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grow room heat trying to ice it down!


My humidity is low in my growroom 16% and the temps stay at a constant 80 degrees without the light on which is a 600 watt hps. I felt if I added buckets of water I could add water to the dry air and raise the humidity. Then the idea of freezing the water to help with the temps came and I was wondering if this could help with the temps?


Get fans or bigger fans, you obviously don't have good ventilation. If it is hot where you live you're going to have to get an ac unit with a thermostat. Using ice seems like a wasted effort.

best luck


The ambient temps in the room are 80 degrees, without the lights on?

Keep in mind that cannabis thrives in the 73-78 degrees range or so.

You're gonna surely see an increase in temperature when you fire up that 600W. It it not going to be in a range that is suitable for your plants.

Ice will be something you will have to constantly replenish. I know you said that you'd like it for the humidity. However, before you even worry about the humidity, you have to figure out how to get the temperatures down.

When all is said and done, your time and effort will be worth the portable A/C unit and you'll probably end up wanting one for the next time anyway. Once you have the temperature dialed in and under control, you can start to address other environmental issues, such as humidity.

-Q :rasta:
Sounds like my first grow. And where the hell are you that its that hot this time of year? I had major issues. If you don't have a dowstairs/basement space to grow in, you will have issues. Upstairs rooms are at least 4 degrees warmer, and 4 degrees makes a huge difference.
Until I worked outmy problems with heat, i could not control humidity. The higher the heat, the lower the humidity in most cases. As air expands ( heat ) its capability to hold more moisture increases, which lowers humidty. So when your lights go off humidity explodes.
The bucket thing, or wet towels, or whatever works sparingly, and you have replenish thise sources too often for it to be worth it.
My advice is to work out the cooling and heating issues, which directs me straight to asking what kind of fan(s) are you using?
How big is your space? And when are you using your lights?


Active member
If in veg, add co2. I'm using an humidifier in my room now because heat is causing me to run AC late in day. Just a little heat/dry wave to get thru. Few years back I used dry ice for a couple days and it had a positive effect. Not a cost effective treatment though, longterm.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Everybody is right here, you really need better air ciculation

Adding ice may work in the interim, but you seriously need to improve your air system

Basically what you need is a good exhaust. And what you are looking for will be CFM (cubic feet per minute). So work out the size of your area into cubic feet (LxWxH). Then find a fan that has a bit more CFM than that.
Example would be, your room is 100 ft³. Then you are going to want something in the 180 to 220 CFM range. This will change the air in your room 2 or more times a minute, this will make a huge difference in your temps, and really suck out humidity, if that ever becomes an issue. Low humidity never really causes any problems, whereas high humidity is deadly.

Adversely, you want a good air intake as well, if your area is enclosed and lightproof, air will not get in very well, so a smaller vortex style air intake would be great. Plants love clean fresh air. I personally use a 120 cfm intake and 2 180 cfm outtakes. I use a piece of GFA furnace filter, to keep spores and bugs from getting sucked into my room, and does it ever get dirty.

Ice will be a pain in the butt, all that water all the time, sounds like a recipie for a big mess, and anytime you have lots of electrical connections around, open pails of water is not normally a good thing.

Best of luck


I figured this also folks thanks for the replies just needed a few opinions. I thought about some of this just really wanted know for sure. The room is in a closet that is sealed real good and it doesn't have any air coming in and out and if so very little. At the moment my plants arent in there i'm just testing everything before i do put them in there.