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Prop. 5 CA Ballot


Jeff Lebowski

Hey there Herbal Achievers, I just wanted to make sure all CA voters know about Prop. 5. This is the Non Violent Rehab. Act (NORA) diverting under age citizens into science based rehabilitation programs. It also eliminates the misdemeanor charge for 28.5 g of cannabis, making it now an infraction. This limits the fine charge to a max of $200, as opposed to the current $100 + misc. fees, sometimes propelling the fee upwards of $400. This will keep the CA system free from non-violent "drug" offenders, and save insane amounts of money. Spread the word~

Here is the link, just read if for yourself. Get out there and vote!Proposition 5


Active member
This will keep the CA system free from non-violent "drug" offenders, and save insane amounts of money.

it will keep the jails/prisons free from small time posession defendants... growers or anyone with more than an ounce is still fucked without prop 215. And while they may not be putting them in jail, probation is the start of a revolving door.

dont get me wrong I'm all for the proposition! my closest smokeout buddy got a ticket on 420 for havin less than an O. Went to court to fight it and they just dropped the charges at the prelim without him needin to even say a word. however it IS cheaper than the $100 and various court fees, not to mention the misdemeanor being a nonfactor now so in that regard, yeah its a great proposition. Its still a way for them to profit off small time posession. you imagine how many of those tickets flow thru the system.
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Active member
Jeff Lebowski said:
This will keep the CA system free from non-violent "drug" offenders,.......

The prison guard union is not gonna like this one bit.
And as unconceivable as it seems there are probably more prison guard union members and prison construction contractors that vote then there are just regular citizens.

What voters in CA always fail to realize is that when voting it's not the government you have to be worried about, it's the brain dead idiotic members of the prison guard union, et al that represent like 33% of all CA voters.
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
inflorescence said:
members of the prison guard union, et al that represent like 33% of all CA voters.
Friend is this really true? 33 percent of ALL Ca voters are members of the prison guard union? I'm amazed...I truely had no clue... and I live just miles from two of our states largest prisons. Guess an old fart like me learns something new every day...DD

Jeff ...thanks for posting..DD
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Freedom Fighter
inflorescence said:
The prison guard union is not gonna like this one bit.
And as unconceivable as it seems there are probably more prison guard union members and prison construction contractors that vote then there are just regular citizens.

What voters in CA always fail to realize is that when voting it's not the government you have to be worried about, it's the brain dead idiotic members of the prison guard union, et al that represent like 33% of all CA voters.

Sorry my friend, but that is simply not true-- A quick google check finds that in 2007, there were 33,000 CCPOA Members...hardly 33% of the Voters in Ca--


Bong Smoking News Hound
Yeah dont listen to him he just likes to stir up crap.

I was going to post this.


and only a 100 doller fine. Just like any traffic ticket. its a infraction if this passes.

Anything under 28.5 grams. would be as legal as Amsterdam in California if this passes.

Yes on Prop 5~~~~~~~~~


I guess it's better than jail, but those forced rehab's suck. I've been there. And if you pee dirty, your going to jail anyway.


ourcee said:
my closest smokeout buddy got a ticket on 420 for havin less than an O. Went to court to fight it and they just dropped the charges at the prelim without him needin to even say a word.
That's cool that he didn't need to do the rehab thing. It sucks to be the single herb smoker in a room with like 30 tweekers. :cuss:


Bong Smoking News Hound
For marijuana you dont have to do rehab unless you are under 18. That is what they are imposing i believe. Its a law decriminalizing marijuana to just a fraction. that's it. No rehab.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
inflorescence said:
The prison guard union is not gonna like this one bit.
And as unconceivable as it seems there are probably more prison guard union members and prison construction contractors that vote then there are just regular citizens.

What voters in CA always fail to realize is that when voting it's not the government you have to be worried about, it's the brain dead idiotic members of the prison guard union, et al that represent like 33% of all CA voters.

ok lets do some real life thinking....

CA Population, 2006 estimate 36,457,549
CA Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 7.6%
CA Population, 2000 33,871,648

Average increase in population of 3.8% per year.

Last estimate was in 2006. Now there are easily 37 million, but if i went buy the percentage increase, the numbers would show closer or higher of 38 million californians, but for the sake of conservatists,, lets keep it at 37.

So lets say....MAYBE 40% of those 37 million will vote ((highest recorded number of voters was 80 million out of 300 million americans))

Alright so now we have....14.800.000 peopel that will vote come election day.

Even with this conservative estimate,,,you think there are 5 million prison guards?

