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Dry Box (no...not a medical issue)


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ICMag Donor
As long as dry box is slick, it should be good...yes?
Hopefully you will find my dry box real slick!

I had some plywood and built a simple box to keep my nutes and stuff in.
I hater starring at boxes too long...I start to get wild ideas. Know what I mean?

Anywho I had this idea I needed a box to dry my outdoor harvest in, so...
I cut three 3" holes in the back bottom of the box, and one 6" hole side top.
I covered the intake holes with some cut-to-fit furnace material and stapled it in.
I then put a 6" Suncourt inline in the top hole.

(you can see I camouflaged the top hole)

I added a DIY scrubber...and VIOLA!
My dry box sitting atop my cab.

The top shelf is removable, and has a gap in front of 3"x21"
Air will flow from the bottom rear of the box, through the dry basket, and to the front top to the scrubber.

The basket is hurricane fencing just hanging from hooks.

After some more thunking....
I've decided to continue the good use of this box after harvest.
It will house a 150watt SCROG that I will run during the day to help with the temps in the garage during winter. The exhaust will help keep the intake air of the cab below warmer.
I will use the suncourt and duct it to the top of my old DIY reflector. (taking the shelf out)

I will post up some shots when I get that part of it hooked up.
Did I mention this could also be a nice stud box too?

Can you dig it?

one Q

get a sheet of glass under that basket to catch anything that falls through. ie. Trichs.


Active member
nice job.suggestion:make three screens with 1.2 and 1 by2s on the side to slide the screens in and out. i can see 3 tiers in there.place a piece of plexi to catch the crystals.nice job.


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ICMag Donor
THanks, eyes.
I had thought about multi shelves, and I would probably do them as I did the shelf in there now, using the little galv angles.
I just don't think I will ever need that much foot print to dry with. I don't produce enough bud for that. Heck, what you see in there now is the buds from two plants. I ended up cleaning three more plants, for a total of five plants worth of buds layered in the basket, and it is only about half full.

I am definitely going to put in a spare 150hps that I have and Scrog two plants.
I am going to flower them in the daytime to help keep the temps in the garage up, while my main cab is in dark.
I should be able to finish all the plants in both cabs at the same time, break down the flower box, and re-hang the dry basket for a few days.

Guys, on the tric catchers....
I will pay attention to the trics that fall off my rolls and such, and I never throw anything away. I make some sweet water hash out of all my trim, and even save stems and stuff for an occasional qwiso. But I just can't bring myself to worry about trics that may fall off of long green bud. I mean, it takes freezing and beating the hell out of them with a blender to get them off when you want them. I doubt I am missing much falling from the dry.


Active member
i like how there all twisted up very cool. hey hows the pvc/smart valve project going?


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ICMag Donor
Hey, eyes!
Yeah, outdoor lst's always look real wild after they are done.
For me, it is the best way to keep stealth, as no overhead searches can detect/suspect plants only 2 ft tall.
The "Groove Toob" is working out real nice. It makes my job boring actually, as all I have to do is dump a gallon of nute solution every two or three days. The problem I see is running different strains. One may enjoy heavy feeding, while the other may not like it so much. Not much you can do but compromise when they are both in the same solution.
But, it is doing it's job real well, and I am happy with the results.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The dry box works like a charm, and all of my outdoor is down and in jars.
Save for one thunk that was not near finished.
I need to hang some bud this weekend, but the freeze may happen tonight, so I made a command decision to rearrange the dry box into a flower/pollination chamber. The scraggly thunk cut was dusted a bit with MOC Angel Dust, and I still have the male flowering in with the thunkette. I will harvest the seeds and the weed next month, and then I have a 150hps and a screen that are going in.
I am going to set up a soil scrog in the box for an extra qp or so.
And I so love to scrog a good box now and again!

That lil thunk cut was tiny and put out late...doesn't look like much, but the top tails are very greasy and have a heavenly mango-ish scent goin on.
Reminds me of wild hickory nuts...errr I mean, the tropics!

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