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Miriacle Grow Organic Choice


Active member
Just curious because I found some of this stuff on sale at Wally World today. Would have bought a pallet if I had the cash - 3.77 for a cu foot bag. Beat the shit out of the $12 I spent on a 2cf bag of scotts earlier this year.


Anyone ever use this stuff? I saw on the back of the bag that it's not for containers - that was after I got it home. Looked on Scott's website and it said that it was too dense for containers, so I was going to mix in a bit of perlite and peat to lighten it up a bit.

Any thoughts on this stuff? Results good or bad? Just going to run a few lowryders in it.


hey spacedcwby

i think the consensus here is miracle grow products are shitty and even at a penny theyre overcharging you. its better just to make your own medium or at least you can go with the better touted soils or soilless.

why don't you cut out the miracle grow and just grow you plants in peat, perlite and some dolomite with the usual amendments. just a suggestion but in the end i hope you have a great grow.


Active member
I haven't seen a consensus on Miracle Grow Organic Choice.

I would like to see opinions from people that may have tried it.

I have a few unopened bags. Not planning on using any for awhile.


A grower friend of mine used MG (regular potting mix) and had great results. He even used MG NUTES. He had a few hiccups but this was his first grow and he still had a decent harvest. Now he upgraded to FFOF. Most of the people who rag MG out have never even used it, they just repeat what they heard from someone with 10,000 posts. (That wasn't directed at you Emmy75, I'm just being honest with the guy)

My personal opinion is...
If you have access to better soil. Use it.

But if all else fails, just grow pot and learn along the way. I'll link the MG grow thread if you want me too. You see with your own eyes.


New member
I have used the MG soil and am disappointed with it. The consistency is nothing special, there is some chicken litter in it, but not much else in terms of food. Also, the bags I got had bugs in them. We all put so much effort into our teas and plant foods, that I think the soil is mostly a medium. I would suggest getting some bales of compost from your garden supply shop and lighten it up a bit with perlite if necessary. Then just focus on what you feed your plants.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
want some cheap effective mix? that puts miracle grow to shame?

1 part compost 1 part sand 1 part perlite thats it. amend with raw natural ingredients if you want, let sit and plant. watch them grow.


Someone I know uses this stuff in there garden, but when they tried it in a pot with perlite it just made a mess. The texture is really fine and the water had a hell of a time going through and when it did it just made a big cakey, muddy mess. If your gonna use it try mixing with alot of peat and perlite, but personaly i'd just skip it.


Active member
Don't know where to get FF soils around here. Won't order it either. Shipping costs and it's associated with ganja growing like AN nutes. I'm extremely paranoid. I'm even going to go this round without the third part of my three part nutes because I don't want to have them shipped to the house. Just one more thing for my brain to tweak on when I'm high and watching for helicopters outside (I live near an airport - you can imagine what my blood pressure must be like at times). LOL - I'm a dork, but I'm safe too and thats the important part.

Thanks for all the input - and I think that spiral just saved me a mess. I'll mix it 75 peat and 25 MG and see how it takes the water. Throw in a bit of perlite too. Thanks for letting me know the end result before I found out the hard way.


I know this isn't about MG but I had a question that seems pertinent to the subject. I bought a 20lb bag of "potting mix" from a local nursery. they make it themselves and it contains compost (i think),peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and thats about it from what I can remember. from what y'all are saying in this thread can I amend this soil to be better and make it organic? like adding bonemeal, worm castings, dolomite lime, and what not?
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Mg Organic has a shitload of bugs I have used several times sucks ass.. Fox Farm Ocean Soil is the best.. in my opinion.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
jaykush said:
want some cheap effective mix? that puts miracle grow to shame?

1 part compost 1 part sand 1 part perlite thats it. amend with raw natural ingredients if you want, let sit and plant. watch them grow.

jay, you've peaked my interest with something so simple. Hows the results been for you with this mix? Also what kind of compost, any? Worm castings?


Active member
MGOC works fine, all it needs is perlite. I had a nasty fungus gnat outbreak from it though. I toyed with giving it another shot, but this time baking it in the oven for a bit before using. Another option would be to water it using mosquito dunks to kill the larvae before they hatch. It so easily available.........if it weren't for those damn gnats!


**AWD** Aficianado
budvapor said:
check out this guy's thread. he uses MG org soil with pretty incredible results, and only waters with water!


The soil mix consist of 1 bag of mriacle grow organic + 1 bag of pro mix + 1 cup blood meal + 1 cup bone meal + 1/2 cup dolimite lime + 10-20% added chunky perlite. Im running 3 gallon bags btw this mix will fill 10 3 gallon bags.Im running a few strains mostly chronic, But i have a couple URKLE and NYCD in there as well.

This is his soilmix, the blood and bone are doing most of the work :joint:

Yeah Gnats are an issue with MG, they are more of a nuisance than anything but take into consideration that quality of organic ingredient is as important if not more than it's NPK contribution :cool:



Active member
Mixed it up with a shitload of perlite and peat moss. Seems to be doing good - the ladies are enjoying it so far. Thanks for the tips - and BV - that grow is insane. Keeps on going and going and going...


I used some Miracle grow organic choice this summer. I thought it was great. Fast acting too. I simply side dressed my plants, didnt even really scratch it into the soil, and I noticed a difference in my plants immediately..

I have found better, but as far as avalability, its top notch..You can find it at any wally world and at most hardware store grow shelf.

I figure you would get the same results using chicken manure:confused:

These were the ones I side dressed early season with the MG OC..

these were planted late june...


Active member
Nice patch of grass you got there FP. I'll try the side dressing with the 4 that I didn't put into the MG. Thanks for the tip.
Im currently using MG Organic and the first bag i got was great super fine dirt no mulch so i went to get another batch a shit load of mulch but i have had no problems at all

for veg i mix

2 parts MGO
2 part mushroom compost
2part perlite

and add(per gallon)

1 tsp Mexican bat guano
1 tsp Jamaican bat guano
1 tsp Epsoma plus

i do not use lime and i use R/O water and i haven't supplemented with cal-mag yet and it been 2 months for my mom and i don't check ph i just cant bring myself to spend the money on a decent meter


I have used the Miracle Grow Organic Choice potting Mix and I had terrible results, after educating myself and trying Fox Farms Ocean Forest, I won't be going back to MG. The only MG product that I have seen work was their Moisture Control blend of soil for my friends setup. The buds from that weren't all that special though. My first harvest with FFOF is coming up next month so I will see what's crackin with that. Ever since I ditched the Miracle Grow, my plants have been huge and lush!


ive used that soil before outdoors and it worked fine for me, only problem i had with it was when i watered for the first time or 2 i had a runoff of some dark orange colored water, so the stuff is loaded with nutrients. if your gunna use it only feed with water

also i used miracle grow 20-20-20 for my first indoor grow a long time ago and the stuff worked fine just gotta go very light with everything miracle grow as the stuff is concentrated, even the soil like i already said.