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The Federation of Light Spaceship to appear 14/10/08


Well if they did come they would not be traveling in a spaceship it just is not a feasible way of galaxy hopping.


all praises are due to the Most High
it is october the 14th here, nothing to see here but a lot of clouds. it is just 13:30 (1:30pm). any updates?

lets see a spaceship, why not? roll a few up :joint: if it does not appear, at least you got high watching the sky, a win win situation :joint:



her dankness
DogBoy said:
It's okay, i spoke to their leader and he says they are stuck in traffic on the Interstellar bypass the Golgafrincham built a few light years ago and will be a day late if the traffic clears.
I stood on the lawn with my electronic Thumb all night last night and all I got was mosquito bites.

Smooth B

Yeah, I am going outside tonight, smoke a bowl, and await the starship. I will try to signal them with my lighter if it appears. :D

Anyone curious about the night sky might download stellarium. It's free. Shows the location of the planets and constellations in 3D. Just type in your location and use the arrow keys on your keyboard to look around like east and west.

Download free here >>> http://www.stellarium.org/



Active member
SonOfPierrot said:
Have they released a new statement yet, or are they too busy begging into a HAM radio?

Here is their answer:

What can I tell you guys...I know there's many of the skeptics out there gloating, proud of themselves with big smiles on their faces. Yes, no light ship has arrived. And it is a heartbreak.

People feel I should clarify my feelings. But what I felt was what I felt. I did feel new energies, and I did feel and believe Blossom's message. She is a good person with a good heart, and now she's had threats on her life because skeptics are upset that a ship didn't show up.

I think we've all missed the purpose of the entire message. And this is what I've come to realize. It's not about waiting for ETs to show up. It's about seeing how we as a civilization can be come unified and aware of the forces and energies that are out there. I think, in my opinion, this was a test made by our allies. We have felt them, but they would not intervene, because they want to test us to make ourselves see what we're truly capable of as ourselves.

Prior to October 14th, all of us bonded. Every single one of us. We stand united. And because a ship fails to show, now there is nothing but repulsive hate, anger and disgust upon many. And who do they unleash their anger towards? The messengers, the believers...The people who work to try and make this world a better place for everyone. Showing people positivity and how we can better ourselves as a civilization. By all just showing everyone love, courtesy and respect toward us all. That there's a bigger, better life out there, and yet we all mask that possibility because the Earth Cabal has brainwashed many of us hook line and sinker.

It's so easy for anyone to say, "this is a hoax, I was right. You're all wrong, ha ha ha!"...What exactly are you attempting to get out of that? This event was meant to be a positive one. A day where all of humanity can unite, and we can filter out the bull shit of what the corrupted feed us each and every day. That's what this was all about. If a light ship showed..Great! But that wasn't the point of this day.

Those disappointed at the light ship failing to arrive are becoming the very things we want to wipe clean of ourselves. They become full of hate, vengeance and anger. When will all of us learn that we are so much better than we give ourselves credit for? Why must we dwell on the fact that we need saviors to survive? The point of the light ship wasn't meant to put thoughts in our heads that they were our saviors. They were coming simply to let you all know that they exist. But to the truly open minded, we already know that. So why...Do we continue to fight amongst ourselves? We are doing exactly what the corrupt want us to do. Spread hate, spread fear and violence over a prediction.

One of the best phrases I can think of regarding this event was to "lighten up and wake up." Regardless of what has occured, this past few weeks, we had entered that area ourselves. It didn't require a light ship to do that. Now that one fails to arrive beyond our understandings, we're back to where we started before this site even existed. We're paranoid, we're hostile...We have duality!

So, I'm all for shutting down this site if that's what you guys really want me to do. But I want you to know that my whole journey for this site was to bring us all hope, peace and unity. Togetherness as a species...A sane species.

So again, no sweat off my back off this site's closure...However, it's sweat off people's backs because they are the ones who need a site like this more than I. And because I'm here for those people. I've decided to leave it at a vote. An opinion poll...Do you want this site to close? I will leave this open until friday this week for the definite answer.

But I'm going to leave with these words..."This has not injured me. This has not beaten me. This has only made me stronger. And my purpose as of now isn't to worry about aliens...It's to worry about us as a civilization. Because we're all in deep trouble if we can't all learn to work together and end this ridiculous nonsense of duality due to prediction success or failure. What path will you choose when the time comes when it really does matter?

