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PC Grow - 125w enviro - White Russian


New member
Hey, this is my grow. Im growing in a computer case using a red spectrum 125W envirolight, which just about fits in.

I am using the LST technique to keep my plant down and hopefully improve yields. Here is my plant on week 2:

My aim is to get a Q off each plant. Every 3 weeks, I will be adding another plant into the mix, to have a perpetual harvest every 3 weeks (I hope..). This is my first grow so im not really too sure what i'm doing, but that's the plan anyway.

Anyone know whats wrong here?

My attempt at LSTing the plant, is this right? It seems to be working for me however growth is quite slow as you can see this is at two weeks now.

Thanks for looking, any help appreciated :) Sorry im not very good with the camera, i can never get it to focus properly when taking pictures of small stuff.


well they appear to have heat stress..what do you have set up for ventilation? temps?
looks like nutrient problems as well, what is your soil mix and what are you feeding them/how much?
You prob should wait a bit to train the plants possible closer to flowering.


also check your soil pH levels, depending on what your using to fert with certain nutrients can become "locked out" (less common in organic regimens) if the soil pH is off. Look for ranges in the neighborhood of 6-6.5.

peace homie


New member
Dont know the temperatures yet as it doesnt seem too warm in there, have moved the plants down from the lamp.

Soil is B&Q multi-purpose, no perlite (unfortunately, i forgot to add this, will definately do so next time), and they are not on any feed yet, and probably wont be unless they ask nicely :)


Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32)

Temp C= Tc
Temp F= Tf

so 75 would be... (5/9)*(75-32)= 23.8 C I would shoot for that.


New member
Its looking lovely now, started flowering, got one budsite formed, and another 70% formed from LST. Will upload pics in the hour.

His Dudeness

New member
Hey man,

guess we have a similiar setup, i too have a computer chassie with a 125W Envirolite that barely fits into it. I'm not too happy with the temps, it's between 77 - 86F. I've installed a pc fan in the front of the computer (where the CD-ROM supposed to be) that cools down the enviro, and also i'm using a sheet of glass (from a photo frame) as a heatshield.

No signs of heatstress yet on the babies (Lowryder)

Good luck! :joint:


New member
My temps are at 90F too, with 3 120mm PC fans running. The fact that its mainly made of metal does not help with temperatures, but i no longer have any heat stress with the 3rd fan, so im guessing im borderline temperature.

Here are the pics, am I right in thinking shes a female? :)

Thanks for looking. Its growing up quick :)
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New member

The pics arent too good, theres white hairs flinging everywhere. I cant focus on the camera, due to mild arthritis, which is why im growing it :)

Theres no sign of bollox, but a lot of white hairs that I can see. Will try for some better pictures tommorow.


Has anyobody else used just the red spectrum light to grow from? I've literally just posted a question about it in another thread, if so has anyone got any pics of the plants in bloom?

Uktoker, i like grows like this, it's the kind of thing i'm going to be trying over winter. Maybe with the 200w red enviro.


I did it.
PC case + enviro 125w red spectrum,
3 plants:
0,4 L pot - got about 6 grams
0,5 L pot - got about 10 grams
1,5 L pot - about 25 grams

I was satisfied. Used an unknown sativa strain (bagseed) who took 12 weeks to finish.

Now I'm in a second run, but in a wood box.


New member
Noddy, im not sure if it would work with any old strain, as i used an AF strain which skips the veg period.


uktoker said:
Noddy, im not sure if it would work with any old strain, as i used an AF strain which skips the veg period.

Yeah i was thinking it would be more suited to autos, cheers for reply.
If you do decide to feed these girls, what nutes will you use?