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A bit of this and that


New member
Hello all.
I'm pretty new to the site but I've been growing for a few years now.
CMoon told me to come over and check this place out so I thought I'd post a few pics of previous grows (everybody likes bud shots after all).
I'm far from being the best grower in the world but I've not needed to see my dealer in a good few years now so I'm happy.
Most of these were grown with a 250wHPS but I've got a 400w in my flower room now.
Mostly grow in soil but have dabbled with hydro.

I'll get a diary up of my White Russian NFT in a month or two when it gets interesting.

But some pics for now.

Mexican Sativa


Orange Bud


Blue Mystic


Northern Lights


White Russian x Odalisk


Mystery Seed (I was told it was White Rhino but it dosen't taste like it)


Hope you enjoyed.



Nice job, is that sensis mexican sativa? Hows the smoke? I've always liked the high from mexican brick but the quality always sucked, is that like mexican import?
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New member
Iron_Lion said:
Nice job, is that sensis mexican sativa? Hows the smoke? I've always liked the high from mexican brick but the quality always sucked, is that like mexican import?

Yeah it was Sensi's mexican.
The buggers outgrew my flower room and I had to knock up something makeshift.
The smoke was ok, nothing special, and the yeild really sucked. Shouldn't have been surprised, trying to grow them with just a 250w was never the brightest idea. :spank:



:yoinks:...very nice...and yes sats like that Mex need intense lighting to show off their best and also especially halides and a warm will do. Sats and sat doms grown indoors under HPS just never reach their potential...think equator man.


Galactus said:
Yeah it was Sensi's mexican.
The buggers outgrew my flower room and I had to knock up something makeshift.
The smoke was ok, nothing special, and the yeild really sucked. Shouldn't have been surprised, trying to grow them with just a 250w was never the brightest idea. :spank:




pictures speak for themselves buddy, iv known 20 year self appointed weed gurus cant get that maturity with a 600 :laughing:

lets see this nft setup, from the looks of that keeper it aint gonna be a few months before the fireworks happen :jump:

excellent bud porn

bests Cmoon


you've really grown some nice colas,,,
welcome to icmag,,, your home away from home,,,
seems you've found your place>>
some GREAT growers here!
i like your variety, not just clone onlys...
you seem to have great results with your seeds,,,
what's some of your best purchases for the money?
are the taste up to par with the cheaper seeds?



beautiful colas, broham.

I must've been high last night because I gave you positive rep for this thread and don't even remember seeing these pics. LOL


New member
CMoon said:
pictures speak for themselves buddy, iv known 20 year self appointed weed gurus cant get that maturity with a 600 :laughing:

lets see this nft setup, from the looks of that keeper it aint gonna be a few months before the fireworks happen :jump:

excellent bud porn

bests Cmoon

Cheers buddy, hope you're keeping well.
I've had a few problems with my NFT, 2 of the girls are really taking off but 2 are being really awkward.

I'll get some pics up soon.



New member
grapepunched said:
you've really grown some nice colas,,,
welcome to icmag,,, your home away from home,,,
seems you've found your place>>
some GREAT growers here!
i like your variety, not just clone onlys...
you seem to have great results with your seeds,,,
what's some of your best purchases for the money?
are the taste up to par with the cheaper seeds?


Thanks for the kind words.
Being a cheap skate I tend to plump for the cheeper seeds, and I've been pretty pleased so far. I don't think you can go wrong with Nirvana seeds for the money. I'm a big fan of the lights I grew from them, it almost rivaled the russian for strength, and the germ rates were 100%.
I'm also very impressed with Serious Seeds, I'll be giving their AK a blast before long, cause I really fell in love with the ruskies.

Also got some Kushberry to try out soon which I'm looking forward to popping.



The revolution will not be televised.....
Galactus - Welcome to the ICMAG and way to knock it out of the park on your first post! Great looking ladies and pics. You fit in well here my friend.Again welcome.