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How to roll a Vanilla Dutch by Styles p.

Styles P

Im going to show all of you who don't know how to roll a blunt how to. its pretty much the same rolling any blunt.

ok first you will need your Buddha

After you have selected your bud then you can break it up.

after that you want to lay it out in the shape next to you L so you can see how much paper to rip off.

then you want to find the best spot on the blunt to cut you want a straight clean spot.

you don't want to cut a vein because they don't wanna stay down when rolling they wanna pop up and not bend.

then you want to lick your spot before the cut to the leaves stick to the inner paper.

then go ahead and cut straight down you can use a knife but i use my thumb nail.

sometimes the leaves wanna fall apart this usually happens with stale blunts like this one. you just wanna lick under the part sticking up in this photo and then lay it back down.

then lick the perimeter of the blunt like this.

then lay your weed in the blunt.

i always roll the middle up nice and tight then go back and fix the 2 ends.

then lick it shut.

to fix the ends rip up the paper a little then tuck the end under.

do the same with both sides.

and voila you have a rolled dutch.

if im going out i save the wrapper and place the blunt back in it.

well thats it this is how i roll my blunts. i use a table because my hands are to small to hand roll a blunt(i can but it looks shitty).


Well-known member
No offense intended, and I certainly appreciate the time and effort you expended.. but why do people use good bud if its going to be wrapped in low-grade tobacco and smothered in saliva?

Styles P

because i grew the bud and i can put it in whatever i want to put it in. you can still taste the bud and it burns alot slower letting you get more hits off of it and it does not go out light it once and keep smoking.

Styles P

grapepunched said:
and dem city boyz be on them blunts


exactly i have peices for the crib but i cant walk around philly smoking a bowl. blunts also hide the smell a bit.


New member
yo vanilla dutch'es are fire as fuck but i love grape :rasta: do you always crack it?? i never crack it i unwrap[ the leaf take off the cancer paper and excess then roll it and wrap it try it yo you wont be disappointed much cleaner taste

Styles P

i can unwrap it but its a pain in the dick. vanilla's paper is to thin and usually rips while trying to unwrap it. and unwrapping it shows no skill cause you can roll the inside shitty as hell than u just cover it up with the wrap. and it takes to long.


Sneak attack critical
smokey117 said:
do you always crack it?? i never crack it i unwrap[ the leaf take off the cancer paper and excess then roll it and wrap it try it yo you wont be disappointed much cleaner taste
I crack blunts like Phillies, Swishers, and White Owls.

I unwrap Dutchies. They're a treat if you're willing to spend the time to do it right.

To answer hyposomniac's question: I smoke blunts when portability is an issue. Blunts, once smoked, are gone, unlike bowls, bats and other glass gear. They're also great for long drives, as they only have to be lit once and burn slow. No fiddling with your lighter, emptying your bowl and all that.

Just smoke n' toss. Once I'm home, I'll fire up the vape.

It can also be a change of pace. Switching between smoking methods helps keep the sensation novel.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
crack a philly, not a dutch.
and toss the cancer paper on the inside.
roll the blunt w/ just the unwrapped leaf.


hyposomniac said:
No offense intended, and I certainly appreciate the time and effort you expended.. but why do people use good bud if its going to be wrapped in low-grade tobacco and smothered in saliva?
ive asked the same question of people that mix tobacco and weed. just seem pointless tome, but hey after all this time, its too each his own.

i wouldn't choose blunts over glass if it was available, but there is nothing like some nice cannabis in a fresh dutch, or peach whiteowl. gotta be fresh though!!

and i prefer leafing mine. comes out neater and holds alot better/more ,and believe it or not, its easier to roll it that way, once you get your nitch to it.

but all in all hyposomniacits live and let live
dude y r u using a blunt it looks like u barely broke up a gram a cigarelo would of done just fine and u would be smoking less paper and by the way u need to perfect ur rolling that blunt was not up to par
take out that "cancer sheet' and cut that inner layer in at least half. lately i have mastered the 2 blunts from 1 dutch. trust me less paper youre lungs will thank u not to mention u taste the weed better, unless ure using regs then u want all the flavor u can get to change that shitty taste. hahaha


not to hate BUT:
1. you need about twice as much weed, your basically just smoking paper
2. you NEVER cut open a dutch like that...you UNRAVEL the leaf, cut the inside paper...roll that up... then WRAP the leaf you unraveled back around it...thats how you roll a blunt.

Styles P

mangled said:
not to hate BUT:
1. you need about twice as much weed, your basically just smoking paper
2. you NEVER cut open a dutch like that...you UNRAVEL the leaf, cut the inside paper...roll that up... then WRAP the leaf you unraveled back around it...thats how you roll a blunt.

i don't know about you but i usually get high off a gram of weed. and wheres this law about never cutting open a dutch? wrapping it takes to fucking long and is for people that cant roll.


Active member
i dont care what anyone says, theres nothin like smoking out of a properly rolled blunt. NOTHING. and i own 2 vaporizers including the volcano, and various bongs. It was very nice of u to make this tutorial for those out there who dont know how to roll

Also, there is no one way to roll a blunt so anyone trying to correct this kind fella cut it out. You roll it ur way, he'll roll it his, the noobs will figure out which way THEY prefer
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Well-known member
Styles P said:
and you get no drug paraphernalia charge. and if need be i have seen my boy eat one.

That's pretty darn hilarious. I'm gonna try one of these ASAP (smoking not eating).

Styles P

heres how to wrap the dutch

first break up your green(only have about .8)

then pick at the end of the blunt and peel the leaf up

then unwrap it and lay the skin to the side

then remove the cancer paper

put your green in the inner paper

roll it up like i did in the other one

then place your rolled inner paper on the outter paper like so

then start to roll it

and here u have it


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