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Canada's Bill C-26

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey fellow Canucks, I decided to try to find the actual bill that is being presented in front of the house. It took me a while but I found a site that has a bunch of info on the bill as well as a link to the actual bill draft. This thing is crazy. I can't believe that they're implementing mandatory minimum sentences. Lets take a page out of the American justice system and realize that this approach just doesn't work!!! It cost $78,000 a year to keep one inmate, can you imagine the cost when they start throwing people in the clink for growing for a first offense. I'm not opposed to some of the sections of this bill. They need to crack down on meth labs, date rape drugs and such, but leave cannabis alone.

This election send a message, don't vote for the parties that are backing this bill..... both the conservatives and liberals are behind this... NDP and the green party oppose this bill.

Bill C-26



Just to clarify...I keep hearing about 6 months min. for a single plant etc...

(b) if the subject-matter of the offence is cannabis (marihuana), is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years, and to a minimum punishment of

(i) imprisonment for a term of six months if the number of plants produced is less than 201 and the production is for the purpose of trafficking,

Say you got 3-4 plants, for personal use only...Not for the purpose of trafficking...I can't find anything on this situation in there?


embarrassing! tired old policies that have never worked anywhere.

Much of the canadian voting public is getting dumber with each election.
the proof is in the asshats elected


trichomefarmer said:
embarrassing! tired old policies that have never worked anywhere.

Much of the canadian voting public is getting dumber with each election.
the proof is in the asshats elected

I hate to say it, but this is true.

We've had a bad bunch in federal and provincial for a while now.

A bunch of assholes in bed with corperations and not representing real people.

two heads

Active member
My understanding is it includes a seven year minimum sentence for cultivation, which is insane. This site has many personal growers who will be directly affected by this bill.

Canada needs a "homegrown solution". International treaties restrict our ability to legalize trade in cannabis but we could allow a system where you apply for a license - say at $500 per year - to grow your own cannabis on your own property for your own personal consumption. Selling it would still be illegal and we could require indoor grow ops to pass a safety inspection. The license fee could include a grow guide and a selection of seeds from Canadian seed banks. The feds would make some serious cash this way without jumping through hoops to avoid contravening our treaties by taxing an illegal trade. Illegal grow ops would practically disappear overnight and organized crime would no longer be able to impune the good name of our favourite herb with "lawyers, guns and money".


Can someone confirm this for me?

As far as I can understand, there is no minimum sentence for anyone who is cultivating under 501 plants, as long as it's not for the purpose of trafficking...

So basically any joe blo with just a couple plants in his house for personal use would not be subject to these minimums...?

two heads

Active member


Sorry, I was wrong about the seven year minimum sentence. It is actually "only" six months. A big difference to be sure but still ludicrous for growing a single plant. Boolmag is partly right though, under 200 plants minimum sentences are only required if the grow is "for the purposes of trafficking". Given the tendency of the cops to exaggerate quantity and value, this is of small comfort for someone like me who shares a personal outdoor grow with a friend and seeks to harvest a minimum of 2 lbs between us.

Notably, any grow of more than 200 plants requires a one year minimum sentence - trafficking is assumed in this case though any grower knows a personal grow could easily start with 200 seedlings.

Here is a link to the sentencing minimums and maximums:

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two heads

Active member
OK, so they only got a minority but can we count on the Liberals to block C26? I kind of doubt it.


stoned agin ...
the NDP and BQ should step up to stomp this ... NDP is pro-legalization, and BQ, i assume, is against heavy-handed laws, look at how quebec got pissed about the proposed juvenile sentencing laws. the liberals have become nutless wonders.


New member
Current laws

Current laws

Does anyone know the current mininums for possession for the purpose over 3kg in Ontario? All I can find is the new proposed law that I dont think is in effect yet.


currently there is no minimum, only a max of 7 years. that's what's fucked about c-26 it will impose minimums and raise max to 14 years

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
This law hasn't been passed as of yet, but with continuous pressure from the States it's only a matter of time before this thing gets rushed through. The problem with the law is how it's written. If you are found trafficking, the sentence is far worse. What determines this? If you are growing plants you will be charged with trafficking, simply cause the prosecutor will want to make an example of you. If you have a scale you are charged with trafficking as well as numerous other charges. If you are simply growing for a few buddies you will be charged with trafficking. You can be charged for trafficking by simply passing a joint to another person. I have to laugh at all this, we all thought things would get better as the years go by, but they're getting worse. I just finished watching a documentary called The Union... watch it, probably the best documentary I've seen to date. Has plenty of information on why the laws are the way they are. Plenty of celebrity interviews and views on cannabis.


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