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Cannabis smoker fined because his joint contained tobacco


Un - Retired,
its illegal to smoke tobacco in ANY public place in most of Europe
its not a smoking ban as such its a Tobacco ban but as smoking cannabis is illegal its been termed a smoking ban in the UK


bounty29 said:
Are you allowed to smoke tobacco outside? I can see how a separate section with an extensive ventilation system would work, but what do you think would be easier for shop owners, putting up a sign that says "No Tobacco" or spending a few grand on making a separate section?

Yes you can smoke outside but what if it's raining or cold?.

Also, they would be smart by making an investment to build a section because people will go in there shop more than others so in the long run it's good investment.

You don't even have to go through all of that just section off a specific place for smoker like they used to do in the 80's and 90's and just put an air cleaner near the stations. Back then air cleaners wasn't so cheap, high quality and easily available like they are now so they wouldn't even have to spend a lot of money.

Like I stated watch this go deeper than just tobacco.

Don Cotyle

^^^^^^^So it's raining or cold, you made the choice to smoke tobacco and that place is outside!

If you own a shop to sell and smoke herb, why cater to those that arn't buying your product! Yes it would be easy to section off an area, but, those air scrubbers are a couple thousand dollars...why spend the funds on something you don't sell or support?

It's also illegal to smoke tobacco inside in most places in the US, with the exceptions of bars and a few restaurants that have spent the extra funds and have designated areas!

It's like most laws! You can obey the or you can break them and try to not get caught, it's your choice, so why should an entrapenure pay for your habit especially if they don't agree?!!?

I personally don't add any tobacco to my herb or hash! He got caught...pay the fine or fight it! It'll probably be alot cheaper to pay the fine, than fight it and still have to pay the fine and court costs etc.!!!


Active member
The world is comprised mostly of politically correct pussies nowadays.

I remember when elevators in buildings had ashtrays. I remember taking long flights and lighting up while sitting in the back section of the plane. Smoking a cig, sipping on an alcoholic beverage and just shooting the breeze. Those were the days. Flying was much more enjoyable and relaxing back then.

I believe in the free market system, and anti-smoking fascists should not make laws or ban bars and restaurants that would be 100% pro-smoking. If somebody wishes to open up a 100% smoking bar or restaurant or coffee shop, then they should be allowed to. If there is no demand, then that business will simply go out of business. And if a 100% no-smoking bar or restaurant/coffee shop goes out of business, then that is also the free market making it's voice heard. The people have spoken.

Both options should be available, both smoking and non-smoking, and the people could choose to frequent whichever places that they preferred. Many of the hypocritical anti-smoking fascists are guilty of far worse public disturbances, annoyances, atrocities, pollution and crimes than somebody merely lighting up a cigarette.

:joint: :wave:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
oldpink said:
...same way we would roll a hash joint

Now you're talking my language...a man after my own heart.

By the way OP: is that you wailing away on acoustic guitar on Youtube?

You got decent chops M8.
green_grow said:
they did him a favour . tobacco is the gateway to harder drugs.

I disagree, alcohol is the gateway to harder drugs if anything is, personally I dont believe in the gateway theory at all though, theres just too many variables involved to reliably know one way or the other.
inverse said:

Cannabis smoker fined for tobacco

A cannabis smoker was fined by Dutch police - because his joint contained tobacco.

Holland has kept its liberal policy on cannabis smoking in the country's "coffee shops", even after a public smoking ban was introduced in Dutch cafes and restaurants last July.

An Amsterdam police spokesman admitted it could be difficult to understand the current policy of allowing smokers to puff away on pure cannabis while fining tobacco users, reports the Daily Telegraph.

"For logic it is sometimes impossible to explain, even to the Dutch," he said.

"The man was not fined for smoking a cannabis joint but for smoking. You can smoke cannabis but not tobacco in coffee shops."

The 27-year-old man owns one of the city's coffee shops, where the purchase and smoking of cannabis is tolerated, and he is expected to contest the case in court.

It will be the first test of a Dutch smoking ban that exempts people from enjoying joints as long as only pure marijuana is used.

The man was caught lighting a hand rolled cannabis joint during a routine police check and fined because officers found tobacco mixed with the soft drug.

The smoking ban is usually enforced by municipal health and safety inspectors "but if a police officer signals an infringement, he does not close his eyes to it," said the police spokesman.

*sigh* just when i was sort of content with the laws here in cali, i had to read a story about the netherlands :( haha

Wonder if you can get fined if pure weed is rolled with a tobacco leaf!? :fsu:


I would much rather smoke weed than tobacco, hell it just looks more appealing. Weed is a beautiful flower, tobacco is brown shredded leaves. No contest.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
tobacco?!?!?!?!?!?!?!....... sacrilege!

I'd have tossed his bicycle in the canal
& forced him to listen to that godawful
coffee shop house music for 30 days.......

that'd teach him to puff on the undesired.


Active member
sounds about right man, cause tobacco is lethal. i heard on the news the other day that cannabis is virtually harmless compared with alcohol and tobacco. as smoked with a vaporizier. and that was goverment experts. cant mind which country though. peace man :joint: toke on.