Last edited:


Tokabowl said:
People feel I should clarify my feelings. But what I felt was what I felt. I did feel new energies, and I did feel and believe Blossom's message. She is a good person with a good heart, and now she's had threats on her life because skeptics are upset that a ship didn't show up.

i do believe that you felt energy today, there was a full moon, moon being a giant conductor of solar energy to earth. this statement is absolutely plausible!

thats allrite! and you have made some beautiful observations regarding the enlightenment this has lead to.

but it is naive to think that blossom who is an astrology freak, didn't know that the full moon would bring energy sensations to hypersensitive people! open any almanac look at 14 th of october and it will say that it is a good day do sow seeds. consumate pregnancy, fish, hunt etc.

IF YOU HAVE HAD TROUBLE GETTING PREGNANT, TODAY IS THE DAY TO FUCK YOUR HEADS OFF!!! this is ancient knowledge, you can very easily get this confirmed.

and pink, why you gotta hate on elvis? the only white guy exept from eminem that the black dudes dont hate :D we could be cool again hehehe



Domesticator of Cannabis
Mork is that you?
The Venusians have abandoned me too.
I've been worshipping OJ Simpson ever since.



Un - Retired,
I don't hate elvis

I don't hate elvis

Rifman said:
and pink, why you gotta hate on elvis? the only white guy exept from eminem that the black dudes dont hate :D we could be cool again hehehe

I just think he's highly overated
Alice cooper says it best

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/u48ZMTP1R0Q&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/u48ZMTP1R0Q&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


im getting it ill stop spamming :D


im just consumed with boredom mostly i guess, forgive me.


Cannabrex Formulator
Damn......we here at FnordTech were hoping they would show up.....woulda done wonders fer business.........


Introduction to the Galactic Federation of Light

The Galactic Federation of Light was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. At present, there are just over 200,000 member star nations, confederations or unions. Approximately 40% are humanoids and the rest are varied forms of sentient beings. Most members of the Galactic Federation are fully conscious beings.

To familiarize you with our space family, we will periodically present information about a Galactic Federation member species. We hope that this information will help you identify or validate any experiences you may have had with some of these beings. Our purpose is to foster goodwill and understanding of the star nations that are answering the call of Earth’s Spiritual Hierarchy to assist us in our ascension/transformation process.

Trust these people?! Two words... intelligent inquiry.


Resident pissy old man
Well, I was out looking at the night sky waiting for them to show up. I did see 2 aliens. Two Mexicans jumped the border fence and ran like Hell!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Tokabowl said:
What can I tell you guys...I know there's many of the skeptics out there gloating, proud of themselves with big smiles on their faces. Yes, no light ship has arrived. And it is a heartbreak.

I don't know about the rest of the non-believers, but there's no gloating on my behalf. There's just a slight dislike to exploiting people's gullability, that's all. But each and everyone chooses to believe or not believe, so it's fair play.

Tokabowl said:
People feel I should clarify my feelings. But what I felt was what I felt. I did feel new energies, and I did feel and believe Blossom's message. She is a good person with a good heart, and now she's had threats on her life because skeptics are upset that a ship didn't show up.

Who's threatening her life, lol? Some confused person on the internet? I find it more plausible that some emotionally disturbed person - who believed an intergalactic starship would appear - would threaten her out of disappointment, rather than someone who didn't. But that's just me...

Tokabowl said:
I think we've all missed the purpose of the entire message. And this is what I've come to realize. It's not about waiting for ETs to show up. It's about seeing how we as a civilization can be come unified and aware of the forces and energies that are out there. I think, in my opinion, this was a test made by our allies. We have felt them, but they would not intervene, because they want to test us to make ourselves see what we're truly capable of as ourselves.

That's a good one, an almost perfect loophole out of this. It wasn't really about contact with an extraterrestial civilisation, It was all about global bonding day!
So who cares about the spaceship? Eh, well, I do. If the French can make their trains run on time (they're trying hard), then why can't the Intergalactic Federation get their ships here when announced, by their purported spokes(wo)men?

Tokabowl said:
It's so easy for anyone to say, "this is a hoax, I was right. You're all wrong, ha ha ha!"...What exactly are you attempting to get out of that? This event was meant to be a positive one. A day where all of humanity can unite, and we can filter out the bull shit of what the corrupted feed us each and every day. That's what this was all about. If a light ship showed..Great! But that wasn't the point of this day.

Well, here's my advice. Next time you want to round up the entire planet holding hands and singing "Kumbaya", just tell them the truth.
Tell them that by being zen and peachy with eachother, we can accomplish more together, but skip the starship and Intergalactic Federation of Light stuff, because where there's deception, there will be ridicule and scorn.

