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New location?



I have an opportunity to get a new location. Right now, its kind of a blank slate.

The choices I have are buying a house or renting a warehouse. I am leaning towards buying a house for security plus ease. Right now its easy to get a house for nothing down if you know how. Then after a few months, we tear down and have a legit asset.

When people set up a dedicated growhouse, do they bring in furniture, even used goodwill furniture? In case a neighbor knocks on the door etc?

The grow wont be huge, probably 5-6000 watts, split into a flip flop. That will keep the elctric bill in the range I want.

I anticipate using two bedrooms. 2000-2500 per room. Probably one 4x8 table per room. I really want to keep the tables. I am familiar with them, they are easy to set up, easy to move and easy to maintain. I probably would just put a filter in each room with a big fan and exhaust the room into the house. I am figuring with it getting cold out, the lights will keep the house at an ambient temp

I would like to move away from SOG though. These rooms will not be perpetual and the amount of clones needed is more than I currently use and I cant even keep up with that. Would the transition from SOG to a SCROg be much of a challenge? I assume not.

Once this is setup and running, I think we would move on to more spots, keeping spots small and manageable

I would like to hear from the peeps who are running multiple houses, I know you are here


Active member
Oh the contemplative sativa I've been smokin lately has had me on the brainstorming missions again :smoke:

I'll be starting a thread soon here about my new thing comin up, got a coliseum and so far loving what I'm seeing as potential for my ideas.

I read through Stoney's grow and noticed you both did some nice things with tables and I loved the (apparent) ease :biglaugh:

what kind of lights do you prefer to be running? 600's or 1k's? I know you usually do sog and I wasnt sure if light penetration would be a concern. 600's on movers possibly?

I'd at least toss an old beat the hell out of couch or something or a couple chairs so if they get a peek in a corner behind the blinds or somethin, it doesnt look gutted.

I myself love the idea of just putting a big ole carbon filter and hooking that up to my hoods and up into the vents. Dont forget about negative pressure though. (not sure if you have a solution for that already)

sog to scrog wouldnt be too hard given you've gotten your system dialed. Just gotta account for how your genetics grow if given a longer veg time. :smoke:
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1k per room is the safest rule to avoid suspicion. only 2 bedrooms with that much power is risky in my opinion, or is that just the rooms your using. if it is a 4-5 bedroom no prob. make the place look livable. good luck. :rasta:

donny darko

Good deal on the potential move. I know you have been wanting to move for a little while now. As I am sure you know you are going to need a much longer veg time with scrog and going to have to switch the bulbs from veg to bloom over the same table. With two rooms you would probably be switching and harvesting the rooms every month and a half or so depending on what you’re thinking for perpetual. But this it is just like I will start doing here in a little while as in moving form house to house evey little while. Also the houses make a good way to wash the money through rehabbing and flipping. I would also defently throw some furniture and curtains and some lights on timers to make it looks a little more like some one is there so people don’t get nosey when you’re not around. It is hard to say every situation can be handled somewhat different. I would make it look like a rental so people don’t come around as if it was a rehab, code and such. A duplex might help hide the elec over more meters and may be let you run more watts as well. Good luck on your perfect house hunt. :joint:

peace darko

Peace darko


Definitely buy the house, definitely put in furniture as well as timers on the lights. Need a house that has a garage with no windows into it. Make sure you are seen at least a few times a week pulling into or out of the garage.


**AWD** Aficianado
Definately a house provided someone is living there, neighbours are suspicious bastards IMO...


Sneak attack critical
Suby said:
Definately a house provided someone is living there, neighbours are suspicious bastards IMO...


Also, I'd keep the op within the house proper, no garage or shed grows. Those are treated with less restrictions by the law and offer easy search targets.

Buying is better than renting. No landlords to worry with.

If you do rent, get a property far away from the landlord or find someone who's only in it for the cash and won't make personal visits.

Meet the neighbors once when you move in (if you feel like it). Regardless, always wave if you see one another outside. Don't say much, you don't want them getting too friendly and wanting to come over and all that, but let them know you're a nice guy. Mow your lawn every once in a while and you are golden.

I live in the middle of nowhere, have very few neighbors and love it...
Skip the house, buy or even rent a warehouse. Before everyone freaks, hear me out.

Let's say you buy or rent a warehouse and stick 1 or 2 8x40x10' shipping containers inside of it. You can get each one used for like $1500-2500 depending on the year, and you can set each one up to run 4 tables, 4 cloners, 2 1k's over each table, 2 8-10" vortex fans to cool your lights and clean your stench. One more fan to pull in fresh air from inside the warehouse. A few more oscillating fans and your experience behind the wheel and your gonna land killer harvests, perpetually.

Pros are easy. No nosey neighbors, no nosey landlords if you decided to rent, a concealed op... even if the warehouse happened to get unavoidable company the shipping containers are sealed and locked. Say you store dildos and huge fucking machines, no one will ask to see. You know what I mean. It's probably going to be about the same price to put down on a house as it would be a warehouse, and if no one is living in the house, and your not shitting where you eat, a warehouse is safer. If it gets kicked in, and your not there, your that much safer to move how you need to move. Another important thing, you can usually pull 220V 3 phase power from a warehouse, and can use way more without raising an eyebrow. Pay your bills, move your gear late at night, make regular visits and set-up a security system and you'll be safe and content.

