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Gas Shortage


Active member
So, I live in the southeast and as most of you probably know there's no gas anywhere, and the places that have it have long ass lines and by the time you wait in line they run out of gas.

I was getting off work at 3:30 AM and there were probably 50 cars in line(at almost 4 in the morning!), so i couldn't wait or i would have ran out of gas. I barely made it home and the station by my house didn't have gas either so i had to just park my car with absolutely no gas in it.

Luckily i also have a moped that gets 100+mpg but i cant find gas for that either haha.
Also there have been people gauging and prices are 4.69 at the place by my crib. :rant:


syphon the rest of the gas from out of your car and put it in your moped.


livin my way the high way
shit man 3.19 and i would be buying gas for everything i owned. its 3.70 here and not coming down.


I pumped gas last time for $3.39/gal, it's finally starting to come back to livable prices. If it ever goes and stays under $3 I can actually afford to drive places again!!! :) Sure glad I just bought a new mountain bike. Soon I'll get a street-legal dirtbike to zip around on for shorter trips and rides through the mountains.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Bro, it's my thoughts that they all have some. I was gonna post here yesterday but by the time I'd gotten through writing what I had to say bout the old '73 gas crisis & how I got around the rationing system NY had instituted it seemed I turned the post about me & that situation.

I feel for you Johnny, try this mindset & apply it where it might work for you. Do you have any gas station mechanic friends currently working in an actual gas station automotive garage? If you do you're halfway home, try approaching them with needing automotive work that you actually do need. Need tires soon? Get 'em now. How bout getting brakes BEFORE they start squealing and cutting into the discs costing you a lot more for the brake job than need be? Need shocks or anything else? Now explain how you need the vehicle returned with a full tank of gas and accept any surcharge they want to apply. This is the 'business/bribery relationship' and it's EXACTLY how big biz & our govt work in the real world, now get out there and get you some.......

in the '73 gas crisis I had two cars a week to fill, or 8-10 hours in line on my ration days only and my own local Sunoco service station I'd been using for years wouldn't cut me any slack. I approached a friend working @ the Exxon station down the road and brought my biz there, repairs, oil, tires, I even hired this garage to do snow plowing for me. My Caddy & my Cuda both of them gas guzzlers were filled whenever I needed them to be, all I had to do was leave my car overnight and pick it up full the next day. I paid my gas bill for 2 or 3 fillups every week along with a $20 surcharge which would usually double my gas costs, but hey it saved me many hours idling in line & I knew I'd have my gas as needed unless the world had gone dry.......


Man, there is no gas crisis!!!! These bastards will take it away, just so you will be willing to pay anything to have it. When they give it back to you, you are will not be complaining about the price.


Active member
Seems people are lazy...wheres there no gas....all they have to do is drive 1/2 hour to an hour and get gas there...no lines

Do what you can for your car,not what your car can do for you :muahaha:


Active member
Hello all,

Oil fell just over 10$ a barrel in the face of the US financial crisses.

Hmmm, (scratching my chin, listening to "Working at teh car wash blues"),seems like daja vu to 1972.

But hey, I am stoned so.



Active member
donald trump was on faux news today saying he predicts oil to fall to around 20-30 dollars a barrel


JohnnyATL said:
donald trump was on faux news today saying he predicts oil to fall to around 20-30 dollars a barrel

wouldnt that be nice, but even with a 80% decrease in the price, they probably wont drop the gas prices 80%; 30-40% at the most i bet. but even that would be nice, and they know that, thats why it wont go down as much as it should.


Active member
he was saying that assuming the us public isnt stupid enough to let the bail out go through. If the economy crashes, the demand and price will drop accordingly


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Any relief on the horizon Johnny?

EDIT: I just Googled it & found this, although it is
good news I'm sure it can't be entirely comforting.......
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Active member
apparently gas supply lines should be running back at 80-100% during mid week at the soonest. They said by the end of the week, it should be back to normal. whenever i try to find gas, ive just started driving to the hood