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2 stage fridge/freezer cfl powerd organic soil purps first grow

for those of you who missed my intoduction

Hi, let me introduce my self. I'm en-lighten-ment. I have wanted to grow pot for pretty much my whole life. So it was exciting to finally live somewhere it it is kind of legal to grow for medical purposes. I had been spending time trying to figure out where to grow that no one would know. One day well in my shed I looked at the old broken down fridge freezer and thought that would be the perfect place for a two stage grow room! :electricf: I then went about the business of finding seeds and finally decided on the Purps by BC. Then I started building my grow space. My seeds arrived! :woohoo: and i started 6 of them. 100% germ rate! :beer: I will start a grow dairy for my two stage cfl powwerd organic frindge/freezer. In my reading here and on BC Bud's Forum I have learned a lot and thank you all. :icon_thumleft: I am so stoked that a newb like me can get to communicate with all of the great growers out there!

Thank you

Now on with the grow show these are pictures of my semi operational grow fridge i hope to make it full operational in a few weeks when I am thinking I will up grade to this fan http://www.hvacquick.com/spfnconfig.php?fm=td the S&P TD-150 at first I was going to get a centerfudgal type fan but after some reading I thought that would be to loud for my situation so I got some axial fans but those didn't get the job done, I also have a bathroom fan going rite now. That's three fans! these S&P mixed fans have gotten rave reviews though there very Quit and provide a lot of static pull.

At first I was also going to use lcd's until I found out those suck. I then mistakenly thought that cfls would produce less heat then a hps. that of course is not true. oh well I am still very happy with my decision to use cfl's I just need to keep working on getting my temps under control. so with out further adieu heres my babies at around 10 days old? Oh yeh the cheap fan on top the fridge hides any noise made by the fridge. Indivisual pics of the oldest bigest plant and the runt.

I also forgot to mention that I lost one dew to dehydration :badday: next time I will put the jiffy starters in bigger pots so as not to dehydrate when i cant water (every sat sun and monday).

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Wassup Blackfoot thx I bought some fox farm ocian forrest and mixed it 50/50 with my own compost. Next time I think I am going to use 100% my own compost mixed with perilite. Yes I am def going to use tea.


Is there no spell check on here?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Good job bro and welcome to IC! I take it I had some help in your inspiration to grow with CFL's?? Anyway BC The Purps is going to blow you away cuz I know it was made using Mendo Purps which out here in Nor Cal is a very elite strain that is hard to get your hands on and it yields very well and smells and looks better than Purple Kush so congrats bro I may bug you for a cutting some day lol whatever you do make a mom first buddy or you'll be waiting a lot longer to have your perpetual cycle going... Well good luck on your grow I'll be watching this
Thx Thundurkel. Yes your where my main influence to use cfl's. After this run I have to take a break for 3 - 4 months but I think I will try to keep my best looking Pheno alive via resavoir and wick system until I can go full blast. In my county it is recomended to stay under the min. 6-12 plants and a half pound medical purposes so I think eventualy I will do a five plant scrog set up. Maybe we can do a trade someday "lol".
I switched my light cycle to off from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm. so they are off at the hottest time of the day. Boom my high of the day temp is 83 deg. :jump: :muahaha: :jump: . Word up to people strugeling with temps. What time to you have your lights on?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I actually have my lights come on at 7am and off at 7pm but I should have it the other way around... I'm guessing you're above the bay area with those county guidelines... I have a friend in Sacramento CA and there it's 6-12 plants and a 1/2 pound also but your doctor can over rule that some how and he's allowed 30 plants and 3 pounds and then I have another friend who's doc gave him whatever he can fit in 14 sq ft.... Just some food for thought, I think it should all go by weight anyhow and not plant numbers cuz us dudes with micro cabs have higher numbers but we don't produce like guys with rooms(well some of us do)
I run mine 7:30am-7:30pm. But no problem with temps here, my 12-42watt cfls are about 10degrees cooler than my 400w hps, nice stealth by the way
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Welcome aboard. Always happy to see another fridge grow.

en-lighten-ment said:
next time I will put the jiffy starters in bigger pots so as not to dehydrate when i cant water (every sat sun and monday).

If the 3 day absence is ongoing, a small E&F is something to consider. A rubbermaid tub to hold your pots over a small res with a timer set to Sunday only. You won't need an overflow line if the tub is bigger that the res. You can use a water pump in the res or (as I did with my first E&F) make it airtight and use an airpump to force water up the tube with air pressure.



Nice cooler! Great Stealth Space! Must have require some serious power tools?! How do you cut holes in a freezer?




Dig the Frig/Freezer set up, that's pretty sweet.
I would deff. try some DWC in that baby.
How tall can your plants get?

Thx Expolziv

Thx grean thumb, That's good to know

Thx Freezer Boy thats a great Idea. Something to def put some thought into. I'm a big fan of your threads.

Thx Quazi I will def check out your grow.

Thx Frid Actualy mine is mainly plastic and insulation. After reading Freezer Boy's thread I decided to use a saw's all avi. @ evilmart for around $50. I also used a drill to start the hole witch was a gift but I think it also came inexpesivly @ evilmart

Thx Retawgnob? soil seems better for me because I already have a compost systeme set up and nutts are readly avible in the form of compost tea next run I plan on useing 100% my own compost mixed with perilite wich means all I have to buy is perilite and mayby splurge on steer manuer and or worm sht, oh and prbl some mole asses. I think now that I have my heat issuses figured out I will be able to take down the heat shield and should have some ware around 15 inches of hight for the plants to grow


wewh it has been a long week in ganja land. First I fed them some realy bad smelling tea, then later reserched it more and found out I should not have done that. Oh well it dosen't seem to have affected them. threw that tea out and brewed some new tea which smells very good. feed them bad tea on Tue. I also thought sence my temps where good I would take down the heat shield and turn on another light bulb I had 8 23 watt bulbs going so this would make nine. I didn't relize that I must have bumbed another of the lights acidently turning it on. I came back the next day to 106 deg temps!!! and drought conditions. some leaf parts were dried up :badday: so I watered and turned both the lights off I also lowered the plants. Later in the week I am now relizing that the heat shield made a very big difrince. Today I feed with new very good smelling tea and am doing the switch to 12/12. With some or maybe a lot of luck I should have pot to smoke in two months :joint: I dont think I will have to worry about temps now that my lights will be on from 11pm to 11am. I will also be ordering new fan on monday so I can get my veg chamber up and operational. hope fully I will get some girls. I am a newb and have not seen many live pot plants in person but from pictures these seem to look very indicay they are saposed to be a sativa domenint strain one does look more sativa then the rest, but they are bushy little "girls". Oh and I also removed the mulch last week but then the soil dried up very fast so I put it back on, its not broken so will se if I sufer any neg cosicunces.

They are around three weeks from seed now.

Its the friday update :woohoo:

Its the friday update :woohoo:

As I understand it it would be very unlikely to ever have lockout when using an organic tea, But it seems like every one only waters with it every few times except the Dr. who uses a dilution of 1.5 litters and the rest water in a gallon every time. I don't understand why not use it full strength every time so that's what i intend to do starting today.

I started lst on the three bigger plants. No preflowers yet. got my new fan and installed it. Still testing though to see if I am fully operational yet. they are getting stinkyer :woohoo:

I am off to a "club" for the first time :woohoo: :bongsmi:
