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A little poll from people with experience!!

So here it is I got a little poll going on here, but first some info on me I have been growing since the old OG days and have grown my far share of growing from hydro to soil, to large spaces to micros and all sorts of strains. So ATM for me im gettin back into the swing of things after bout a year and half off or so, and ill prob be growing in small spaces for the next 2 to 3 years. So the poll is what is the best strain? Alright i know this question has been posed many thousands of times but here are the restraints..... For a small growing area, taste, ease of growth, potency, and yield. But your opinion must be something you have grown or helped alot with and try to use seed company and name. (i.e. res seeds,......) Also a plus would be a pic either end grow bud shot or a dried bud shot. :smoweed:
Ok so I will go first, in my opinion considering the restraints id have to say refeerman-Love potion #1 and i know its a sat not really best for small spaces but I have had great grows and it was knock-out, very hardy and super easy to grow. Sorry no pics cuz i have long parted with them. Now whatcha got?


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You forgot to ask about one quality, which is the most important one. How is the high? One person might like something that gets them so stoned they can't get off the couch, and other people like something that makes you want to get up an move. What are you looking for?
bounty29 has brought up a good point the head or body high, or couchlock.... that kinda plays alot to what type i.e. sat or ind.... so I will leave that up to the person giving the opinion cuz i prefer both LOL!!!


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No matter how early you harvest an indica you'll never get real sativa effects. No matter how late you harvest a sativa you won't get a real indica experience. The length of flowering definitely changes the high to a certain amount, but it's no substitute for the right strain.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
bounty29 said:
You forgot to ask about one quality, which is the most important one. How is the high?
DING DING DING It's Bounty with the win.

I kept a Thunk (7-8 feet in the wild) to 22 inches in height. Yeah, it took 160 days but, with an air cure would've yeilded over 1/2 pound. How much can you smoke? The Destroyer I'm growing now has no Indica at all yet Herbalistic has managed to grow one in about 12 inches. Don't let space worry you.

Grow what you like to smoke and the worst that happens is Joe Blow got 5 grams more or Joe Schmo spent $5 less. Still, they're both out the money, and smoking crap besides, while you puff along with your dream strain.

Read through the smoke reports till a description strikes your fancy. Take notes. Eventually, a pattern emerges where the smoke you like tends to be ... fill in the blank. That's your strain.


Well, a bit more info might be helpful. What is a small area in your opinion, what type of lights etc... All that will affect yield, density, training methods as I'm sure you well know.

I've done my share of different setups for hydro to soil to coco. Currently doing a 150w hps vertical grow in coco. For this small space (4 sqr. ft) my cut of H3ad's Casey Jones has been doing great! I can lst the hell out of her and she grows 18" colas straight up. Great high (not stone) and I'll be disappointed if I pull less than 2 zips off her as she takes up about a square foot in the cab.

I have high hopes for some Apollo Mist, Orange Diesel, Chem4 and Crystal Locomotives and another Casey Jones pheno that are rooting now. We'll see how they go. I must say for vert lighting on a small scale, I greatly prefer sativa dom hybrids as they allow for good light penetration when lst'ing compared to dense indicas.

My two cents at least...



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blackfoot said:
The poll was for experienced growers who have grow a lot of strains not for bullshit. your wrong, I have grown lots of weed for a number of years ...The strains you get now a days are a hybrid ...Nobody is gonna grow a 20 foot plant like we used to grow outside in a little box ,,or indoors period....you maybe able to find some auto flowering low riders from up north but that is shit ...I don't care what you have heard it has to do with how you grow it..

Maybe the strains you get now a days are hybrids, that doesn't mean everyone does. Size has nothing to do with quality, and if you think it does then you're sadly mistaken. I'm not saying you can perfectly replicate outdoor plants indoors, I know that's impossible.

So basically what you're saying is... grow a pure afghan indica and a pure mexican sativa right and you'll get the same high? I respectfully disagree. :wave:

I stand by my quoted statement. :dueling:

If what I said were false, then what the fuck is the point of the hundreds of strains available today?
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blackfoot said:
I have seriously grown 20' plants and buds on a stick. Yes, strains have different quality's finishing time taste THC content difficulty in growing ''' '''' ''''. I am about the taste and high. you also have creepers and a slap in the back of the head....I think maybe that's what bounty was referring to. A speedy high or a stoned feeling has to do with how it's grown and how much you smoke...I apologize for saying bounty is full of shit but It's true.

I'm gonna say you're full of shit. Where's the answer to my question?

If I gave you a pure indica and a pure sativa, you're telling me you could grow them and give me two buds with the same high? No, you're wrong.:confused:

Unless you want to clarify, I'm going to take it as you saying strain doesn't matter, it's how it's grown. I'm curious to see some other opinions on it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.


field of dreams - what are the dimensions . what hardware are you using and what medium will you use. hydro, soil, how much money do you have for genetics? all these things play a part in the final decision. there are thousands of strains that could fancy you but it is hard to give you a recommendation without these facts.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Blackfoot, you're doing no one any favors with this. While there are words in your posts, few of them mean anything and those that do are wrong. Put the pipe down and come back in a couple of days.
Thanks everyone for the replies and the debates im always down. Well the question was more of a general question, meaning that in a "micro" setting which i would say anything like a dresser size and smaller, what in YOUR opinion is the best out of what your have grown. So it doesnt matter what substrate your using or what light source or any of those specifics. The only thing that I was asking was that when you give your opinion consider the following: taste, ease of growth, potency and yield. Bounty made a good point of whether its more sativa or indica type high and that is up to you.

As for my next grow I already have some cheapo nirvana nothern lights and white rhino on the way. My growing area, it is a small beadside dresser that i have gutted and am still working on and for my mothers a pc case. Both have CFLs for lighting, using soil prob fox farm and lucas formula for nutes with some other stuff. These are things that i have so i dont have to spend that much money right now. Ill prob post some pics of my setup in the next day or so. :smoke:
Northern lights is always good for a couchlock. Look for a strain called G-Bomb - it's one of the purest indicas out there.. I think its buddha seeds.

For a more sativa-y high, I always recommend white widow. Love the smoke from that stuff, it was the BOMB when I started out in this wonderful way of life. True WW is very sativa dominant in effect but grows quick (8-9wk flowering) and is one of the easier plants to grow. I have a pack of Seedsman Gold WW waiting for me :D Can't wait to get them through and be once again sampling that euphoric, almost wired, king of the universe high :D
captain - ya i have grown and smoked NL before and i know its a solid strain so thats why i chose that but the WR I have no experience with, but i know it comes from WW so... and as far as WW it was my first to grow although never finished, b/c some were males and the rest I was paranoid so they had a quick death. But i appreciate the input cuz id like to know more about what people have had experience with in a "micro" setting and enjoyed the most.

Freezerboy - ya last night i checked out your thread on the thunk which if i had the space looks pretty good, which if i can i might use for an outdoor gorilla grow, again thanks for the input

Bounty29 - thanks for visiting and putting in your knowledge, but i guess because of the debate you never told me a strain, id like to know your opinion because it seems your very experienced.
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