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Smoke tricks



Lets get some guides/pics for how to do complicated tricks.
Ring in ring
Double ring
Ring with line through it
Horizontal rings
How to get you're french inhales really out there

I can't do any of these sure someone can though.


Active member
you might want to join the other ICMAG...

international cigarette magazine...

im sure they know tricks...

i just inhale and exhale... no tricks

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I normally keep teh smoke in so long, there is not enough coming out to do tricks with

Now with cigs, I can a few. It is all mouth tongue action, rings are simple, as multiple rings are as well, I am no sure if anyone can do a heart or a lined ring

I did see Gandalf do a really cool sailing ship in LOTR1


Dr Dog said:
I normally keep teh smoke in so long, there is not enough coming out to do tricks with

Now with cigs, I can a few. It is all mouth tongue action, rings are simple, as multiple rings are as well, I am no sure if anyone can do a heart or a lined ring

I did see Gandalf do a really cool sailing ship in LOTR1

Gotta blow out slow when it starts to come out densely you asume ring tech and it will work

a bit harder than just taking a cig drag but it feels better.

also my buddies working on a trick where you blow a ring and another ring splits off of that one and goes horizontal.
You have to blow the smoke dense out the bottom hard to explain
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Never been to good at tricks. I do like the smoke out the mouth in the nose thing...only when it is done perfectly. I know...it's a basic trick, but it looks killer when it's done WELL. A hookah can provide plenty of stone as well as smoke to practice tricks.
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Active member
RudolfTheRed said:
you might want to join the other ICMAG...

international cigarette magazine...

im sure they know tricks...

i just inhale and exhale... no tricks

someone has a lot of attitude

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My brother is really into "smoke tricks", he can do the ring thru ring and basic stuff ike that but he's more into exhaling and reinhaling(i.e. ghosting). He can do some pretty cool stuff like mushrooms, giant blobs and waterfalls


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


RudolfTheRed said:
you might want to join the other ICMAG...

international cigarette magazine...

im sure they know tricks...

i just inhale and exhale... no tricks
I agree Rudy, and btw,
if you're still trying to figure out ways to look cool smoking then.......

well what can I say? You're playing the fool the tobacco companies are successfully hoping to target.

Smoking cigarettes and cannabis is even hypocritical in itself, on one hand you're willing to risk your freedom for the beliefs in your convictions of its use, something you know the govt has been lying to all of us about, supressing it's awesome ability to help and cure ailments of all kinds.......

on the other hand you're willing to trade years of your life for the worst govt sponsored vice there is. The manufacturers of cigs add poisons to them in small amounts that the body cannot tolerate over time PERIOD.
One adds years of life and quality of life. The other does the exact opposite. One the govt fears, the other it reveres. The virtues of both cannabis and tobacco are well known and the govt LIES to us about BOTH of them.

I was watching a live debate on tobacco use one night when the con side stated the most ironic funny thought about the potential legality of cigarettes by posing this rhetorical question to his opponent, then facing and thereby addressing the audience with it as well....... "Do you think that cigarettes would still be legal if it were a black man who'd invented and held patent rights to them?"

I fuckin' bust a gut on that one....... You & I know GODDAMNED WELL that the answer to that would be "NO!" & he'd be held liable in every state by every court in the nation for health damages as well.......

The real truth is that it was our founding fathers and the wealthy slave driving tobacco barrons that got the ball rolling here, it is so fuckingly deeply entrenched in the govt & the old boy network that if smokers started dropping at 10Xs the rate they are now they'd just figure a way to whitewash the fuck out of it somehow.......

So don't be sucked in by the govt & BIG tobacco's lies, when it come to using they've got you where they want you, addicted. Very sad.

Do the right thing for yourself first, then family, friends, and think about every way you hope you might be able to touch the future.

Nuff said, as a former addict of C*** (I was even smoking the shit) I must sympathise with you all for the symptoms that I know you suffer, but man up or bitch up (chicks) and quit before it is too late. I turned my back on that 9 yr habit over 20 yrs ago & never looked back. One day I was using the next I wasn't, if I can do it so can anyone else that wants to quit cause I'm a weak mofo at best.

