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How to find local busts?



I googled "marijuana arrests" and "marijuana" with my state. I searched the local paper online and cant find many arrests.

I was looking to see if they did any pulling of electric records here

But I cant really find many busts. I found a handful over the last year

Do I need to look elsewhere?
In my towns chamber of commerce website they have a tool that tracks crime by area. You type in an address then it will give you like a square mile or 2 worth of crime. It breaks it down into offenses, but I think grow houses are just put into the category of drugs same as possession.

I just scan my local TV news and newspaper websites once a day. They always have them on there. I then right the date the crime happened names of perps and either google them later on to see the punishment or just keep an eye on the websites for follow up.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
try news.google.com

search with phrases like and include the symbols

"marijuana grow" +electric +yourstate
"marijuana" +meter +indoor
"marijuana" +indoor


shut the fuck up Donny
SomeGuy said:
try news.google.com

search with phrases like and include the symbols

"marijuana grow" +electric +yourstate
"marijuana" +meter +indoor
"marijuana" +indoor

I second this, will yield almost anything that is online.

Wouldn't stress too much about your electric especially since you have a real large house to begin with.


Custom User Title
Some police departments have websites, and they list all of the last months incidents and arrests. It's just a couple words description, but it'll give you an idea of stuff. Most of the marijuana charges I see are right along with several other charges, mostly things that would've gotten them arrested in the first place, and anything else they could find got thrown on. Pretty interesting sometimes. There's names too, look for your friends!
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Active member
bounty29 said:
There's names too, look for your friends!


when I took a lil mandatory vacation, my whole office figured out how to search online for inmate records. shitty.


The google news link was good. I found some more but not many. Seems like grow houses arent a major target. They did have some BIG busts but one was like 30 houses all linked to the same group

Police stations etc isnt that effective as I am trying to cover a large portion of the state.


some local governments have press releases, crime statistics and stuff like that on there websites. court house records are good too if they are online. i think of it as checking the newspapers every week or so.


more often than not the busts are reported in the police blotter, it also depends on where you are at. In your state, (I have moved away) I know first hand that the police and media try to work in concert. Some busts with good evidence that assures a prosecutors victory in court will be well publicised. And others where they are thinking they will squeeze some small time grower for info, and do so by questionable means gets little to no attention because of the chances that the case will make the police department look bad by way of their conduct. One example would be the old lady in ATL you was gunned down by drug cops. That would have been a quiet bust because they had obtained a search warrant by unethical means. Had that bust gone seemlessly noone would have heard about it.
Try key words like "grow house" hydroponic, you know words that squares would use in a paper article.
Sorry about the long response. I have worked witha few lawyers and talked alot about this with many of them.



Type in an address and a map will pop up with reported offenders in that area. And the crimes committed.

My local paper has a "Police Report" weekly with the most notable incidents. Names, ages, addresses and outcome of contact.

Clerk of the Circuit Court of ____ County website. Cases, defendants, locations....

The powers that be keep a lot away from the media to insure the "ongoing investigations" remain secret.

Check with your state laws regarding pulling records of electric usage. Most cases require a warrant signed by a judge who has been provided proof of some sort.

Good luck to everyone this season.


Well-known member
I also say the local paper, usually they put busts in there, any major papers around you as well, say you're city x and city y is next to you and they have a main paper. I also check all the local news websites around and even my whole province/state just to see what is going on, usually reports of rippers break and enter on a grow room kind of thing, but usually the local news tells you whats going on. The last one is checking the police press releases and seeing what they have been up to or what is coming up. Certain routes or areas can be avoided in advance if you know smokey will be around as well. It's no guarantee that you'll find all the busts but sometimes they are useful.


natural medicator
LazLo said:

Type in an address and a map will pop up with reported offenders in that area. And the crimes committed.

My local paper has a "Police Report" weekly with the most notable incidents. Names, ages, addresses and outcome of contact.

Clerk of the Circuit Court of ____ County website. Cases, defendants, locations....

The powers that be keep a lot away from the media to insure the "ongoing investigations" remain secret.

Check with your state laws regarding pulling records of electric usage. Most cases require a warrant signed by a judge who has been provided proof of some sort.

Good luck to everyone this season.

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...............i just don't know what to say here.......


You can always call your local police liason office and ask them for their crime statistics, which are usually available, with some delay, by way of freedom of information act. You don't even have to file a request a lot of the time - they have the goods on hand for reporters, etc...

Of course, I'm in Canada, so there's way less craziness associated with dealing with the coppers. I used to go to my local police liason office and they'd have the stats for the previous months printed in the window, as well as having a regular police progress reports (current efforts, blitzes, etc) on community TV :smile:


I am trying to cover a large area so contacting police departments is out of the question. It would be hundreds.

Any bust that I am interested in would be news worthy. I am not looking for busts from today or yesterday but over the last couple years.

There just doesnt seem to be many here


668, Neighbor of the Beast
What's so sweet about it? Maybe it's just me but I didn't find it useful.

It filters it down to a single state. For instance if I include "location:alaska" I only get stories that originated in alaska or whatever state I choose.
If I wanted to get news from anywhere that included reference to Alaska then I'd add it as "+alaska"

news.google.com searches 4500 sources and the more tools you have to pare it down the more useful it becomes. This part was part of the advanced search but I never paid much attention till trademanny pointed it out.

Anyone else know any cool and useful Google hacks/tools?


shit most dont make the papers or anything else. I was busted in a MAJOR city in the S.E. with 52 plants, blah blah blah and nothing. 7 felonies and not even in the paper!