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My dad is in the start of advanced Parkinson's. He has max'ed out his meds and now all we can do is watch this disease slowly take him from us. He has terrible shakes, he has started to drool and his mental capacities have deterioted. He is a soft spoken guy (if he read that he would laugh at me..."You used to say all I did was yell at you") but Parkinson's has made it worse. The doctor told me yesterday that all that can be done now is to wait, enjoy the years left. He and I have often talked of trying herb to ease his discomfort. He is all for it. To this end, I have started to grow. I am working the bugs out of my closet and growing Hashberry as a (sorta) first grow. The price was right and it has a good rep. Not for Parkinson's but overall. My question, my search is this...do any of you have any first hand experience with this? Any caregivers have anyone with Parkinson's? Any Parkinson's suffers out there? Any certain strains work better than others? Folks, I appreciate any and all responses. This is my dad...the man who I played catch with, who taught me to fish, who taught me to be a man. Thanks.


I'm sorry to hear about that man.Parkinsons runs in my family and now,at only 40 years of age,I'm starting to tremble pretty bad.You should see me try to adjust a carburator with a screwdriver,Lol.
Last year,myself and about 20 other family members took part in a study being done by the university of tennessee,seems to be some contraversy about it being passed on genetically,but the university won't allow us to view any results for some reason.
My father has it pretty bad,but managed to work until he retired this year and even went back to work recently as a taxidermist of all things.He jokes about buying a sippy cup so he can drink his coffee instead of wearing it,lol.He trembles terribly but almost slapped me when I suggested smoking a little herb to settle him.He's a big man so that suggestion won't be made again.
I'll watch this thread for suggestions as I'll have a need-to-know in the future.


hardhat, I am so sorry to hear of you and your father suffering from this. My prayers go out to you and yours. I hear you on the auto mechanic stuff. It is something my dad and I do together. I have put the socket on the nut for him. Screwdrivers are long ago dropped from his tools. The sippy cup thing works ok for my dad. He has a hard time getting the straw to his lips and half of what he gets ends up on his chin or clothes. My prayers go out to you and your dad.
On a humourous front...he has terrible leg sway. When I first saw it, I walked over and turned on the radio, telling him..."now you got some music to dance to". He, one of my brothers and I love to fish. And damn it..he out fishes us EVERYTIME. We tell him that with his shaking, it fools the fish. I have taken to (lovingly) calling him Shaky. His sister was taken back by this but he told her that there was nothing that could be done to help him so laughter was needed. Now she calls him that.
Again, my prayers to you and your father. Thank you for responding.

Storm Crow

Active member
Hi hon, my sympathy for what you must be going through. Here's what I have on Parkinson's and cannabis. Hope it helps! - Granny

Marijuana Compounds May Aid Parkinson's Disease

Marijuana-Like Chemicals Helps Treat Parkinson's

Cannabis use in Parkinson's disease: subjective improvement of motor symptoms.

Cannabinoids reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease

Nabilone on L-DOPA induced dyskinesia in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease

Evaluation of cannabidiol in dystonic movement disorders.

Beneficial and adverse effects of cannabidiol in a Parkinson patient

Neuroprotective effect of cannabinoids in a rat model of Parkinson's disease


Old Fool.. from some limited research I did awhile ago, I remember reading that the leaves of the mj plant work best for Parkinson's patients. If you want me to find the article I can dig it up. Well heck let me see...

> > 3. Marijuana chewing-induced improvements in
> > Parkinson's disease
> > E Ruzicka
> > P-TU-136
> >
> > This case report documents motor improvements from
> > daily chewing of a single marijuana leaf in a
> > 72-year-old man with Parkinson's disease. The
> patient
> > was taking 400 mg levodopa/day when he began on
> > marijuana, and continued his levodopa dose
> unchanged.
> > After two months, he reported improved tremor and
> > bradykinesia. He has continued for five years,
> with
> > loss of benefit during two treatment suspension
> > periods, and regain of benefit with recommencement
> of
> > treatment. The author notes the patient has an
> > unusually benign course of PD, that marijuana
> leaves
> > have a different concentration and distribution of
> > active ingredients than marijuana flowers, and
> that
> > chewing is likely to produce different effects
> than
> > smoking.
> >


Storm Crow and Indicad2006, from the bottom of my heart I thank you both for taking the time to answer and provide me some links/info. Granny, from one grandparent to another. To both...again, THANK YOU!

Caregivers...do you have anyone currently using herb?


