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adjustawings and super-spreader any1?


Active member
heard adjustawings r the best non aircooled hoods on the market and so I wanted to know if anyone can tell me if they r as good as they say. What about the super-spreader? Any1 used any of these?
I haven't used them, but they don't look like anything special. The adjustawings are just two batwing reflectors put together, batwing reflectors aren't very efficient, and even with two of them together they still don't have a very big footprint. You'd be better off going with an aircoolable reflector that has a large footprint, for example a cool sun or valuebrite 6" a/c reflector, both are about 2 feet x 2 feet and are much more efficient in reflection and cooling than those adjustawings.

That superspreader looks like marketing hype, that piece of metal will not stop hot spots. Hot spots are caused from heat, that metal isn't going to stop heat, it might block a little bit of light but that's about it, and that will just negatively effect your light.


Adjust-a-Wing is popular because it spreads light very evenly and minimizes hotspots (a hotspot is an area that is reflected with more intensity and will cause plants to grow towards it). At least that was the findings of Jorge C. when he conducted test on a multitude of reflectors. Hope this helps.


Active member
Im just looking for the best hoods on the market. I heard somewhere that vertizontal hoods are the way to go but its like everyone has a different opinion.
So if u think u know which hood outperforms any other then go ahead and shoot. so which air coolable hood and non air coolable hood outperforms every other hoods on the market today...


Active member
I was just researching adjust-a-wing and found this thread.

The usefulness of an adjust a wing reflector is based on grow space size also, isn't it. That is, if you only have a 20"x36" space there might be a lot of reflectors better suited, right?

It seems like a great idea but not sure in the space I'm planning it will make that much difference in that most decent reflectors would saturate that space.

It seems like the adjust-a-wing makes more sense when you start getting into 4x4 or greater spaces so you can bring your light closer and increase canopy penetration while spreading light horizontally.

Are hot spots really that big an issue?

Any thoughts?



little-soldier said:
heard adjustawings r the best non aircooled hoods on the market and so I wanted to know if anyone can tell me if they r as good as they say. What about the super-spreader? Any1 used any of these?

hit the link in my sig LS .....ive got the heatsheild spreaders off as im nearly 5 weeks in and its the right time of year for me to not carry them the whole grow.

bests Cmoon