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About leb27 in particular, noise and data in common




I obtained zen seeds of the leb30 variety in hope of an early (september in Germany) harvest. I sowed them in May, they grew slowly, most were eaten by snails, I ended up with a hip-high stalk already pistillating for some weeks.

Taken from http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=790362&post790362 :
esbe said:
my "own" leb27 also contains a lot of sativa. my best guess is that it is landrace originally from lebanon, but im not 100% shure. its great for hash making.
leb27 is best for hash i think, but if you like a nice daytimer shes good. taste is mild and round with a pinch of earth and forest. not the strongst weed, but a lot of ppl like it though. also leb27 is very resistant to mold and frost. it turns all purple\black the last month of its life.
originally the leb27 smoke was sold from christiania. the seeds was collected from some of those buds.

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first-time cultivators of this strain or of the swiss lebanese report that plants do not branch out well. Breeders do not have this problem.

Theories about photoperiodical, life-age- (Lowryder) or size-based (Ruderalis Indica) flowering trigger are blunt. What do the wisdom heaps say, does the strive for clarification only produce more confusion?



Dr. Narrowleaf
I agree, there's not much info floating around about leb. There's only pictures and although they look nice i wouldn't say they are worth a thousand words.

i have a leb27 on my porch and she really is a stringy little thing. i lost the mother to frosts in late may and all i had was a cutting and it never branched. i wouldn't recommend leb to be grown inside as she really doesn't perform that well under lamps.

in my experience leb27 needs around 7-8 hours of darkness to flower.

even the danes aren't aware of the strains background but i hope they'll be able to fill us in on it's other qualities.
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Hi Grasso,
I'm also growing some Danish Leb27 and some Swiss (Bluehemp) Leb.
The Leb27 has wider leaves and is quicker to put out white feathers than the Swiss Leb.



Joint Date: Today.
This is the first time i read someone saying that the Lebs dont develope as branchy plants. All the pictures of lebanese sativas includincìg Esben's and Paddi's pics of the Leb27 showed HUGE PLANTS with long branches covered in bud sites.
You guys should try planting in larger containers or larger holes.. just consider that your environment may have something wrong.
A Sativa plant like that HAS to be skinny and branchy.. shes sativa!


Dr. Narrowleaf
WAMEN said:
This is the first time i read someone saying that the Lebs dont develope as branchy plants. All the pictures of lebanese sativas includincìg Esben's and Paddi's pics of the Leb27 showed HUGE PLANTS with long branches covered in bud sites.
You guys should try planting in larger containers or larger holes.. just consider that your environment may have something wrong.
A Sativa plant like that HAS to be skinny and branchy.. shes sativa!

It's the early flowering that caused my plant to grow branchless. i can imagine someone having that problem in a more southern climate where days aren't long enough to keep your plants in veg. :2cents:



Thule said:
in my experience leb27 needs around 7-8 hours of darkness to flower.
Thank you! I thought so, too.

Wamen said:
This is the first time i read someone saying that the Lebs dont develope as branchy plants. All the pictures of lebanese sativas includincìg Esben's and Paddi's pics of the Leb27 showed HUGE PLANTS with long branches covered in bud sites.
Sometimes soil, weather and man's actions do not fit together.

I think that Lib?? keeps growing through the lengthening and warming days and starts to flower when summer has arrived, cut short a season flowerer. Few varieties rely solely on daylength, it is just that indoors daylength is the main handle.

A Sativa plant like that HAS to be skinny and branchy.. shes sativa!
I think breeders prune them twice.

Let us see how she turns out! I still may pollinate her or try next year with more zen and in the meantime stick around.

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Joint Date: Today.
the problem may be also the same that makes lowriders grow like 2 joint plants sometimes.. they have a very short veg stage and they have nearly zero stretch in flowering.. so if you dont give them plenty of nutes and rootspace from the beginning they grow too tiny.
The leb may need to get optimum growing conditions in the veg stage since it starts flowering so fast so what you have at early flowering is what you get at the end..
that would be possible although i think being a sativa she would stretch sensibily so it wouldnt justify poor growth completely.
By the way i agree that it can be a problem to grow that kind of photosensitive plant in tropical or close areas ... for the reasons you mentioned



here is my further fate with her: She did not stretch in flower indeed, but I find that outdoors flowering plants just harden up the stems and grow hats and gloves of buds anyway. She had violet petioles and olive-green bracts and smelled creamy. Due to the dark summer she grew wiry ears until a month ago I cut her in two pieces, took her home and dried her in a cardbox in a plastic bag in an oven heated to summer temperature by a light bulb since I was trying fermentation as it happens in Jamaica and Thailand. I forgot to work it (as Indians use to trample on tea and ganja) or wrap it in hence quality did not change much. It dried faster though, being smoke-ready after a week, smelling like last year's harvest around christmas did, that is like lemon/vanilla, consisting of heavy medium-sized bracts, crumbling like bread.

It is strong. While still inhaling a jay of mosty Maryjane and some tobacco I get stomach cramps and diarroe. When using mostly tobacco and just a bit of weed I still feel the food parting with me inside. Complexity occurs when an easily defined state such as happiness or misery depends on many tough to define conditions. In contrast I still have a jar of seeded buds grown in a windy place, harvested end of October and storaged rather openly for many months now smelling so mild like a wooden shack with a warm fireplace and consisting of light pliable bland bracts some of which were already fermented (wilted yellow or brown) on the living plant. Even cabbage does not show so much variation.

