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blackfoot's Micro SOG



Hey BF,

What's your best yeild in a party cup so far when you had scales? I like to use them to pollen chuck for a quick seed run, but I would love to see what you are pulling.

Great thread :lurk:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Looking good bro, did you get the idea with the peat pellets in perlite from Skunk Magazine??? Thats my new way of cloning and it gives virtually no stress to cuts when transplanted cuz they already have a explosive root system from bursting through the peat pellets and growing throughout the perlite and the guy Jef Tek that wrote the article swears by it so I'm doing it with my next batch... You basically just get a 10x20 tray and fill it with 1 inch of perlite across the bottom and soak it with a 1/2 strength grow solution and then put 24 peat pellets in 3 rows of 8 and then fill in all the spaces with perlite all the way to the top of the peat pellets and then stick you cuts in the pellets and toss a humidity dome on there and in 2-3 weeks you will have clones with big healthy root mass and good root mass = faster growth and better yield... I'll let you know how it goes for me, but so far using peat pellets are great!! I'm also going to get some Rapid Rooters to see if they work any better and if not I'll stick with the peat pellets


Well-known member
blackfoot said:
I just wanted to let everybody know that piss helps the plants a lot I have added it to my base mix. I was let in on the scret by Dr. Bud and I have the pictures to prove it does wonders :D The only one I have showing bad leaves is the one I am flushing, I was told to add 1/2 of a shot glass to a gallon of water with the regular mix Dr. Bud uses but I put that much to a one liter coke bottle with fish stuff and micro nutes and they all are very green

They look Happy as Hell Bro....I'm glad it helped....keep up the good work.
I have a ? 4 ya.... does yur lil'set-up take care of all yur needs?....it's so small and Compact/Neat ....:smoker:


You'll need to examine the color of the trichomes to ensure you get the type of high you're looking for. It looks to me like the pistils have started to reach the end of their lives so I'm guessing the trichs are getting ripe. They will get darker and a bit less full as the flowering stage comes to an end. But, without having a good photo of the trichomes, it will be harder for us to judge.

Jorge Cervantes says that for the headier, soaring, more energetic highs, you want your trichs to be mostly (if not all) clearish and/or cloudy (most suggest letting it at least get past the completely clear phase). A few amber ones here and there is okay. However, the longer you let it go amber, the more the smoke will have a tendency to couch lock you.

That's his opinion on the subject anyway.

If you don't have one already, pick up a little hand held magnifier with a light on it and look at the trichs. You'll be able to be a much better judge of whether it's ready that way. Here's an example of what I'm talking about. You can find cheaper ones elsewhere, but you get the idea:

If you want to get photos that are clear enough for others to see the trichs so we can give you a better idea on when to harvest, get a digital camera with a macro feature. If you already have a macro feature: learn to use it.

You could also just send some to me and I'll letcha know whether it's ready or not 'cause it looks great. :joint: :wink:

-Q :rasta:
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If you're going to be growing, you're going to want to get one of those handheld magnifiers with around 60x-100x. I got one before I started growing just so I could get a better idea of what I was smoking.

I would highly recommend the small investment to get one.

As for the images, I would suggest taking the image at it's large resolution and simply cutting out of a portion of it. That would provide you with a big, blown up part of the image.

Can't wait to see what you get man!

-Q :rasta:


There you go! Nice magnification there!

Adding a tripod to the mix will make a difference. If you don't have a tripod, use the timer on your camera. Set it up on a stack of books or something and look through the viewfinder until you get it just right. With the timer set, you can push the button and let the camera just sit there and take the picture. That way you don't have to worry about being so still.

Great pic though!

Now it's a bit more possible to see the pistils. Much more evident that they are closer to the end of their life cycle than I thought previously.

Without the ability to closely examine the trichs, it's a bit hard to judge. They really are probably the best/most concrete indicator of when to harvest. From that shot though: I'd say it's close to ripe for the picking.

Good work!

-Q :rasta:
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Your Sog and grow is great!
You, Thunderkel and the dr have all made me start growing!
How much are you yielding?


That is some nice work. I love those thick stems. As soon as I get this cloning crap straightened out I am gonna attempt 'micro flowering'. Amazingly budalicious.

I read about the piss thing in on of those Ed Rosenthal books. He says it helps fix nitrogen probelms quickly. I wish I would have remembered this sooner. I have this girl who is going yellow on the outside of the leaves and stays green on the inside. then they just fall off. I tried all kinds of stuff. I flushed and flushed, put Epsom salts in the water, sprayed her with epsom salts. Than I did the no nutes just water. Just seemed like she would never come back. I think it was the lights! My bud gave me his cfls and told me they were daylight. I don't think so bud, they is yellow. They turn my plant yellow mon. So I put some 65000K daylight cfls (8 bucks a pair) in there and bazam they be turnin' green again. The sucker wouldn't even grow it just sat there looking like a tiger and now it has green leaves popin out the top.

