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Pistils turning orange??


I'm currently flowering 3 plants right now.......They are on day 74 (total) day 34 (flowering)..........I noticed on some of the tops/bud sites, some of the pistils/white hairs are turning orange.........What is the reason for this??.......Should I be concerned??
Red hairs are normal and some strains like skunk1 are covered with them. Red hairs though does not mean strong pot all the time. Can ya post pic?


greenisgold said:
Those plants look great, and those are swollen calyx.

Sweet.........Thanks Green.......I went to do my daily check this morning and almost lost it after seeing those........They hella look like pollen sacs.........But most all of them do have pistils/flowers growing out from them.........Thanks again, you saved my monday.......lol


Yup, everything is looking good man.

The pistils will all eventually shrivel up and turn into the wonderful little red and orange hairs you see on bud. It's completely normal for them to start dying off as the flowering cycle ends.

At this point, you should consider starting to examine the color of the trichomes with a decent hand-held magnifier to determine when it is ready for harvest.

Don't worry about those swollen calyxes either.

-Q :rasta:


Quazi said:
Yup, everything is looking good man.

The pistils will all eventually shrivel up and turn into the wonderful little red and orange hairs you see on bud. It's completely normal for them to start dying off as the flowering cycle ends.

At this point, you should consider starting to examine the color of the trichomes with a decent hand-held magnifier to determine when it is ready for harvest.

Don't worry about those swollen calyxes either.

-Q :rasta:

Now when you're checking the trich's for color transformation, which trichs do you go by, as trich's develop at different stages when it's flowering??.......I've looked at the trich's on leaves if had to cut away and noticed them being clear and some were starting to get milky/cloudy........It's only flowered for 34 days and can't be this close to harvest, right??.......Where on the plant do you base your decision??........The tops, the leaves, underside??


I generally take a look at a few different bud sites to look at the colors. When it seems that all are cloudy with a few going amber, that's when I feel it's time to harvest.

-Q :rasta:


Quazi said:
When it seems that all are cloudy with a few going amber, that's when I feel it's time to harvest.

-Q :rasta:

No matter what??........Even if the plant is airy and still producing "white hairs", if the trichs are cloudy, pull'em??

Old Soul

Active member
Those plants look seeded. Did you have any males in there? If not, look close at all the buds to see if you can see a hermie. When the calyxes swell they will all swell at once. The pistols are turning color because they have caught pollen.


I had 1 male that I pulled out on the 6th or 7th day of flowering.......I don't think it released pollen cause the sacs appeared overnight and were half the size of a BB (maybe smaller) when I pulled it out of cab........Didn't even have 24 hours with the females


Danksta408 said:
No matter what??........Even if the plant is airy and still producing "white hairs", if the trichs are cloudy, pull'em??
No, no, no. Please don't get me wrong. There are many different indications that the plant is getting ready for harvest. The trichs are just one of the better indications. Usually, people recommend waiting until all of the trichomes are cloudy and there are a few amber ones.

Different strains will tell you differently.

Pistils are another indication.

You should do some reading in the forums to look for the many indications of plants that are ready for harvest. Many posts in the Grow Diaries show plants just before harvest.

Ultimately, it's up to you. Educate yourself before you decide to harvest, and it may be better.

-Q :rasta:


No, I totally agree with you Quazi.........That's why I asked........I've done this before (harvested based on trich color only) on some of my first grows and ended up with light, shakey, grass smelling/tasting smoke after it dried.......So I know the disappointment of prematurely-harvested bud


you need to get a closer look at the trichromes,, i bought a 60x to 100x scope at 420science.com,,,,you also can look for jewerly magnifiers,,,get a closer look,,,,once they turn amber the thc is starting to deteriorate and they need harvested


you need to get a closer look at the trichromes,, i bought a 60x to 100x scope at 420science.com,,,,you also can look for jewerly magnifiers,,,get a closer look,,,,once they turn amber the thc is starting to deteriorate and they need harvested

Ya bro, kinda like one of these



that one cost me $30 and i found yours online for $12,,,they are pretty cool


I paid $9 for it about 5 or 6 years ago........It was hard to find because, for whatever reason, they would discontinue them and then a couple months later start selling them again........After a couple of weeks, discontinue and then sell them..........I don't know WTF was up with that, but when I finally found a RS that had them, I bought like 7 or 8 of them........A couple for myself and some for the homies........They make nice x-mas gifts


Yea man.

I purchased a small one for about $15 a year ago. I was able to look at bud in a whole new way. Completely worth the investment in my opinion.

-Q :rasta:

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