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alum. ebn n flow

Aluminum Ebb N Flow UPDATE

Aluminum Ebb N Flow UPDATE

Well its been 3 months since i originally posted on here asking if my aluminum tub would work for grow... Ive got my first grow complete and im proud to say there is no sign of corrosion anywhere, ive been told that the salts in the grow res arnt the right kind of salts to cause the aluminum to corrode and im starting to beleive... I thought from the get go that this should work but so many peeps on here said it wouldnt, i think yall are just scared to try new stuff (haha). I know its only been 3 months and 1 grow but theres is absolutely no sign of any blemishes in the aluminum... Also that test peice mentioned above, ive had sitting in my res for 3 months... the test peice is bare aluminum on 1 half and painted on the other half, the painted side is all faded (and i think would have hurt my plants for sure had i painted the tub) and really didnt offer much protection to the aluminum yet the other side(bare side) looks good as new still... I still have a few plants in the tub but when there all out i will clean the tub completely out and shine it up and see if it looks new still... In the meantime i have some pics here of the buds grown in the tub and som pics of the tub 3 months into grow. You will notice i used a coca liner 2ft x 4ft across the bottom of the hole tub i lifted the liner and snaped a couple shots as well. plus i got a few closeups of the acuall welds... i made the tub 10 inches tall but i acually only fill it about 5 inches full so there is alot exposed aluminum underneath at all times...
I would definitally say it helped with reflectivity of the light and acual plant growth of the underneath branches and buds... I grew 2 separate rooms of the same strains 1 room i used a regular 2ft x 4ft plastic ebb n flow tub(same size as aluminum tub) i purcheased for $76 and in the 2nd room i used the aluminum tub which i built myself for $45... The buds on the branches in room 1 with the plastic tub were barely anything i would compare there size to a small grape... but the buds on the bottom branches in room 2 with the aluminum tub were easily the size of strawberrys and they were much firmer... i didnt notice much difference in the tops... I plan on continuing to use the aluminum tubs and im acually putting 2 more into construction next week, i will the interested parties informed on any new changes... Hell who knows mabey ill start marketing these baby's custom fit to your room(haha)...



Its not that we are scared to try something new. Its just that this had no real benefit other than cool factor and it had potential for being problematic.

But it worked so thats cool. Good looking pics
as i said in the last post i do beleive they have more benefits then just cool looks, my bottom buds were noticeably bigger than the others in the plastic tubs in room 2


New member
aluminum will not corrode from oxygen or salt. aluminum corrodes from galvanic action, the electrons go from aluminum to steel or iron. so unless you have steel or iron planters you should be good.
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aluminum doesn't corrode or rust but it does oxidize. that diamond plate has probably been finished with something from the factory to keep the polished look from weathering. i think you will be ok but for your test you may want to consider adding a bubbler and airstone and add some o2 to the mix.