Cons aren't as easy to come up with, at least IMO. You might get asked what you do, or why you own a warehouse. You've got plenty of safe outlets and options here. You could always take the 50-100 bucks and register a company with your state, then use that company name to rent or purchase the warehouse. When you register the company as an LLC, opt to use a phony name for the sake of not doing business under your real name, that way your not on the lease or whatever and it's normal to do so. Tell people you charter boats, are in shipping or work as an artist. Store furniture, random toys and whatnot here. Never, ever, under any circumstance store your dried goods... just in case you need to get back on your feet. So yeah, not really any cons, haha. Well, other then moving the dried gear to a safe place.

Either way good luck. Be safe and smart, you'll be fine. Jeez, as if your doing anything wrong in the first place :muahaha:


New member
medgrowr02, a refrigerated container would be awesome. Basically getting a sterile, insulated & sealed growroom w/ built-in chiller & reflective surfaces.


If you plan on doing this I would suggest starting a corporation so that nothing is in your name. They cant take away what isnt in yours.


raisedoncereal said:
Is it really that easy? I don't think it is. Don't you still need to put down your real personal name to lease a warehouse space?

In the eyes of the law, a corporation is a person. A corporation is a legal entity, so you put the corporation name on the lease not yours.

All successful real estate investors know this and have been using this method for years. This will also be beneficial when you turn your spot into a legitimate rental property. You can take your rental income in the form of dividends. Hopefully, you will amass enough property's that your out of the growing game completely and just earning through your rental income.


raisedoncereal said:
Have you ever leased commercial property?

No I cant say that I have. But I do understand the legal aspect of owning something in your name opposed to having it under a private corporation where you (or a front man/woman)are the majority shareholder.

Edit: Sorry Yamaha for derailing your thread.
I've got a partner who has leased commercial property and eLigul is right. As long as your LLC is registered in your state then your all set.

Refrigerated containers are no good, they cost too much and probably will be too cold?

A regular shipping container and a AC/Dehumi will work even better.


eLiguL said:
In the eyes of the law, a corporation is a person. A corporation is a legal entity, so you put the corporation name on the lease not yours.

All successful real estate investors know this and have been using this method for years. This will also be beneficial when you turn your spot into a legitimate rental property. You can take your rental income in the form of dividends. Hopefully, you will amass enough property's that your out of the growing game completely and just earning through your rental income.

Yes but an officer has to sign the lease with their name.

That is irrelevant anyway. If the spot gets busted, they will find out who is responsible. If a corp, they will just search public records and find out the officers.

Doesnt matter who owns the property if it gets busted. If in a corp, they will just say the officers were running the op and still seize it.

The trick is owning multiple properties and NOT having them linked. Once one goes down, a quick search of corporate records and property records could have all the grow houses known.

As far as not living in the grow house, thats the whole point to get it out of my house. Try sitting on 10,000 + watts with almost 1,000 plants. It gets old


yamaha_1fan said:
Yes but an officer has to sign the lease with their name.

That is irrelevant anyway. If the spot gets busted, they will find out who is responsible. If a corp, they will just search public records and find out the officers.

Doesnt matter who owns the property if it gets busted. If in a corp, they will just say the officers were running the op and still seize it.

The trick is owning multiple properties and NOT having them linked. Once one goes down, a quick search of corporate records and property records could have all the grow houses known.

As far as not living in the grow house, thats the whole point to get it out of my house. Try sitting on 10,000 + watts with almost 1,000 plants. It gets old

good info. woo. you guys are nuts! Respect.


Active member
cough Corporate secrecy laws cough
cough nevada cough
cough lawyer client confidentiality cough

damn i need to get some cough medicine
If you are going to own a home for the purpose of growing this is what I would do.

Hang up blinds and any minor landscaping fixture that most homes have. Nothing major just regular items.

Choose a neighborhood that isn't high end middle class and isn't lower class(think high crime, lots of dope houses, stepped up police presence, high property crime etc..)

You want a healthy working class neighborhood not one full of bored house wives and retirees who have nothing to do during the day/evening except walking around and gossiping.

A area where there is a solid mix of blue collar/immigrant workers. People who put in 10+ hours a day and come and go regularly and stay to themselves.

This is the ideal environment.

now then as for the house itself a 3 bedroom is ideal. You've got 1 bedroom for mother(s)/clones/veg and 2 on a flip flop 12/12 this gets you harvesting every month-month 1/2.

Bring a few household fixtures but don't get crazy remember most of the time no one is going to even see your living room let alone be peeking in your windows (if they are your in the wrong neighborhood).

a few lamp lights on timers isn't bad either. keep the lawn trim, definitely have a garage you can pull into. you don't want to be carrying all that equipment and product through the front door or backdoor.

Now as to scrog/SOG i don't really even think it's worth the time or effort keep it simple even the tables I wouldn't fuck with personally. That much wattage/plants/multiple rooms not even mention multiple locations shit that 8+ hours of work a day just as is without any fancy setup. Personally if you are in at the point where you are wanting to manage more than one house I'd stick to bails of promix or a very very easily manageable bucket setup and that's assuming you've got the time to dial in a hydro bucket system to begin with.

just my 2 cents.

best of luck :rasta: