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Area of coverage for 400hps, does it matter ?



I find that side gets better light than below or above the bulb. Alot has to do with your reflector though, most reflectors are designed to have a broader horizontal range.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I vote with Micro. If possible, line up the lamp perpendicular to the length of the grow.


herbal essences

don't forget about penetration, that's what's going to help you yield more denser nugs


Active member
Herbal, that is what concerns me the most, I can't seem to understand if light fills a volume or a specific distance. Hope everyone knows what I mean, lol.

Freezerboy, that would be the way to set it up for sure.
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herbal essences

if I were to use a 400w I'd go with a 2.5 x 2.5 space and keep the light as close as possible for max penetration