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Saibai vs. the monkeys

shrooms, dank heady nugs and some good japanese beer ... you're set!

I treated myself to a nice Sapporo, a dank vaporizer bowl and some zong rips so I feel you on the indulgent lifestyle.


GG: Nice one. A vape is my next step to healthier "smoking". :dance:

Went up, more spiders, no monkeys, blah blah you know the drill by now. ;)
Didn't take many pics because I was up there for long enough as it was, with the mosquitos eating me alive. :nono: :fsu:

Satori, sativa "spear" pheno.
She's putting on weight. Couldn't get all of her in the shot. :rasta:

Pulled the lowest tier Skunk, I noticed some botrytis? on some of the plants todays, nothing bad, very localised and small...I'm pretty sure that it started from the dead fan leaves rotting in most cases...This one was worst, you can see the stem/branches at the top from where I had to pull what was left of the bud off. Note the withered brown remnants. Also the natural yellowing of the fan leaves as the N gets sucked out. This is by far the least ferted/nuted plant, as it was pretty much transplanted into a bag of soil with maybe a handful of something. Being on the lowest tier meant that it and the bat Satori got visited less too. :musicboohoo: Shes been cut down now, RIP.

I decided to spray the other plants (all except the 2 Satoris) with organic fungicide spray and check on them again in the next couple of days, Saturday probably.

This is a bud I stole because I wanted to smoke it. :D Its from the indica Satori pheno, which had put on the most bud out of all the plants since I saw them last week. No mold, no bugs...no problems. Notice slight burning on the tips of one or two leaves.

The little bubbler...still unused, so the fuming is hard to see. Guest appearance by whats left of the HB sample bud from last week. :jump:

Phew! That was a pretty dense update. :rasta: Feel free to ask me to expand on anything, or any other questions.

edit: just trimmed the Satori and Skunk buds...they will be saved the indignity of a quick microwave dry, at least.
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Oh yeah, I forgot...all the plants had increased bud mass noticeably, number one being the Satori indica pheno as I mentioned.
The Hashberry didn't really look too different...until I felt the buds when I was spraying them! Holy fuck, these were hard like golf balls, I shit you not...its like they doubled in density in a week. :nono: Mold is a worry, I'm going to keep an eye on this one.

Snow White was sort of stagnant, I attribute it mainly to lack of sun and having the main stem split by me.

The remaining Skunk#1 is going fine, and the Zamal seems to be thriving, increasing bud size a little but throwing out a bunch of big white fresh pistils. She'll easily be the last plant I'll harvest this year, if I don't count the two little Zamals that are with the MaT.


Looking good Saibai

Looking good Saibai

The girls are looking like they are getting ready for the last dance. The bubbler is also very nice I had been using mine daily for the last few months.

Hey I thought you might like to have a look at this as I can see your a man of spirits. What do you get when you chop up 2oz of fine pineapple bud, put it in a mason jar and add 750ml of everclear, agitate and then filter?

how about 600ml of canaclear?

Gonna find out how it is a little bit later tonight with some company. Maybe come up with some story like on the back of the Yukon Jack bottle, hoary nights warming the belly and all that, lol.


Damn, more rain...sneaky, it started last night and stopped just before lunch. The sun looks like its coming out though. I'm a little worried about the HB, with the dense nugs....I really hate the idea of taking any plant before it's time.
I'll have to remember to bring the 'scope up on Saturday and check the trichs well. I'm aiming for very few if any clear, and about 1/4 to 1/2 amber if I can, to really bring out the indica. At least another week to 10 days, please!
The SW will probably come down a week after the HB, depending on maturity/mold situation. I'm not seeing the big mass/density increase that I usually do near the end of flowering.
Having smoked the SW for the last week though, I'm actually pretty happy with where it is effects/potency wise. This week will hopefully have ripened it a little more. The lack of mass/density is probably from the lack of sunlight.

Skunk, Satoris, Zamals and even the little MaT are going to take longer though, no problem atm regarding healthiness though.

Hi Expert, good to see you. The more indica-dom ladies are certainly winding things down, or should I say fattening up before the harvest. :chin:
I'm more of a beer drinker, but I was planning on picking up a bottle of Jim Beam Green Label after work today. I haven't tried "Green Dragon" before...2oz of nice bud in a bottle sounds very potent! Start with small amounts perhaps, and have one for me. :rasta:

How long were the buds in with the everclear? Were they dried and cured beforehand? Let me know your thoughts, good or bad. :D

I trimmed up the Skunk and Satori last night and have them drying now. Pity about the Skunk, but I just didn't trust it to finish w/o mold etc. Glad I have another one, the mutant runt that has some nice buds on it and no mold so far.
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saibai we just got 3 days of rain but since two days ago we had sun fine sun and i think its comming your way :) I hate the idea to hehe but i newer cant stop my self i need to have some pre taste buds hehe and deffently yes smoke it before it molds up have a good day friend


Hey Kallie looks like you're right, its been good weather but we got some of that Danish chill too today!
I just got back from the plot, thought I'd check on them...I got right up to where I could see the Skunk, Satori Sat pheno and the HB...and saw a jet-black snake cross the path about 2m in front of me, towards the next tier...I stomped on the ground a couple of times and tapped my spider-stick, and thought "fuck that", squinted at my plants and turned around, back down the mountain. :rasta:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Damn dude all your buds are looking very nice.. Im really happy to be seeing you smoking real buds and not males. I just wanted to come by and give my respects to you. I hope your enjoying it. Take it easy :joint:

Ps, as for my feminized Nirvana PPP seeds, I cracked 2 so far and both turned out to be females, just in case you have ever thought of gettin feminized seeds from Nirvana. I know Im ordering a pack of fem SW soon, hehe esp after seeing your pictures.