I think I might try the piss thing though. Just because she was stressed and still is. Maybe she would like the nitrogen. At first I thought is was because I did the sexing thing. I read somewhere that it can cause stress to some strains. She has a thick main stem and seems healthy enough to stay alive regardless. I am going to let her veg until xmass then let her flower. Here leaves have a great lemony taste and I dont want to kill her because shes tastes so good. I put her leaves in my salad with tomatoes and onion with oil a vinagar..Lol! I should try a sprig with my gin. Put her on my salmon. "Friddly's Hemp Seasoning" for that mellow fish fry. LOL!!

Peace, Frid
hey frid sounds like you and i have the same problem. i also tried epsom salts in my water and the epsom salt mist when the lights are off. but my kali mist is not growing an inch. my ssh rom in the same system is booming.she is doing as far as my inexperienced eyes can tell great.just picked up a 400w hpf yesterday, but its not for my current cab. perhaps i need to rig up more lighting?


Yeah, Blackfoot Thanks I will definitely have to try cutting back on the watering. Actually I did and I have it on a wick system. It seems a lot better now. I was looking at earlier. She started to go south after I took her back to 24 hr veg time. I think she had started to yellow out cause I let the buds go for a week or so before I vegged her. Then I think I gave her to much miracle grow because I re potted her with a peat mix and worm casings. So I like thought I burned her up. Then I really over watered her trying to flush the salts out.
After about two weeks of that I stopped watering and just let her go with wick. She seemed to be stable and roots were growing out the bottom and down the wick. The leaves stayed yellow and green and fell off constantly. So, I took her out of the cab and cleaned off as much of the dying leaves as possible. Swapped out some of the hot yellowish 26 watt Cfls 'or whatever the highest one are that = a 100 watt reg bulb, and replaced them with the 64000K daylight jobbies . She is coming back. But like I said, I think she is still a little yellow.

I am going to put some more of those daylight bulbs in there. My other plant loves them and looks like a ganja bonsai tree. She didn't burn at all and my guess is it was the lights. I read in some column here that some cfls are the wrong spectrum and just make it hot. Somebody was arguing that the cfls he had were killing his plants. So somebody else was telling him about the difference between regular lights and grow lights. Just like I was trying to explain to my bud but he ain't the brightest bean in the jar. I like him though, he means well.

Sativa Cyborg13, I tried the epsom salts and the I read that I the plant gets nute locked and that trying to add more salts can just make it worse. In that column I read that the best way to deal with a nute lock is to flush the plant with water. So if you have a half gallon pot you dump a gallon or so on it. Letting the water run out of the bottom. My dumb ass did this and then I just left the drained stuff in the bottom there and then the wick just sucked it back up. And I was wondering why it was still turning yellow? Eventually I began dumping the res pool out and that I think also helped my plant after I flushed her. It was a pain in the rear to pull all that crap out there and dump it out and put it all back in. Like I said though, she is looking better.

This is the best site I have ever been to about growing weeds. Freaking love it.
Blackfoot, Thank you for your thread. Those clones look amazingly tasty! IC rules! :joint:


New member
keep up the grow :) , looking good so far , i'll be over her munchin popcorn and sipping soda .

i just got to know one thing before i go ..it's about your piss test :)

which had more THC at the time of watering ? ur piss or the plant ?


The plants look great blackfoot really fating up.Looks like the u have the stretch down on those 2,How close did u get them to the lights?.
hey your girls are look really beautiful iv been busy tryin to recycle everything in my yard i have a few girls flowering but there not gunna be able to fully mature i beleave they will be takin down at about 6 weeks wich is here in a week and couple days iv been takin pics the whole time here and there and after i get done with the rest of the pre and post move stuff i will get my grow updated i am also happy to report that i have recently receaved apollo 11 seeds and ffa cuts from karma genes he knows who he is i just hope the ffa cuts will survive the move then i will make fem seeds and im gunna breed the apollo 11 and make a few croses im really interested what itll do with 3 feet of head room well your grow looks great man its good to see youve inspired others

when you started the thread and i read about the piss i knew it worked but i was unsure how consitent it would be and im surprized they look good if i need it ill use it but ill stay with my shultz 10-15-10 & 19-35-17, fish fertz and super thrive for sanatation reson

im around here and there i wont dissapear for more then a week or 2 lol

over grow the gov.
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Active member
looking good blackfoot. im going to do something similar to yours on my next grow. im going to be doing 12/12 from seed in dixie cups. have you ever done that or do you only use clones?
jessy sounds good but if its from esbe we know its gunna be good

no i havent pop anyone yet i gotta finish the move then i gotta build my box im just a lil stumped on the ventalation side of things when i get the time ill update things but after i get my dresser built im gunna pop sum of everyone and get to work i just have no hvac skills yet

happy growin


blackfoot said:
Those pistils look like ripe fruit ready to be plucked and enjoyed.
Good stuff!

In regards to the pictures: if you haven't tried this already, ensure your flash goes off when you take your pictures to get some of the yellow quality out of them.

-Q :rasta:
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No, no, no... not the yellow out of the plants!


The yellow out of the pictures. The HPS light is yellowish. Your flash is not. I wasn't referring to the actual color of the plants. I was just trying to help you get the yellowish quality out of the pictures.

Everything is looking superb!

-Q :rasta:
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