“Saying that marijuana is harmless is like saying that a dog is a cat.”

“Scientific research does not indicate marijuana is medicine.”

“All major national medical associations have rejected it"
Sound wrong to you? It is. Blatantly so. But these lies, and others like them, are being spread by the Drug Free America Foundation, in a cynical campaign to undermine the enormous progress that marijuana policy reform has made. As we rack up more and more victories, our opposition gets more and more willing to lie outright.

Watch MPP's new video fact-checking these lies — and send it to your friends:



Active member
Hmmm, Saying cannabis is bad for you or toxic is like saying a dog is an elephant...

Any person with a little research would know it's the safest intoxicant there is/ever was. We must remember what started these laws...they are based way more on racism against mexicans than the harmfulness of said substance. (hence the name "marijuana")

If it's really so bad, I ask only one thing. Show me the body count, especially compared to booze (substance's effects alone, no outside factors like car crash or being shot in the back for a wrong movement by a cop). That's right, there isn't one!

IMO we need less of these "drug free foundations" and more "lie free foundations". The more they lie, the more foolish they look...

edit: If it wasn't safe, I wouldn't use it... :rasta:

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smoking any combustable is bad for you ,but what about the secondhand smoke from cars,trains,factories,paint cans,oil,propane/NG,coal or anything that is burned
i say we ban anything that is burned
when the Funkers are freezing or dead maybe they will realize

if where forced to inhale shit we dont want to from our government
we should be able to choose if we want to inhale something else
by choice


livin my way the high way
good point growlife

i think my post would be a mix of moebudz and growlifes almost to a T


Those douches at DFAF get most of their money from big booze and tobacco...

And we all know there are no safer compounds than alcohol and cigs...
Why are there no scientific studies to support our form of medication....because the federal gov will not approve any and anything coming out of the univ of mississippi program is diluted and washed by the feds. Remember what a stink the DEA made when those two docs from mass submitted a request to let them do research on mj. THEY know the benefits and safeness of mj, its just the paradigm shift is too great for conservative america for them to publically admit it is an effective med. If it wasnt so, then why would the fed gov supply med pot to their one and only patient. Sounds like they are talking out of both sides of their mouth, just alot more out of one side. :rant:


Resident pissy old man
DEA Administrative Judge Mary Ellen Bittner wrote a 93 page decision that basically said the Dr. Lyle Craker at U.Mass should be allowed to grow medical mj. The DEA ignored her just as they did in 1968 when their own judge Francis Young said mj was safe and should be classified no higher than Schedule 2, so it could be prescribed.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
tintala said:
“Scientific research does not indicate marijuana is medicine.”

I suppose they must be illiterate, since several recent research studies show cannabinoids have medical properties - accessible to all that know how to read.



DFAF have an agenda (who doesn't?), and if the truth does not correspond with their pre-conceived ideas, they will ignore it or refute its credibility.

So, no point in wasting time and energy on these guys. Go for the uneducated masses instead.


When I do a patient care report in paramedics, I declare some aptitude. The ONLY thing I worry about is saving a persons life.

I am licensed to use morphine in many ways to save a persons life. Other than the fact that morphine will kill a pot buzz and its benefits, I will not place cannabis for medical usage on a persons PCR. (patient care report). I have read many studies and I can declare that cannabis, is in many ways, free from many deadly contraindications. (adverse effects from cannabis).

I feel that cannabis has less of an effect verses coffee or cigs, in a life saving situation. I have saved the lives of people who took alcohol during times that needed emergency care by giving a strong pain relieve, such as morphine in retrospect outside of my scope of practice(limiting the IV morphine I administer). My job states that I give morphine to care patients under times of extreme care. If I smell alcohol, I will limit the care and I get into the realm of anastheiologist`ism. This is bad for me and all EMS workers, (Emergency Medical Service),being that, this is hard to maintain life support without our normal protocols. I am 1 in 100 people. Think of this, I have saved many lives and NEVER lost one.

Just so everyone knows, paramedics need to radio in to the hospital to ask for support, sometimes, I support the means without their recommendation. Sometimes they need more time than my patient needs to live. I say again, I have never lost one person and saved the lives of few were my protocols would leave the person dead. Still, I am a good samaritan and I have learned to kick ass.


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
pSi007 said:
I am licensed to use morphine in many ways to save a persons life. Other than the fact that morphine will kill a pot buzz and its benefits, I will not place cannabis for medical usage on a persons PCR. (patient care report). I have read many studies and I can declare that cannabis, is in many ways, free from many deadly contraindications. (adverse effects from cannabis).

Would you care to elaborate?

What kind of "deadly" contraindications could there possibly be with Cannabis, apart from an extreme allergic reaction? Are you simply saying (with too many words) that there are no contraindications, even relative ones?

