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why bubble later when you can BUBBLENOW

Thanks bubbleman!

Posted this in another thread....

Got answered by Bubbleman...instanly...they are to work like mine.

I'm so sorry that the haters on here give bubbleman a hard time. I can't believe how they are. Especially where guys keep posting that $199 portable washing machine with free shipping like it is the end all of all deals. I got the 5 gal bubblenow for $200. I got the tubes, press bag and instructions on how to make hash (not wash clothes) for $220 with shipping. So for $22 more I got shipping, press bag, hash making instructions and I helped make a fellow pot smoking hippy like myself (Bubbleman) maybe be a success and make some money.

I didn't become a turncoat and turn my back on a fellow toker trying to make a buck with a great product.

I didn't buy a "washing machine" from WalMart or some other corporate conglomerate that behind the scenes does everything possible to keep pot illegal.

Congrats to all you people that saved $20 and at the same time helped fund some more Corporate America antipot commercials and tried to hold a fellow pot smoking comrade down.


tarzan-i agree with you peeps around here do be hatin on the bubbleman,i see no reason to hate on somebody for doin good! keep up the good work bubbleman and the cool pics, im sorry to say i bought my extracting machine before you released yours,but ill be on your mailing list for a set of bags soon!dont let the haters f ur buzz up peace holmz-Y-


Active member
Hey guys i appreciate your positive vibes. It means a lot. I am not here to ripp off the community i am here to support and add to the community> that has been my vibe since day one. alot of these other companies don't even have a presence on these boards aside from maybe a person posting a link here or there.
I am here to answer all your questions anytime.
I give you all props no matter who you buy your tools from, cause in my mind you are all hash makers, and that is the bottom line for me. Turning people onto making hash that would otherwise not have access.
Big up the plant for being messenger, and big up the resin for being THE MESSAGE.

One love

Bubble man


Hey bman, let me take advantage of that support! :) Where can I find replacement bags in Europe? I have a 3 bag 5 gallon kit and my work bag is getting a bit weared off and I'd like to throw in an extra 190u or 160u bag so I get a cleaner 73u bubble. What do you think is best for this, the 160u or the 190u (or the 120u)? Does anyone in Europe sell those bags separately (120u, 160u, 190u and 220u)?



just ordered a bubblenow and i'm pretty excited about it. BM can you post some pix of some finished product from the machine to gimme a taste of what i'm in for?
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Bubbleman bags in washing machine

Bubbleman bags in washing machine

High guys, I have been using the washing machine full screen zipper bags for a few onths now and I must admit that they are the WAY to make bubble easyer. I used an ordinary washing machine for some time with no screen s, only bubblebags on the exit hose, but now with the full screen zipper bag I don’t have to wash my washer after!
Ice and trim in the zipper bag, ice in the washer itself and the bubble bags at the end of the out hose(the bags are in the clean toilet to drain!) supported by a bottomless 5 gallon pail. Thank you very much bubbleman. Boom Shankar! Redrooster


220 µ micron Zipper Filter Bag

220 µ micron Zipper Filter Bag

Redrooster said:
High guys, I have been using the washing machine full screen zipper bags for a few onths now and I must admit that they are the WAY to make bubble easyer. I used an ordinary washing machine for some time with no screen s, only bubblebags on the exit hose, but now with the full screen zipper bag I don’t have to wash my washer after!
Ice and trim in the zipper bag, ice in the washer itself and the bubble bags at the end of the out hose(the bags are in the clean toilet to drain!) supported by a bottomless 5 gallon pail. Thank you very much bubbleman. Boom Shankar! Redrooster

Right one Redrooster,

The large household washing machine and a set of large 220 µ micron Zipper Filter bags and you are set.

I use these bags from Aqua Lab Technologies:



Just made a bunch of Bubble

Love my Bubble Bags and washing machine - worth every penny !

Question - What is the preferred way to store bubble ?
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Sundance said:
Just made a bunch of Bubble

Love my Bubble Bags and washing machine - worth every penny !

Question - What is the preferred way to store bubble ?


Once it is completly dry, store it in glass in the freezer. Take it out and open and check it often.



Active member
You can store your bubble in the freezer if you don't want it to cure. I leave mine in glass jars, but prefer to leave them in room temperature.
Because my hash is properly dried its never a problem with mold. And over time i find the resin smooth's out by allowing the volatile oils to degrade a little bit at a time.
I do tell people who can't seem to get their bubble properly dried, to leave it in the freezer or fridge, as this will keep the bubble from going bad.

My two cents.



so properly dried = using the drying screen, breaking it up into pieces on cardboard, and letting it dry for at least 48 hours?


love your bubble bags...your bubblenow machine got me thinking of a way to have the levels automatically separated out..."set it and forget it" style.


The hoops could interlock to the bucket, one another, and/or slide out individually in grooves.

I have some models of those ones too, I got carried away a bit :rasta:

any use?
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lover of all things hashlike
i like it. ill just say that much right now.

i see rinsing issues, but those could be minor.


Industrial Water Hash Separation Process

Industrial Water Hash Separation Process

Rinsing issues are not the problem here.

The problem with this system is that you can tap the bottom of the bags individually to help the filtration process. Gravity needs help sometimes.
When you try passing large amounts of Resin Separated Water through a system like this, you will end up with the screens getting filled with Resin and the water not passing through easily.

There is a answer to this problem.



High all, hachis is right on that one, the screens tend to get clogged by the resin, so they need to be shaken or to be delekettly(?sorry I am french!)scrapped with a smooth plactic spoon to get the resin moving so the water can flow through. Otherwise I could have an automatik resin dispenser!
Oh yes Bubbleman! Curing is the way to go if you want smooth tasting and better burning hash. Have a great smoke. RR


Active member
It kinda looks like you are trying to recreate the aqua rob. Seen in the book hashish. You can use a thick pvc tubing, and place screens in the bottom of each one. each piece screws into the next. You can use them with vibrators , dry, or with wet wash method. I have played around with them years ago, and they are indeed fun.

Bubble man