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Worldiwide Hash-Price Reference Centre for Hungry Travellers


Well-known member
Greetings all,
My curiousity was piqued by the question of what people are paying worldwide for hashish, as a resource for the weary traveler preparing for yet another journey, aimlessly wondering as to how many arms and legs his beloved hash pipe will set him back.
All prices should be expressed in us dollars, I'm not from there, but I believe many on this site are??
As many replies as possible would be greatle appreciated :joint:

At present, afghani hash, not amazing quality, but tasty and golden on the inside is going for:

Peace and Love


Well-known member
top quality imported non-ice hash in amsterdam wholesale is 6-6.5 euros per gram for kilo's
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Water Sifted Hashish

Water Sifted Hashish

Top Quality, Imported Water Sifted Hashish goes for 15 euros per gram for a kilo. In Amsterdam.
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hachis said:
Top Quality, Imported Water Sifted Hashish goes for 15 euros per gram for a kilo. In Amsterdam.

You need a better supplier, lol


Well-known member
Hey guys, thanks for helping get this going. Those prives sound high, but i'm sure the hash is worth it??


High Class Grass
mr.haze420 said:
top quality imported non-ice hash in amsterdam wholesale is 6-6.5 euros per gram for kilo's

In Denmark its around 7-8 euros per gram for kilos.

Stay Safe


lover of all things hashlike
californian full melt bubble - kilo - price per gram approx 12 us dollars
humboldt outdoor trim bubble...7 bucks a gram..5 for the dry seive...indoor full melt same as papulz...you get way more for your money with the bubble than with flowers...just everyone wants flowers..

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High Class Grass
Such a shame ill never be able to enter the states...thus not visiting CA...sounds like my kinda place tho.....

Stay Safe


New member
Morocco it ranges from 20 to 30 dirham per gram (roughly between 1.80 euro and 2.8 euro). This is at the northern region where quality is very good compared tot the rest of Morocco. Price doesn't change much in other regions but as you go more and mroe south the hash becomes rubbish.


dale gribble said:
humboldt outdoor trim bubble...7 bucks a gram..5 for the dry seive...indoor full melt same as papulz...you get way more for your money with the bubble than with flowers...just everyone wants flowers..

Lucky bastard flowers cost TWICE that around here....btw
any tips on FINDING extract? I saw soapbar that was mostly adulterant ONCE and it went for 80 BUCKS A GRAM. Thats all I ever seen or heard of.


in morocco if u are paying 20-30 dirham a gram for the top quality you are getting ripped of. it should be max 15 dirham - and preferable less. in chefchauen that is.

in spain top quality hash goes for anything from 3 euros a gram up to 6 - more is a rip off.

medium quality hash should be anything from 1,5 euro a gram to 2 euro a gram


Hi bone,

Out of interest, how readily available are the top grades in Spain please?




it depends a lot on seasonal availability, but some connections allways have 00, other allways have medium quality..

prices above play in south spain - the further up u go the more expensive it is. same hash that down here goes for 160 in barcelona can be up to 400. further south closer to moroco the prices usually get cheaper.

there is allways exepcions.
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they are called ASS-EGGS - not caramellos...

in spanish "huevo culero"..

in spain depending on quality it can be from 3-4 euro a gram up to 8 or a bit more.

the qualities are so variying in the eggs its difficult to put a price tag on it.
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