We have alot of prisons, but I have a hard time beliving that prison guards make up 33% of the california vote,, and if they do::: i have to thank them for Prop215. and all the other wonderful relaxed drug laws they must have voted in as wel...

Also pulled this off their website:::

(((CA prison guard union)))

CCPOA represents the more than 30,000 correctional peace officers working inside California's prisons and youth facilities, and the state's parole agents who supervise inmates after their release.


Yeah,, I had a feeling you were pulling numbers out yer ass... :asskick:
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prop 36 is better, non violent.

i`ll take a prop 5 as well =P

its like a $20-80$ fine, just dont do it 3 times within 18 months.


Well the key to all of this is that we have to get out and make sure that we vote. I think that there'll be more voters out this time than at any other time in history.


Active member
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
We have alot of prisons, but I have a hard time beliving that prison guards make up 33% of the california vote,, and if they do::: i have to thank them for Prop215. and all the other wonderful relaxed drug laws they must have voted in as wel...

I just want to clarify. I've lived in CA a long time and at least around my area is kinda a given that when you say prison union it means ALL the people involved.
It was my mistake to say prison GUARD Union. I meant all the unions that support a prison, the guard union, the contractor union, the sherffis assoc, the courts, judges, prosecutors, et al. I was watching a show on CA one day and they said that 33% of the CA population was involved in one way or another with the penal system. CA's number one cash crop may be MJ but the number one industry sure seems to be locking people up. Look up those stats!
BTW 215 only passed like 60% meaning there was 40% of the pop who voted against it. (40% is more than 33%).

What a lot of you didn't read between the lines on my original post was that the prison unions carry A LOT of political pull.
Thus even if prop 5 passes like 215 if the unions want to pressure the politicos then they will make it hard to implement.
Believe me, the Govenator listens to the unions more than the people. Why? follow the money.
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
yeah it was only passed by 60,,,,poll the numbers NOW....GURANTEE it will be closer to 80% hell most people havent even heard of MMJ since 02+++ now we have over 400k patients in california alone

things are changing,,,and it finally looks like it is for the better.


inflorescence said:
I was watching a show on CA one day and they said that 33% of the CA population was involved in one way or another with the penal system.

30% IS related to the penal system but that is working force, population.

the fact is, 35-45% of California is unemployed. I would imagine that 30% of the employed workforce is devoted to the penal system in one way or another.

its the same bullshit that southern states have in their churches.. Sure as shit, I really doubt Jesus came down from some cloud and told them to vote pro-war/pro-republican.


Active member
inflorescence said:
The prison guard union is not gonna like this one bit.

inflorescence said:
I just want to clarify. I've lived in CA a long time and at least around my area is kinda a given that when you say prison union it means ALL the people involved.
It was my mistake to say prison GUARD Union. I meant all the unions that support a prison, the guard union, the contractor union, the sherffis assoc, the courts, judges, prosecutors, et al. I was watching a show on CA one day and they said that 33% of the CA population was involved in one way or another with the penal system. CA's number one cash crop may be MJ but the number one industry sure seems to be locking people up. Look up those stats!
BTW 215 only passed like 60% meaning there was 40% of the pop who voted against it. (40% is more than 33%).

What a lot of you didn't read between the lines on my original post was that the prison unions carry A LOT of political pull.
Thus even if prop 5 passes like 215 if the unions want to pressure the politicos then they will make it hard to implement.
Believe me, the Govenator listens to the unions more than the people. Why? follow the money.

SCF said:
Yeah dont listen to him he just likes to stir up crap.

sd union tribune said:
Five Calif. governors unite against Prop. 5
LOS ANGELES – Five California governors came together yesterday in rare bipartisan opposition to a ballot initiative they fear would harm public safety by easing punishment for drug offenders.

Proposition 5 would divert tens of thousands of drug offenders annually from prisons or jails into treatment programs. It expands on a similar initiative approved by voters in 2000. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was joined by predecessors Gray Davis, Pete Wilson, Jerry Brown and George Deukmejian at yesterday's event at the downtown Los Angeles County criminal courts building.

Yes on 5 spokesman Tony Newman said the governors' united front shows state prisons are a bipartisan failure.

I can't find the link but it was in todays SD union tribune.

For all those who think I talk shit, well BOOYAH MF!

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New member
think? you do. your a friggin dea agent and a immature one at that. UNFIT - yes, unfit to be a human being, that word suits you perfectly.


Freedom Fighter
inflorescence said:
I can't find the link but it was in todays SD union tribune.

For all those who think I talk shit, well BOOYAH MF!


If this makes you happy, then you are a POS...sorry I ever talked to you-- :fsu: