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DHair's First Grow


New member
Hi all, just wanna introduce myself. Name's Mike, doing my first grow, VERY bare bones. Literally took some soil outta my back yard, got some pots, some lights, and set up in my room. I'm gonna try to take pictures and all that jazz and have it up here so I can get some help just incase. I'll be posting again shortly.


Hi Mike,
Welcome to IC man, i wouldn't use the soil from the back garden tho, it's guaranteed to be full of pests and diseases, poor drainage etc, not worth the hastle at all, if possible get some Compost from the Garden Centre, for Nutrients i'd recommend Bio Bizz, very easy stuff to use and you don't need to worry about using any Boosters at this stage dude, just buy some Grow + Bloom, also go to your local Chemist/Drug Store and buy some Epsom Salts (you may need these once your half way through flowering), sometimes your plants show signs of Mg 'Magnesium' Deficiency and this stuff will help :joint:


Non Conformist
Welcome to IC MAG!

Welcome to IC MAG!

Glad ta see ya take the first step, but I agree with these other fellers. Start with good soil! you might not have a problem in the world with yer garden soil, but then again you could have all kinds of problems with it. Best ta start with somethin you know is gonna work. Either make yer own with the help of the sticky thread that has been mentioned or pick up a bag of Fox Farms soil. The Ocean Forest or their Happy Frog both work very well, I've been useing them for years with great success..... It's jus one less thing that can go wrong for a new grower. If ya need help, you jus hollar, there are a lot of good folks here that know how ta help. Good luck and welcome! BC


New member
Haha thanks guys, really appreciate all the advice. I'm just doing this as an experimental grow. To learn things ya know? Its very under funded because I'm out of work right now, but once I get the money coming in again, I'll do things the right way. I'm gonna get a camera to start taking pictures of my space soon also.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
B.C. said:
Fox Farms soil. The Ocean Forest
Mandala Seeds specifically singles out FF Ocean Forest as a BAD mix for seeds or clones. Too hot. As a WC guy, I can't recommend a brand but, that warning stood out and has stuck with me.


New member
Another update : Equipment Rundown
-Hanging Flourescent Lights (48 watt bulbs)
-One desk lamp (?? watts) over big plant

Heres the weird thing I'm doing. I have a portable heater now blowing on the plants for two reasons: first is to keep the climate warm for them, the second is to have wind blowing on them to keep them from toppling over. I just had one plant die because of that, and another would have had I not tied it to a stick today. Any other suggestions on how to get these things to get nice, strong, thick stems to hold them up?
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Non Conformist
Well FB, I reckon that's his opinion. I have used it for nearly 10 years now. I've never burnt anything with it. I -regularly- root clones in it, and have started dozens and dozens of different stains of seeds in it over those 10 years. I jus cut in half with perlite. So I don't know where that comes from? If ya talk ta other folks, they'll tell it isn't strong enough. LoL! I spose I'll go with what -I- know about it tho. To each there own... Take care... BC


Non Conformist


I wouldn't put blowing heat on em, they'll fry. Wind from a fan might be a better idea. Also, drop yer light down as far as ya can on top of them without it touchin em. They should beef up alil. later, BC


New member
so i've been researching some lights to get for when i upgrade my grow space to its full potential. but before i say what i was thinking, what would anyone on here recommend? the growspace is just a section of my room, two 48 watt flourescents and a desk lamp over one plant at a time in a strict rotation. i know i need to up grade. tell me what you think is best, and cost efficient.


Grab a few materials from the hardware store and make a small grow cab.
Much better than a section of a room. You can even make it look like a coffee table. throw a table cloth on it or something.

Go check out growroom design
Have fun


New member
Picture Update #1

Picture Update #1

Hi all, so, I finally decided to start taking pictures of how things are going over here. Tell me how you guys think the plant is doing, right now I just put a fan infront of this guy to make sure his stem keeps strong and this plant doesn't snap like the other 3 have....

Please give all and any critisicism, i'm not looking for a self esteem booster here, just trying to make this work. Thanks!


New member
quick question....this plant is roughly a week old. and i have another one started a day after this one. when will i be able to tell the sex of the plants?