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plant is yellowing up to fast


Active member
im currently growing a bubbleberry and i went to check on it last nite and all the fan leaves and the leaves on the branches around the bud sites r yellowing up a bit to fast. my plant is only in its 2-3rd week of flowering and im not sure if its just an N defficancy or if it could be over watering. last weekend my area got hit with mad rainfall i think inbetween 5-8 inches total. I didnt water my plants though since that happened up until last nite. If you think its N defficancy i plan on topdressing the soil with dried blood and maybe mixing sum in a water bottle and using that to water my plant again tonite or tomorrow. Opinions highly needed i dont want my lady to turn on me now.-yb


I'd say its N. Act fast with some water soluble ferts. I lost most fans on some of my plants because I used slow release ferts. By the time the plant(s) was batter it had lost 80% of the fans.


I'd dig down a little by the stalk and check the soil and see if it is dry or damp.
If it's dry and yellowing I would say N def...


Active member
Young Buck..I had a beauty of a powerhouse do the samething recently.If the leaves are yellowing as fast as you say..My guess is its water.I had the powerhouse next to a stream.It rained like crazy and the water level rose.before I knew it the powerhouse was turning yellow.I dug her up and as soon as I removed her the hole she was in filled up with water..It'll mak'em turn yellow quick..peace


Active member
It all depends whether your soil is well drained or not. Overwatering mostly occurs due to the roots being "suffocated" by water that doesn't drain away. Another unmistakeable sign for overwatering is drooping leaves.

If the leaves are perky, but yellow, the problem is indeed a lack of N and yeah, if you're still a few weeks from harvest, one last application of dried blood would help (in powder form, not slow release pellets). Don't overdo it though as you want flowers to grow, not leaves or over-leafy buds.

A few pics would help

h :ying:


Active member
ahh thank u so much guys i didnt expect to get anymore feed back and havent checked this thread in a few days. Yea the leaves all seem to be fine and perky just really yellow. so i gave it a good dose of dried blood in powder form and i plan on letting my soil dry out till next watering. Im hoping things will change up in a week or so and ill post a pic or 2 when i head out next time. thanks again u guys!-yb


Non Conformist
Somethin to consider...

Somethin to consider...

Giving it a flowering nute as well will help off set the affects of giving it a nute that only has N in it. Chances are it needs a balanced fert anyway if it's showing signs of a deficiency. Remember they eat alot more when they flower. Hope that makes sense to ya? Good luck! Take care... BC


Active member
i had a 2 blueberries indoors drop all there leaves once. i was giving them the same food as the rest of my plants, they were all fine, but the blueberries dropped every leaf. made me never want to grow that again.