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Growing in storage spaces, can it be done?


New member
Hey all, I was just curious to know whether anybody has ever grown in storage space containers before, you know the kind where people store boxes and stuff, what if you just put a growroom in there?

The only problem I would see happening is the smell would probably leak out but that could be controlled with coverup I suppose. Also, one would need a power generator in order to generate their own electricity for the lights and everything else, has anyone ever tried doing this before?

Anyway, let me know your guys opinions/experiences with this,



if im not mistaken someone else a while ago asked this question. dont know if it was a thread or not but i think it can be done.

ODOR: youll have to recycle the air a carbon scrubber inside of the closet should be enough as long as the cfm are rated for the space your using.

LIGHT LEAKS: all you would have to do is put up a 6mil black plastic barrier, or the like; maybe construction adhesive some Velcro to the walls so it doesnt go flying due to the wind of fans and such.

NUTES/FEEDING: well of course thats up to you, but i would DEFINITELY do nothing but soil for something like that.

POWER: last time i saw/checked one out, i know that they put lights in the bigger closets that they offer. i think its like a 60 watt bulb with a pull string.

*its with the power that you would have to get an electrician in on things, as far as rewiring the at power line from the light thats in there.

** what/however certain items can be muffled you would have to muffle them, circulation fans can be bought in the whisper variety, i know the can fans can be put in the same boxes they came in (of course with a couple cuts to the box here and there) and then mounted that way

** i would buy some boxes of water, i mean the boxes that have the 6 x 1gl bottles and just keep the boxes and transfer the water that way. or you could just bring a box or two every know and again with a couple bottles of already mixed nutes (so you dont have to stay in there any longer than you have to). that way, it also looks like your using the storage space and not jsut coming and going and not putting anything in or taking anything out.

if anything you can just fold up teh boxes and leave them in there along with some plastic bags and come harvest time, you already have a means to get the chopped plants out, and no one would be the wiser cause all your doing is. .. . moving boxes

**one main thing is security and that would have to be done in the form of stealth. once you are putting things in and taking them out, then you should be ok. various boxes of different sizes (boxes:appliances, tv, pc, thigns that are ordered, etc.), various plastic containers of different sizes and all your gonna look like is just another joe, moving things and taking them out, which is what people do.

**always talk to the people there. make nice, talk about yourself, " hey man you know any place that has any cheap places for rent i gotta get my stuff out of here and into and apt!"or "i just moved here from*******." 0r " to think i had to give up my closet space for the wife and now i cant even use the office cause of the baby coming". you have to put it into peoples heads what you want them to know, and not let them get a chance to think something other than that or start them speculating.

yuck it up with people especially if there are the local guys there. if you see someone constantly say hey every once in a blue. dont act standoffish or shrewd. its a place where your gonna see people so dont go in there acting like "mountain man jack the stoner/grower recluse"

every once in while bring something you may not be using in your place with you, stop on the elevator, stop at the front desk, stop in front of plain site of the people that you see and let them see that your bringing a microwave, some books, as your looking at things " oh man i forgot to put the _______ in here, oh well i'll bring it by later" things like that. this should be done ESPECIALLY if there are cameras there.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The only thing simpler than growing in a storage locker is getting BUSTED for growing in a storage locker. Have fun in jail.


Grinding extra.
ANYTHING is possible.

We could have a discussion about the possiblities...

But the fact that you're asking here, you can't.

Perhaps the mentioning of these ideas would spur the needed trains of thought...

My opinion is that it would NOT be worth it. Higher risk, monthly cost of storage space, electrical limitations, etc. Some storage facilities' walls do not go up to the ceiling...

If the ends justify the means...

Knowing someone who works there is a HUGE advantage. Even worth having someone apply for job in intended site if going big...

Fake name. Immaculate setup. Highly automated. Wireless internet video. No prints. Walk away.

At that cost, probably comprable to rent warehouse space. You can secure it better.

If you were looking to do this for a personal use grow be ready to spend a good amount of cash for those nugs.

I would consider the only advange to this is completly deniability. As long as you have a way to know the spot is blown BEFORE you get there...

EDIT: Just reading FriendINDEED's post. You're thinking along the right lines. I wouldn't be thinking about bringing water in OR going there often.

I would go with an organically amended soil mix that required nothing but PURE water the entire grow...

Build a huge resivior. Spray nozzels at each plant. Small pump. Timer. Automatic light raiser.

I was thinking build a large cabinet. 600 - 1000. Tight. Scrubber. Has to be done in a AC and heated unit. (More cash) Don't want to run AC or dehumid in the space. Was thinking more. 100% doable.
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New member
Too high risk factor, esp. if you had noise coming from your space.

But what if the owner was your best friend and had an agreement, I don't see it, I don't know about it.

Or, maybe just buy/build a storage complex and have some buddies grow for you on a 'You get caught, I don't know you' basis.

indoor organic

New member
If you own the storage company im sure you might be able to work something out, id rather go with a trailer park grow if your gonna do something sketchy like that. Hopefully at least most of the people there would already be so drugged up they wouldnt know whats going on.


You can just buy one of those container and put all that crap in there for way less cash.

I have one in my pasture, gets hot as all hell in the summer time, the metal gets so hot you can't touch it.


chi11intai1 said:
Hey all, I was just curious to know whether anybody has ever grown in storage space containers before, you know the kind where people store boxes and stuff, what if you just put a growroom in there?

The only problem I would see happening is the smell would probably leak out but that could be controlled with coverup I suppose. Also, one would need a power generator in order to generate their own electricity for the lights and everything else, has anyone ever tried doing this before?

Anyway, let me know your guys opinions/experiences with this,


i think you would have to been insane to try it. good luck to anyone that trys it.


Active member
Growing in a storage facility has intrigued me for a while,
I wouldn't dream of using one for a full grow, but in preparing to go full bore from the start at another location...
I was thinking a cabinet inside the rented space could grow out the mothers from seed and get clones ready so you can go immediately to flowering once the actual grow room is finished....
The rental cost for one of these units is relatively small in comparison to the average cost of renting a home, so if using a storage unit made it so you needed two months less of rent at the grow space before churning out the harvest it may be worth the sketchyness...
Power wouldn't be a problem because you would only be running low wattage lights like cfls or regular floros...
Smell would be negligible....
often these units are in out of the way places and you wouldn't really deal with many people...

However i have never rented one of these units so i dont really know all that much about it, but was definitely considering it as a veg option so that I could go right into SOG ebb & flo tables....

Any comments

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