Active member
100% agreed with greenhead.

but yeah this guy knew the rules, being a shop owner himself...

it doesn't bug me one shit that they've banned tobacco, it's better for every smokers health. :joint:


johnipedestran said:
crazy euros mixing tobacco with your herbs....

and I always understood it to be a European thing.


our shit is strooong dude it will fuk you up! its not a european thing either i think, they use tobacco with their hasj in the middle east for example. we get more imported hasj from there in europe then you do in the states.

nicotine is some nasty shit anyway guys, it could be related to alzheimer, ADD, it fucks up your immune system and your kids immune system! you get all kinds of deceases. it also messes with your digestion system.

in 06 they started using neonicotinoids as bug killers, and in 2 years humming bees went almost instinct! why? cus nicotine fucks with their memory (alzheimer), and the bees cant find their way home!

thank god we have a sain government in the world, the dutch has got it right!

does anyone know of any good tobacco substitute for my hasj and such?


Domesticator of Cannabis
I've done it & I find most of my Jamaican buddies still seem to add it in their compressed perfume weed or any other they have even back in the late seventies. Now that I quit government tobacco knowing what a fucked up drug(s) it is & the 200+ chemicals that are added to it. You've got to be kidding, I'll pass unless I'm starving. My opinion may differ than those who haven't figured it out yet.
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lives on planet 4:20
oldpink said:
well in Europe most of us grew up smoking hash joints and its pretty normal to mix weed and tobacco together
same way we would roll a hash joint

i meant that a person who wants to smoke in a coffeeshop...can smoke herb or hash in the coffee shop...and after go smoke tobaco somewhere where it is allowed

and if someone likes smoking tobaco mixed with herb or hash...well he or she likes smoking tobaco with herb and hash...it is his or her choice fully...and what someone else thinks about it...does not really matter

but taking into account the new laws in the coffeeshops and the fact that quite a few of the smokers that smoke hash/cannabis in the coffeeshops don't smoke tobaco.....mixed tobaco/hash/herb can be smoked many places where it causes no problem for all the sides in the situation (tobaco smoker, a tobaco non-smoker and the coffeeshop owner/workers,etc)

i personally smoked tobaco twelve years straight (about 1.5 packs of Red Marlboro per day) and the last ten years have not smoked a single cigarette, and don't want to even think about it

smoking deliscious herb like amnesia haze, lavendar, nyc diezel, sour diezel, cheese, blue cheese, and the many deliscious hashes in the dutch coffeeshops...i can't imagine spoiling that taste for myself with tobaco

but I smoke only in clear glass pipes...I just love watching the smoke go in that glass...and plus I want to know when the smoke ends...so that I know when I have to brake off another piece of bud or hash and drop it in my pipe...lol

when I smoked cigarettes in my youth living in America....I still smoked pure herb...and smoked cigarettes after (just to get the nicotene fix)
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Its always worth someone mentioning tobacco so a bunch of self righteous twats can bang on about the evils of nicotine and let themselves feel better about their peasant existance.
inverse said:
i will say that spliffs are a treat for me on rare occassions...its a novelty to get that super dizzy tobacco buzz

What tobacco buzz? I bet you don't smoke, right? I've been smoking them damn fags so long i don't even get a buzz with bidis :-( I wish there was a way i could quit smoking cigarettes without augmenting my weed intake by a factor of 5, but i get that craving to see smoke coming out of my mouth. Stress is a bitch.

But that said: the ONLY way i'll muddy up weed with tobacco is if it's some super potent stuff... or if it's hash. I learned to roll in Spain so i DID learn originally with tobacco, and i must say, it's much easier to roll with baccy than without.

The long strips stay put more easily than our sticky calyxes without getting too compacted.

Alas, i can understand the lopsided ban. You wouldn't hotbox a cigarette, would you?????


Rifman said:
our shit is strooong dude it will fuk you up! its not a european thing either i think, they use tobacco with their hasj in the middle east for example. we get more imported hasj from there in europe then you do in the states.

nicotine is some nasty shit anyway guys, it could be related to alzheimer, ADD, it fucks up your immune system and your kids immune system! you get all kinds of deceases. it also messes with your digestion system.

in 06 they started using neonicotinoids as bug killers, and in 2 years humming bees went almost instinct! why? cus nicotine fucks with their memory (alzheimer), and the bees cant find their way home!

thank god we have a sain government in the world, the dutch has got it right!

does anyone know of any good tobacco substitute for my hasj and such?

This is complete nonsense!.

Tobacco is not dangerous when cured right and not smoked in high amounts. Vaporizing lowers the problems even more if any are there.

As far as Alzheimers nicotine has been shown to actually help it. As far as bugs of course it will effects them when you look at the concentrations used. The same can be said for cannabis and other essential oils.

Nicotine & Alhzeimers:

Nicotine Use as a Young Adult, May Reduce Schizophrenia Risk:

A lot of problems caused by cigarettes are because of the added chemicals as well as people smoking too much, not the tobacco itself. In fact most cigarettes aren't really tobacco but sheets sparayed with nicotine and other adulterants as well as low quality leaf and stems.

Get some American Spirits tobacco because they use whole leaf tobacco.
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