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Watering in ProMix BX


Domesticator of Cannabis
Weedman Herb said:
I too grow in Pro Mix ... ditch that saucer ... it's hindering the properties you want in the medium. Drainage and Aeration. You can't Overwater Pro Mix unless you do what you have ... trapped the water and cut off the roots air supply. I flush and feed every other day for established plants in flower and every third day for younger plants. You need a Hydraulic type action to loosen the left over salts and then eliminate them. Hence you send a lot of water through the medium from the top and ... as a bonus ... this will pull air into the rootzone as well.

No can do, my plants are locked in bloom until they're finished no moving them to the sink. They drain into the cake ware & I empty them as I pour quite a bit through them to thoroughly soak the PM. It's the first time in over six years I've forgotten. I'll keep doing only what really needs to be done.
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sirgrassalot said:
YES treat it like soil - except in soil I wouldn't feed every watering only with Pro-Mix.

Thanx now I see the difference between soil and pro-mix...... :joint:
Sounds like Promix is pretty popular....our local store cant kept the stuff in....last year they carried the HP but only had the BX version lately...I too use the "lift techinque" to know when to water, anyway here's a couple of things i'm doing different to make it easier to water and its working great and saving a lot of time:

To water instead of using a 5 gallon bucket to mix nutes then drain into watering can im using a bigger 20 bucket dropping in a Little Giant sump pump attached a hose and watering wand to it and it works like a charm.

I also used to use a turkey baster to get the left over drainage, now using a shop vac to clean up the mess, so much easier.


Active member
sirgrassalot said:
YES treat it like soil - except in soil I wouldn't feed every watering only with Pro-Mix.

feed every watering with promix...???
no. i feed every other or every 3rd watering.


vindiesel said:
feed every watering with promix...???
no. i feed every other or every 3rd watering.

so what's the difference between soil and promix....? Sounds like if ur feeding every 3rd watering then its no different than using soil.....So what are the benefits then? Only thing I see different right now is that the promix has basically no nutes in it while soils like ff ocean forest has nutes in it......so u have a lil better control of what ur plants are getting.....Is promix even in the same league as coco....I mean I know with coco u feed like everyday and u deff see accelarated growth in roots during its first stages so how can promix compete when ur watering every 5 days or so.....? All my peeps swear by this stuff but im in between right now.... :joint:


Domesticator of Cannabis
vindiesel said:
feed every watering with promix...???
no. i feed every other or every 3rd watering.

Yes EVERY watering I feed in Pro-Mix & I never ever pH anything. I usually try & keep a pattern of Full dose ~ 1/4 Dose ~ 1/4 dose ~ Full dose etc. More if they need it ~ 10 - 25% nutrients is actually a leaching solution. Pro-Mix has no nutrients in it so when you give it plain water you can shock the plant & lock it up. You're actually doing a small Flush.

Pro-Mix has a tendency to do this when it gets a heavy dose than nothing or not enough. I didn't see it for a year, now I've had two stall for a week. When they're locked up you do not stop feeding, you leach them until you see them growing again & healthy looking, all very visible when you see it happen. Usually 2-3 leaching's & bang, they're off. By feeding every watering you're assuring the plant it will get what it wants which keeps the pH grooving & the plant happy. (I also thought I was immune to this lock out & that leaching wouldn't work ~ wrong)

You do not overfeed at anytime, you learn what your plants will take. I also leach in Pro-Mix the last week or two with Only the last watering with no food ~ I do not flush like soil.
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Active member
if you want it to dry out faster..give it less water. i never water until runoff with my promix. unless i'm flushing. here are some of the results i get with promix.




ismoke.kush-If you don't water until run off won't this starve the roots at the very bottom of the pot (I use grow bags too)? I have always watered to runoff, maybe I should stop?