@ Old Fool:Rofl,Poiticians and Voters.Took me about 2.8 seconds to figure that out.Think I'll build one and dump it out at our city hall late one night.Thanks,sometimes laughter is the best medicine.Killer gallery,man


OldFool we have a friend who is in his 40's and is suffering from Parkinsons according to drs...we wonder since there seems to be a lot of people working in the same plant with the same problem...but anyway he has the shakes pretty bad now.....recently we started making cana butter and we convinced him to try eatting some and we watched his shaking cease....he did not seem to notice any difference,,,but two of us were seeing it with our own eyes....the next week we convinced him to eat some more of the cookies and when the shakes ceased this time we brought it to his attention...he laughed about it and said well hell he was so f**ked up he has forgot to shake....we have noticed that he gets his best results from eatting the butter, more so than smoking the bud....we are trying to keep him in cookies but not to easy to do where medical growing is not allowed...also the butter is being made mainly with leaf and very few buds...we are trying to keep some good records on this so somehow we might be able to pass along our findings on it


Bong Smoking News Hound
Good work maverick, care to share strains? These stories are what makes the medical world go round.


SCF....Not that sure on the strains as I ordered them from a seed dealer and all I can do is depend on them to send what I wanted.....I bought these beans from heavens stairway, the order was filled by woodhorse seeds.....and i got the shipment of seeds 2 days before the OG fiasco....Now according to woodhorse the seeds I have are bogglegum, sour bubble and trainwreck....Now the canna butter is sort of a mixed bag of plants....so it is not just 1 strain....I have asthma, COPD and use inhalers and a nebulizer.....I know that i should not be smoking,that i should be using a vaporizer, but I'm not....I am not able to smoke the 2 by Bog, but the trainwreck is helping my breathing quite alot....I feel a marked difference in the pressure on my lungs when I smoke it.....it also seems that i am not having quite the breathing problems since i started eatting the canna butter myself....I was thinking that maybe the sativas were helping my breathing but since the trainwreck is the only sativa that I have that I am reasonablly sure is a sativa i had nothing to compare with....so during the cup when I was in the coffeeshops i tried mostly sativas.....they did not all give me the relief that the trainwreck does, but i did get some relief from them.....and 100% of the indicus strains that i tried chocked me up so bad no way I was going to be able to smoke them.....actually I do feel that the sativas that i tried while I was in A'dam might have helped me more if they had been grown correctly and not pumped up so damn much with all those damn chemicals they were using....now we are real excited with what we have seen with the parkinsons and we need to start being more careful when we trim so that we can see if any one of the strains is doing better than another....I'll talk this over with the others and we will try to do this


The shaking was eased in my dad from eating brownies. He loved for all of 10 minutes and then slept the sleep of the dead for 10 hours. He truly loved that part. He said it was the best sleep he has had in forever. I am trying to find the right amount to help him while not kicking his butt into sleep mode. The hard part is finding the just right part. So far a whole one definatly is out. A quarter no go...nadda. Half works but again..zzzzzzzz. Maybe he's needing sleep? lol We/I will figure it out.


We found that every batch is going to be different unless you have a known it is going to be a guessing game.....we just learned to eat a small amount at first and then sit back and wait for about an hour or 2 to see what the strength is like...then we can adjust from that.....and the sleeping will go away as he ingests more and becomes adjusted to it....for some reason the canna butter after awhile seemed to cause me to belch quite a lot so I just started taking tagament and it seems to stop the problem....OldFool you will find as in anything else your dad will develop a resistance and require more to do the same.....It is so nice to read that it has eased some of his shaking and I do hope it will be more and more of a blessing to him....I can not think when I had much better of a feeling, as when we saw how it improved the quality of life for our friend!!!!!!!!


My dad says the sleep is a welcome thing. I never knew that the sleep was effected because of the desease. It was just something that I ever put with the Parkinson's. so the sleep was welcome.


Damn!!Didn't know Old Fool had left...
Anyway,update for anyone affected.My Dad was recently re-diagnosed with something called familial tremors which mocks parkinsons.He began taking 2 different drugs and responded in less than 2 weeks.The tremors have gone completely.He said that he can't remember a time whene he didn't shake.I'm giving my doc time to research it before starting the therapy myself.
I really hope this helps someone.


Active member
Don't let him drive... I knew some kid whose mom has that shit and they let her drive until she crashed into the wall on the freeway THEN they decided to get her a driver... Pretty funny he was in rehab for smoking weed... and that's the shit that will probably save what she has left of her life... Her whole family treated her like shit which was pretty sad like expecting her to be able to do the same shit when she could barely get out of a chair without help...