There are several quit smoking threads in the Den but
this one has the most replies and input I suppose.
BOG's quit tobacco thread

I'm Stoner4Life and I approved this message.......


I've gotten to the point to where I'm blowing O's and french inhaling without trying to do it. Lol. Especially with joints.

With the cigs I do the same thing. Except I'll do it with it still in my mouth. I'm weird lol.

And when there's like no drafts or any kind of wind, I let the smoke out real slow and just watch is dance. Like idk; smoke just looks cool.

I'm workin' on that sail boat trick. Letcha' guys know when I got it nailed ha.


blowing o's is pretty easy for me. just make a o shape with you lips, sort of like your blowing on a trumpet. And push the smoke out from your mouth with the back of your throat very gently.

i cant get an o to flow across the room though...would like to find out how

Lava Surfer

I love the "jet train" trick!

lay on your back, blow multiple rings and light a fart!

Okay that sounded funnier in my head, what the hell Im gonna toke some more and post it anyway


Active member
Inverse you got the right technique down to shoot it across the room you just need still air... I can blow giant ones even outside if I'm angled right that can end up the size as someone's head after a few feet... inside they are just thick with ring layers around the ring and will go until it hits something with like 6" diameter... Wider your mouth + more air through your throat = bigger o's just gotta get the shape right for your face...


Lava Surfer said:
I love the "jet train" trick!

lay on your back, blow multiple rings and light a fart!

Okay that sounded funnier in my head, what the hell Im gonna toke some more and post it anyway

I thought it was pretty funny.

So we got a good bit down. Allot has to do with wind conditions. The rest with size of you're mouth (basic ring size)

How about line through ring?
Ring is basic assuming everyone can already do those(plus its so hard to explain)

You would need the skills of ring in ring and basic line
I cant do either off these.
Ima go practice and report back.

thank everyone for the input so far if i had a camera ud have some pics.


Mother Nature's Son
Ummm.....Stoner4life, I don't know about that. If cigarettes were invented by a black man, would they still be legal?? Yeah, I am pretty sure they would be. I do not see how that would have made a damn difference at all, people would still have smoked the hell out of them.

Hell, George Washington Carver invented peanut butter, and multiple people die every year from peanut allergies.

Don Cotyle

Ya want a trick? Pull the cellophane almost off from the bottom of a pack of smokes and burn a round hole with a lit cig, fill up the celophane with smoke and lightly tap the top of the celaphane and you'll get perfect smoke rings =P HAHAhahaha!

I also qiut tobacco!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Tarkus said:
Ummm.....Stoner4life, I don't know about that. If cigarettes were invented by a black man, would they still be legal?? Yeah, I am pretty sure they would be. I do not see how that would have made a damn difference at all, people would still have smoked the hell out of them.

Hell, George Washington Carver invented peanut butter, and multiple people die every year from peanut allergies.
Whatever, I agreed with someone elses side of a debate and still do.

btw Tarkus, poor counterpoint as G.W. Carver had absolutely nothing to do with inventing peanut butter.......


Mother Nature's Son
Yes yes, I realize I made a large mistake. He certainly did not.

But still, I highly doubt they would be illegal. I would have to hear some damn good arguments to agree with it. Does not matter who invented it, they are here to stay and would have been regardless.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Tarkus said:
Yes yes, I realize I made a large mistake. He certainly did not.

But still, I highly doubt they would be illegal. I would have to hear some damn good arguments to agree with it. Does not matter who invented it, they are here to stay and would have been regardless.
You've missed the spirit of that rhetorical question Tarkus, to debate it any farther would be fruitless as neither you nor I know the answer which truthfully never need be addressed when used rhetorically.

Don't expect me to try to qualify someones statement on something that can never be proven under any circumstance, and taking the position that they are here to stay is my exact stance as well.

Truth is every time I see someone light up a cigarette it pleases me to no end, it's nice to know "Yup, I'm smarter than that one too......."