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Hello Friends, Questions!


Please share with me your ideal(s) on your favorite Med MJ strains, why, & for which ailments.

Am trying to get together the best of the best to help my friends and family.

All ideas/input are appreciated. NOTHING is silly to me.
Need all the information I can get.

And if you feel like telling your story to me(and others), I am more than happy to listen. =0)

Thank you all.

and As Always; Good Medicine :joint:


i have had decent experience with any dj short release (grown most) for chrohns disease. patients seem to really like the euphoric side to blueberry specifically.
HI Bruja, I have too many to name, and a lot that I love

For me I have anxiety especially when I smoke the wrong strain, Now I hope that doesn't rub nobody the wrong way with that...
But "Kriptonite" is a very potent anti anxiety pain relieving strain, It also can really raise your spirit, not a big yield, but a very tasty treat, and frosty as heaven. Short stocky indica plant thick stems that have the strenth to hold its colas, very comparable to Bubba Kush, some older folks have said they think it's the same CUT
Purple Cindy (Oregon Purple Thai x Cindy 99) another anti-anxiety up and up strain, though this one is more of a day time smoke Very lovely taste and such a bag appeal that many jsut want to frame.
Double Purple Doja x Bubba Kush, (outlaw Genetics) Dank in every way, Very good yield, gorgeous colors, Dank grape sour funky sizzly aroma, Damn it's so hard to explain , It's just flat out BoMb, It responds to training very well and is just a pleasure to grow....
i can also post pictures of these strains if you'd like....
I could keep going for ever, I will just come back in later on, and keep putting up all my experiences with this amazing plant,
if you don't mind I will do a description on all my mothers as this awesome thread unfolds, slowly but surely.....
I hope this helps you and your family, bruja.
Peace,health,love, and healthy harvests.
tb7 :joint:


Thank you both for the replies.

I am interested in pics, stories, whatever.
All information is useful to me.

What are your thoughts(if you've tried these): White Rhino, Sensi Star, OG Kush. I am concentrating mostly on Indica's. Don't want to throw anyone into a panic attack if I can avoid it!
Plus, Indica seems better overall for pain relief. JMHO.

Keep those thoughts and input coming.

and as Always, Good Medicine.
Bruja :joint:


New member
Hi Bruja64,
For me White Russian from serious seeds is helpfull for my severe back pain.
Chronic from serious helps with my headaches and it doesn't make me couchlocked.
Twilight from dutch passion is also great for severe back pain in my opinion, however I no longer grow it.
I think russian and twilight are indicas and chronic is ind/sat cross?


Hi Ladyluck~
It seems like anything that begins with "White..." is said to be helpful for back pain(which is very helpful to me right now). Have you or any others tried the various strains of "White....(fill in the blank)" for back pain, and if so, what are the pluses, minuses, and various differences?

Would like to have a herbal garden with as many grows for various ailments as possible.
Right now it's Sourbubble(BBP), Lifesaver(BBP) and GodBud. The only I have personally tried(so far) is the GodBud and it works magic on migraines.

Any input is appreciated as always.


btw, Crohn's is very serious but there is no reason why a person can not live their fullest with it. It usually effects the intestines, which in turn, effects other systems including the kidneys.

typical effects of Crohn's disease is, painful muscles and bones, as well as, reduced metabolism of toxins and minerals.

Usually, a good indica can reduce the pain in the throbbing; joints, muscles, and bones.


Resident pissy old man
I have ongoing PMs(on another forum) with a young organic chemist who worked in Dr. Raphael Mechoulam's lab. Dr. Mechoulam is the man who discovered THC and has probably worked with it more than any other man(including many U.S. Gov't. funded projects). Dr. Mechoulam says that THC based drug strains are not as effective as once thought. It takes a strain that contains both THC and CBD, usually a ratio of 3x CBD to 1x THC.

THC is good for minor pain, an antiemetic for nausea, neuroprotectant, an antioxidant and kills some types of cancer.

CBD is neuroprotective, an antiemetic, an antioxidant, immunomodulatory, an anti-inflammatory,anti-anxiety,anti-convulsive,anti-psychoticand keeps some cancer tumors from growing. it also relaxes the long muscles of the body and is not psychoactive.

Unfortunately, cannabis breeders get rid of the CBD to increase the potency of the strain for stoners. Most so-called "med strains" really do not have that much medical value. The best "med-strains" are unworked hash strains that still have both THC and CBD.

big mike

Active member
Pops, thank-you for that post.. I had no idea Dr. Mechoulam did so much research on the subject.
I found this during my research of him:

"...together with Ruth Gallily in Jerusalem and Mark Feldmann in London, we found that cannabidiol(CBD) lowers the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a, a potent inflammatory cytokine.."

TNF can cause your immune system to attack healthy tissues in your body and cause inflammation and damage.