Tokabowl said:
Those disappointed at the light ship failing to arrive are becoming the very things we want to wipe clean of ourselves. They become full of hate, vengeance and anger.

Once again, no hate or anger from my part. I believe the anger must come from those that really believed a spaceship would arrive, so Blossom Goodchild actually turned her followers against her.

Tokabowl said:
So, I'm all for shutting down this site if that's what you guys really want me to do. But I want you to know that my whole journey for this site was to bring us all hope, peace and unity. Togetherness as a species...A sane species.

We might as well just keep it open. I doubt this is the last time a self-appointed internet prophet will announce the arrival of extraterrestials.

Tokabowl said:
But I'm going to leave with these words..."This has not injured me. This has not beaten me. This has only made me stronger.

Good for you. It hasn't injured me either. And just so that you know, the extraterrestials are welcome anytime. I've got gingerbreads in the cupboard, and I'l put a kettle on as soon as they show.

Pops said:
Well, I was out looking at the night sky waiting for them to show up. I did see 2 aliens. Two Mexicans jumped the border fence and ran like Hell!

Way to go pops. Did you tag them with the Mauser, or did they run straight for the bear traps?


Tokabowl said:
What can I tell you guys...I know there's many of the skeptics out there gloating, proud of themselves with big smiles on their faces. Yes, no light ship has arrived. And it is a heartbreak.

People feel I should clarify my feelings. But what I felt was what I felt. I did feel new energies, and I did feel and believe Blossom's message. She is a good person with a good heart, and now she's had threats on her life because skeptics are upset that a ship didn't show up.

I think we've all missed the purpose of the entire message. And this is what I've come to realize. It's not about waiting for ETs to show up. It's about seeing how we as a civilization can be come unified and aware of the forces and energies that are out there. I think, in my opinion, this was a test made by our allies. We have felt them, but they would not intervene, because they want to test us to make ourselves see what we're truly capable of as ourselves.

Prior to October 14th, all of us bonded. Every single one of us. We stand united. And because a ship fails to show, now there is nothing but repulsive hate, anger and disgust upon many. And who do they unleash their anger towards? The messengers, the believers...The people who work to try and make this world a better place for everyone. Showing people positivity and how we can better ourselves as a civilization. By all just showing everyone love, courtesy and respect toward us all. That there's a bigger, better life out there, and yet we all mask that possibility because the Earth Cabal has brainwashed many of us hook line and sinker.

It's so easy for anyone to say, "this is a hoax, I was right. You're all wrong, ha ha ha!"...What exactly are you attempting to get out of that? This event was meant to be a positive one. A day where all of humanity can unite, and we can filter out the bull shit of what the corrupted feed us each and every day. That's what this was all about. If a light ship showed..Great! But that wasn't the point of this day.

Those disappointed at the light ship failing to arrive are becoming the very things we want to wipe clean of ourselves. They become full of hate, vengeance and anger. When will all of us learn that we are so much better than we give ourselves credit for? Why must we dwell on the fact that we need saviors to survive? The point of the light ship wasn't meant to put thoughts in our heads that they were our saviors. They were coming simply to let you all know that they exist. But to the truly open minded, we already know that. So why...Do we continue to fight amongst ourselves? We are doing exactly what the corrupt want us to do. Spread hate, spread fear and violence over a prediction.

One of the best phrases I can think of regarding this event was to "lighten up and wake up." Regardless of what has occured, this past few weeks, we had entered that area ourselves. It didn't require a light ship to do that. Now that one fails to arrive beyond our understandings, we're back to where we started before this site even existed. We're paranoid, we're hostile...We have duality!

So, I'm all for shutting down this site if that's what you guys really want me to do. But I want you to know that my whole journey for this site was to bring us all hope, peace and unity. Togetherness as a species...A sane species.

So again, no sweat off my back off this site's closure...However, it's sweat off people's backs because they are the ones who need a site like this more than I. And because I'm here for those people. I've decided to leave it at a vote. An opinion poll...Do you want this site to close? I will leave this open until friday this week for the definite answer.

But I'm going to leave with these words..."This has not injured me. This has not beaten me. This has only made me stronger. And my purpose as of now isn't to worry about aliens...It's to worry about us as a civilization. Because we're all in deep trouble if we can't all learn to work together and end this ridiculous nonsense of duality due to prediction success or failure. What path will you choose when the time comes when it really does matter?

Dude, you left your jacket at mine again.