Will morphine nullify the psychoactive effect of cannabis? I must admit I have never toked only to follow up with a morphine injection, but I have smoked opium laced weed, and it definitely does not take the high out of the cannabinoids, rather the contrary.

With the medicinal perspective in mind, the combination of Cannabis and Morphine does not diminish the analgesic properties of either, there seems even to be a synergic effect of combining them (reported in pain assessment tests presented by the International Cannabis Research Society Meeting in Keystone, 1992)


I understand that you're not going to use Cannabis as analgesic treatment in your line of work. As a paramedic, you treat mainly emergency cases. It's one thing to inject morphine into the bloodstream, with an almost instant effect. Another to force bong-rips down a person's throat, when split-seconds count.
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why not bring up a law suit im sure u could get them with slander or falsification of information.


God damn, shit like this makes me sick. I hate those fucking idiots.
i dont think smoking anything is completly safe

but then again neither is high fructous corn syrup and they put that in everything we eat.

the difference is choice.

WE choose to smoke cannabis, they trick our kids into becoming walking butterball turkeys...ready to eat :joint:

or we can get these...
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Rosy Cheeks said:
Would you care to elaborate?

What kind of "deadly" contraindications could there possibly be with Cannabis, apart from an extreme allergic reaction?

I worked at a location near a major trauma center and this trauma center was dubbed, "the hospital of death". If I smell some cannabis and place that on the patient care report, I might as well be signing the persons death warrant. I wont have that on my mind, If I do my job, all of my patients will live and be alive in some form of stable condition when I bring them into hospital. That is all the nurses and M.D.s`(murderers) need to know. My PCR is full of valuable information to a staff.

Regarding anaphylactic shock for cannabis, if I see a person is in anaphylactic shock, I usually try help administer a shot of epinephrine. The epi-pen didnt work very well, only slightly to help diffuse a slightly larger amount of oxygen by dilating the alveoli(lungs). On the other hand, I offered the same person some Albuterol (for asthma) and it cleared them up instantly.

This tells me its not an allergic reaction, rather, it is a nature of illness (a pre-existing illness). Perhaps the nature of illness was brought on by cannabis but I will not judge because it is liable and slander. I cannot place that on a PCR.

You should learn the law of being a paramedic a little better, buddy. I can try to assist you but if it is really important to you, you can go to a school and study like I.

Some of you might wonder when a medic uses morphine in time other than extreme pain. Here is a learning lession, do you know how I treat a heart attack? I give them the magic 4, "Morphine, Nitroglycerin, Asprin, Oxygen".

It gets technical but that is the magic 4 drugs in a major heart attack.


Active member
pSi007 said:
When I do a patient care report in paramedics, I declare some aptitude. The ONLY thing I worry about is saving a persons life.

I am licensed to use morphine in many ways to save a persons life. Other than the fact that morphine will kill a pot buzz and its benefits, I will not place cannabis for medical usage on a persons PCR. (patient care report). I have read many studies and I can declare that cannabis, is in many ways, free from many deadly contraindications. (adverse effects from cannabis).

I feel that cannabis has less of an effect verses coffee or cigs, in a life saving situation. I have saved the lives of people who took alcohol during times that needed emergency care by giving a strong pain relieve, such as morphine in retrospect outside of my scope of practice(limiting the IV morphine I administer). My job states that I give morphine to care patients under times of extreme care. If I smell alcohol, I will limit the care and I get into the realm of anastheiologist`ism. This is bad for me and all EMS workers, (Emergency Medical Service),being that, this is hard to maintain life support without our normal protocols. I am 1 in 100 people. Think of this, I have saved many lives and NEVER lost one.

Just so everyone knows, paramedics need to radio in to the hospital to ask for support, sometimes, I support the means without their recommendation. Sometimes they need more time than my patient needs to live. I say again, I have never lost one person and saved the lives of few were my protocols would leave the person dead. Still, I am a good samaritan and I have learned to kick ass.


What the fuck are you saying? Scope of practice? protocols? Your a medical user and a paramedic (private company?)?

Its hard for me to see your position or figure out what it is your responding to. however; I do feel sorry for your Captain and chain of command. Guess they are well-equiped to deal with which staff are capable of detering from protocols and which ones shouldn't.

Contraindication means exactly that: against indication. I have a whole host of issues from your statement but it does appear that you support the idea that marijuana posses very little synergestic or agonistic complications from as it relates to emergency care or life saving situations.

I think you have some good valuable things to say; however the sour deisel had other plans for you on that post. :muahaha:
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Active member
"Saying that marijuana is harmless is like saying that a dog is a cat.”


there not? :headbange
I find it extremely frustrating that a new government sponsored group comes out and spews this same old song and dance about how bad marijuana is. Well if marijuana is so bad then why does the U.S government have a patent on its antioxidant effects??
Ooooo the hypocrisy, it drives us all mad!!