REMICADE is a type of protein that recognizes, attaches to, and blocks the action of a substance in your body called tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
HUMIRA is a medicine called a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blocker
CIMZIA is a medicine called a Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blocker

Anyone with serious Crohn's should know of these 3 drugs. They were introduced to me as a last resort to put a patient into remission. This year, I had the oppurtunity to try all 3. Each one had the same effect, i couldnt move at all, basically paralyzed for a few hours, and they never put me in remission. After all that, i was told by the docs that I am out of options. Amazingly, i think it was the CBD in cannabis that has kept my quality of life decent this long, and now, in just a months time without cannabis, my condition has severly deteriorated to the point i need surgery.

This is a good bit of information for me, maybe it will help someone out.. thank-you again, friend.... :)


Resident pissy old man
big mike, the only strains I know that have at least a little CBD are White Widow and Hawaiian Snow from Greenhouse Seeds. Others may have some, but never do the testing. WW and HS have about 1% CBD. The hash that gets to Europe from Afghanistan and morocco has about 50%THC and 50% CBD. I am working on land race Afghans now trying to find a med strain.


pops - how do breeders phase out CBDs? Is it inherent from trying to cross strains and produce a higher THC content? If so, are CBDs directly associated with THC in a way where ones content percentage directly affects the other?


Resident pissy old man
On the B locus of a chromosome, there are 2 alleles Bt and Bd. The Bt allele causes an enzyme to be produced that turns CBG(cannabigerol) into THC. The Bd alleles gives rise to an enzyme that turn CBG into CBD. For the most part, a plant can have a genotype of BtBt,which produces mostly THC, BtBd which produces both CBD and THC, or BdBd, which which produces primarily CBD. Hemp is a BdBd variety.

Since most strains have a somewhat genetically (though influenced by environment) determined amount of total cannabinoids, drug strain breeders want to get as much THC as possible. Many of the hash samples in Europe that have been tested show about 50%THC and 50%CBD. These are plants from Afghanistan and Morocco that have a BtBd genotype. Most strains today have been crossed with Afghans or Kushs.

When you cross a BtBd strain with another BtBd strain, you get 25% BtBt, 50%BtBd and 25% BdBd. Professional breeders get rid of the BdBd and BtBd genotypes. They are not as potent. Think of it as breeding out blue eyes,in favor of all brown eyes. The Bt and Bd alleles are supposedly co-dominant, but no matter how hard they try to breed THC out of hemp, there is always a trace. Likewise, there is usually a trace of CBD(usually less than .1%) in most drug strains.

As a medical breeder, I am trying to reverse the pattern and breed high CBD strains. Most of us have heard that hemp is horrible to smoke. It could be due to lack of certain terpenes(there are up to 160 or more in cannabis) that give the drug strains flavor and smell. Hemp, however, does contain mostly CBD, although the total cannabiniod level is lower than drug strains. It is possible to breed drug strains that have all THC, both and all CBD. Since CBD not only won't get you high, but will,in high amounts,keep you from getting high, it is not in "high" demand by breeders.

The breeding for high CBd or high THC strains may be complicated by the fact that there seems to be variants in the enzymes produced that change CBG. One variant might give 8%THc and another in a sister plant might give 12% THC. That explains why seeds from the same batch might have different potency and why we have to search for the best female to clone.

Sorry this is so long winded, but it is the only way I know to explain it. I could have talked about the BO allele,a possible mutant Bd, which produces CBC(cannabichromene), but I refrained(it only happens in certain European hemp strains).
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don't apologize.

It was exactly how I was hoping you would reply.

Thanks pops. I had a whole reply written out about medicinal use covers, the movement for medicine availability and what not, but my browser ate it and its early morning so I guess its time to call it a night.

thanks again for the informative post. :Bolt:


big mike

Active member
Pops said:
big mike, the only strains I know that have at least a little CBD are White Widow and Hawaiian Snow from Greenhouse Seeds. Others may have some, but never do the testing. WW and HS have about 1% CBD. The hash that gets to Europe from Afghanistan and morocco has about 50%THC and 50% CBD. I am working on land race Afghans now trying to find a med strain.

Pops, Medicine Man from Mr. Nice claims
" A proven Medical marvel for those in need of high levels of the most active cannabinoids such as CBD. "

can you verify or do you have any experience?

Bruja64: sorry for the thread hi-jack.. :joint:
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Resident pissy old man
I talked to Shanti about this and he said that Shark Shock or Medicine Man would be best. I grew SS and was not impressed. Don't know about MM.


Pops said:
WW and HS have about 1% CBD. The hash that gets to Europe from Afghanistan and morocco has about 50%THC and 50% CBD. I am working on land race Afghans now trying to find a med strain.



This is all very interesting Pops. I have heard this info before, but don't know much about the CBD issue(although I am learnig).

I PM'd you before I finished the thread. My questions have been answered(unless you have more to add).



Resident pissy old man
The hard part, Bruja, is trying to tell the BtBt plants from BtBd plants. usually it takes a GC/MS test, which is almost impossible(and costly) for us to get. The Real Seed Company has several land races that might contain high CBD. They are carried by Seedsman, who doesn't ship to the States. Ngapka and mriko collected these seeds in their travels. These guys are fantastic and are not breeders, just collectors.