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Grasso, I like your smoke report especially the way you describe the smell!
I have harvested the leb27 now she is drying, the smell is a citrus, a little spicy and perfumed.

Elevator Man

Active member
Another tiny Leb 27 that finished in mid-September in Britain. Flowered under 16/8 indoors, and didn't really take off outdoors either:

Gorgeous smell and smoke though - like berry ice-cream with a hint of lavender. I had very bad luck though - most phenos I got were huge, lanky specimens with few leaves that just could not be started indoors at all. Also got lots of males. I'd love to try it again next year though, as the tiny amount I got to smoke was very impressive, and as mentioned above, some of Esbe's and Paddi's plants are spectacular, so it can be done...:)


Hi Elevator,
I think we had a particularly poor summer this year (in Britain)
In a good hot dry season I'd say we'd have chance at growing some
"Paddi/Esben" style lebs!

I'm gonna try again next year anyway.
Also, lavender - now you mention it that's quite a predominant aroma coming from the drying closet right now, perfumed...


Grasso said:

here is my further fate with her: She did not stretch in flower indeed, but I find that outdoors flowering plants just harden up the stems and grow hats and gloves of buds anyway. She had violet petioles and olive-green bracts and smelled creamy. Due to the dark summer she grew wiry ears until a month ago I cut her in two pieces, took her home and dried her in a cardbox in a plastic bag in an oven heated to summer temperature by a light bulb since I was trying fermentation as it happens in Jamaica and Thailand. I forgot to work it (as Indians use to trample on tea and ganja) or wrap it in hence quality did not change much. It dried faster though, being smoke-ready after a week, smelling like last year's harvest around christmas did, that is like lemon/vanilla, consisting of heavy medium-sized bracts, crumbling like bread.

It is strong. While still inhaling a jay of mosty Maryjane and some tobacco I get stomach cramps and diarroe. When using mostly tobacco and just a bit of weed I still feel the food parting with me inside. Complexity occurs when an easily defined state such as happiness or misery depends on many tough to define conditions. In contrast I still have a jar of seeded buds grown in a windy place, harvested end of October and storaged rather openly for many months now smelling so mild like a wooden shack with a warm fireplace and consisting of light pliable bland bracts some of which were already fermented (wilted yellow or brown) on the living plant. Even cabbage does not show so much variation.


Did you just say....this weed is so strong it gives you diarrhea?


Active member
Leb 27

Leb 27

I´d like to share my experience(so far) growing the Leb 27.

Esbe was so kind to share a few beans of the Leb with me, and I ended up with 3 female plants flowering on my balcony.

They started to show preflowers very early in the season, but I let them go until now.

They will be harvested this night, or tomorrow.

Of course I let them go a bit too long, but it seems like even tough they show preflowers very early(especially the males, which is very practical), they need some time to finish.

My plants did not get that big, most likely because I planted them a bit late, and wheather during this time was very, very bad, so they grew very slow during their seedling stage.

All 3 females look almost identical to each other, with a classical Sativa shape and very thin fingered leaves.

The flowers are extremely airy with ratehr big single calyxes and have a deep purple, almost black colour, as well as most of the fanleaves.

The trichome content is pretty nice, definitely more than I expected, and the smell is quite natural, reminding me of DP´s "Shaman" I grew 2 years back, but combined with some woody and medicinal, perfumy aspects.

I decided to smoke a quick dried sample tonight.

I normally avoid to do that, but I´m so curious, and it would be just a wee bit as an appetizer.

Gonna post on the effects during the next hour, if there will be any at all.

Dubi mentioned in another thread, that his Leb 27 did not give a strong effect after harvest, but became much better after a longer cure.

Seems like the phenos I got are different than Dubi´s, and they exactly look like those who were described by Esbe as being perfect for hashmaking.

They are much more airy than Dubi´s flowers, but seems like they have a better trichome content, which could have to do with the cooler temperatures in my area.

So long,

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cool, thanks for the writeup spicecowboy.

what strain is used in the makin of lebanese hash

i recently tried some blonde hash, shit has a nice smell to it.
looked like gold, touch more red than gold has tho.
it smelled like white pepper, a bit woody,


Active member


Of course smoking a very small spliff of freshly cut and fast dried flowers is not objective, but the effects are definitely there.

The turn creeps slowly up, and is very mild, but nice.

The effects are rather motivating but not speedy at all, more like motivating, but calming at the same time.

There are some subtle psychedelic effects with a visual component, mildly euphoric.

There is not much body to the turn, far away from a narcotic, numbing feeling.

All in all: Who cares?- This was just a quick- dried sample, and I like it so far.

There is an inner voice telling me:

"Let it dry and cure for a few weeks, then turn it all into bubble and enjoy!"

The flowers have an incredible colour, but they are too airy for my bag appeal likings.

Another odd trait is that there are not many trichomes on the few smaller leaves, but some of the stems are glittering nicely with nice cloudy heads on short stalks, and of course the single femle flowers have a good amount of trichomes that look very tasty under the magnifying glass.

For all those reasons she´s the ideal candidate for hashmaking, and I would definitely not mind having a bit of bubble made from outdoor grown original Lebanese hash plants in my stash.

A little blast from the past for a nostalgic Cannabis Connosieur like me.

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