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Do you meet alot of people daily?


Active member
For the record, I am quite anti-social. I love people, but they tend to not have lotsa love for moi.

Are you a person that meets people everywhere? Waiting in line at the supermarket, do you make lifelong friends?

If this describes you, I am curious. What is life as a Hyper-social individual like?

I am all about expanding my social sphere!

Tasukete kudasai!

Im pretty outgoing and social...but then again i dont really trust too many people the ones i do iv known for quite some time but its all about not giving a shit about what people think about you and just goin out there and saying hello to someone you never met before


Active member
I have been fucked over by to many people in my life to trust them so i typically keep to myself and prefer it that way. me and the dogs. that's how i like it. i don't mind hanging out with people i just get tired of them after a couple hours. one reason i don't like having company over because they usually stay longer than i want them too. if i hang out with people i have to go out and do it.
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I work with the public, so I meet people all the time

But I have two sides, I am very friendly and outgoing during work, but I turn all that off when I go home, and the become very closed and protective. It is probably the result of always being smiling during teh day


I meet people daily. But its hard to make life friends instantly. If you put off good energy people are attracted to that, a smile goes a long way.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
less these days than ever actually, I've been active in my community in many ways in the past/recent past but have been slowly cutting my ties, they seem to cost me time and money too often. the more I stay home to economize the less folks I meet. I still go to coffee with the old timers a lot of mornings so I'm not anti-social by any means.


Where i live i dont have any proper friends :(

I moved to this place almost 2 years ago and i havent made any real friends so far at all. Douches after douches.

And as if that wasnt enough, this week i lost my address book and contact details of 3 really close friends i met many years ago who atm live in other parts of the world :(
I would class myself as fairly social person I chat to alot of people at work but I don't have alot of friends (they all got into class a drugs and I decided to let them go there own way) for some reason random strangers start conversations with me, I have no idea why! I look like scary dude (6ft, shavenhead and I'm a big ol' unit) I wouldn't approach me.


Well-known member
Anti-socialite here too. But during my "Gee I wish I fitted in" stage of life, I did read a few books and familiarised myself with the ways of making friends. And believe me, it's a learnt thing, with specific routes and methods for gaining trust and friendship. It's an amazingly shallow world out there and if you play the part of alpha male everyone will want to be your friend. It takes some work and plenty of awkward moments, but anyone can master it. Look up things like Neuro Linguistic programming or game theory - or even the classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People. You too can be surrounded by people calling themselves your friends too. If you want.

But at the end of the day, 99.95378% of the people I got to know, I simply didn't like. Which is when I embraced my inner hermit. I'm an introvert too - and I don't really get along with extroverts. Don't fight it.


^^^^ 100% of ppl i met in my local town i didnt like also
When i go overseas on buziness trips i occasionaly come acros some real individuals who have

1. love in their hearts
2. Full of character

But here where i live there no such ppl at all.


Active member
^^^ i know what you mean when you travel it's like that

you find some crazy people, with big hearts

you can also find rapists and thieves, but travelling is always magical


lives on planet 4:20
have had very few real friends in my life...maybe three

and the last 15 years my best friends has been my lovely wife

i don't like most people and don't spend much time with anyone except my family

with exception being special days (birthdays, etc) and holidays


After I got passed my "ruffneck" days when I was younger....I became a "people person". I worked in real estate & managemtn so I had to have a "people pesonality". Now I work in retail & I have learned to HATE EVERYBODY!!!! Working in a retail enviroment has made me want to build a cabin in the mountains, hunt/fish for meals, ggrow veggies & mj, & never wanna "be required" to deal with another person for the rest of my days.....

(except fam & friends)

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