Later ninja :joint:


Active member
Slit the trunk! You've been reading round. How badly? Just the one cut in centre?

When my buddies split plants here they do it early in veg. When they slit for harvest it's two weeks prior.

tell me all, we can learn something I'm sure.

Found any nice niches by big black rocks for next year sat's yet?

Just, you know, snakes and all, be wary of cracks and holes under/in said rocks.

And showing off your space station titanium hash collecting grinder - shameless! So what if mine dosn't collect hash too, it's better times ten na na nyah nyah nyah!


Saibai said:
Hey Kallie looks like you're right, its been good weather but we got some of that Danish chill too today!
I just got back from the plot, thought I'd check on them...I got right up to where I could see the Skunk, Satori Sat pheno and the HB...and saw a jet-black snake cross the path about 2m in front of me, towards the next tier...I stomped on the ground a couple of times and tapped my spider-stick, and thought "fuck that", squinted at my plants and turned around, back down the mountain. :rasta:

Hehe run and live to fight another day m8 I hate snakes to hehe creapy animals :fsu:


Prof.: Thanks for the kind words, and the heads up on the Nirvana fems...I was thinking of trying the Northern Bright but decided not to. Theres still some of their regular line that I'd like to try (Jock Horror, Ice, Cali-O etc).

MrFista: Aah, the SW was by accident. :D I was going to try some kind of technique (crucifixion/ringing) on the Zamal if it looked like not finishing in time. I split the SW right down the main stem, in half. I'll try to get some pics.
heh...I know, shameless showing off with my new toy...I've been putting the crystally Satori through it lately and ended up with enough kief to roll up a little ball of hash - lemony heaven. I like, very very much. :jump:

zapa: Welcome, and I think it went something like that too. Unfortunately I think that one is still around somewhere on the mountain, writing in his snake blog how he saw a human and lived to tell the tale. :)

kallie: heheh yeah, I took it as a sign. I was pretty sure that the only venomous snake here is a type of smallish viper, usually brown (and fucking aggressive)...so when I saw it was jet-black and was running away from me instead of trying to bite me, I was relieved. Turns out it was a relatively harmless "crow snake".


Active member
We had a police callout for a brown snake here yesterday. It turned out to be a garden hose.

I've signed the hose up, I'm an actors agent.



This is the Mamushi, or pit viper. These snakes suck, I've run into them twice before and they actually chased me. They're usually only 30-50cm long, but make up for it with their bad attitude. "Short-snake syndrome",perhaps?
Being vipers, of course, they are venomous.


This is the type I saw last time on the mountain...apparently harmless. I don't mind snakes so much, but growing up in Australia with what, 6 of the top 10 most venomous/dangerous/deadliest snakes in the world,SNAKES=DANGER gets imprinted pretty heavily. :D

edit: gotta get up to the plants today (raining though)...the SW should be as good as its going to get and I think I'll take one or two of the larger buds from the HB just in case this drizzle/rain/overcast weather continues.

I would like larger buds on the SW but I don't think its going to happen. The sample bud was a very nice smoke though, so at least I know effects and potency-wise I can harvest anytime I like.

No more nutes for either the HB or the SW. Maybe a dash of molasses. :joint:
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stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Snakes always put a shiver up my back,,, I gotta say though, it's funny watching a staunch friend running from such a tiny creature...
you just wanna get the hell out of their striking range! :YaRight:


"kallie: heheh yeah, I took it as a sign. I was pretty sure that the only venomous snake here is a type of smallish viper, usually brown (and fucking aggressive)...so when I saw it was jet-black and was running away from me instead of trying to bite me, I was relieved. Turns out it was a relatively harmless "crow snake"."

Better Safe then sorry hehe im glad u didten took the risk .....uhhh creapy animals dont japanese drink the blood? and is it like viagra they say or maybe thats in china ? but in there eyes no differents hehe

But if the monkey saw u oh my oh my the going to loose all the respekt this one have :)


And this too


To gain respekt again go seek personal ninja training at old master ying

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lol@the smelling finger.
You're quite right kallie, the "habu" here, another member of the viper family usually only found on the Okinawan islands is sometimes put into a bottle of liquor to make a folk-remedy along the lines of viagra. I haven't tried any, but the dead snake in the bottle is a real turn-off. :p
People say it works. :confused:

Snakes especially white or albino ones are also auspicious, especially with regards to money matters. If you go for those superstitions.

I really don't care about snakes as long as they stay away and don't steal my buds! :D It would be funny to see a snake climbing up a plant trying to swallow some big colas...lol

Smurf: I'm just glad it wasn't a 3m red-bellied black... :D No way I could outrun those...I'd probably die right there on the mountain. :nono:


Okinava That is where the Karate comes from :D i just love that island if you go there one day it would be nice whit some pictures....:)

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I def hear you about wanting to try other NV stains. As said, just wanted to let you know with my current results.

Ive got an Aussie Python that Ive had for years, a very sweet snake. I wouldnt mess with those vipers either, I dont blame you from ditchin that black snake as quick as you did, those things stink!

Peace out bro :joint:

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