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Out of state college student and CA residency issues

Hey all, been a while since I've posted but I find myself in need of some advise.

So I'm attending college in southern California now, and I finally got over to get my recommendation from a local doctor. I walked out of the appointment with my 2 month temp. recommendation in hand, and a list of local dispensaries and some SoCal medical pot magazines. I made my way over to one of the dispensaries and they were very polite and brought me in ready to treat me well as a first timer, but upon handing them my recommendation they asked for my I.D. and they got very weird when I handed them my out-of-state I.D. and informed me that I had to have proof of residency to be able to use the dispensaries.

Now my issue comes in the way to obtain a California drivers license as a college student living in the on-campus dormitories. I don't think I would be able to use my dorm address as a residency at the DMV, and can't see any other way of obtaining a proof of residency seeing as the only acceptable forms according to the guys at the dispensaries are a drivers license, passport, or a utility bill showing proof of residency in the county. Can anyone think of a way for me to get a drivers license from the DMV in my situation; I mean for all I know i could walk in and a dorm address would be acceptable to get an I.D., I just don't want to walk in and get shut down by the DMV after waiting in line and everything.

Thanks for the help, I know someone will come through like this awesome community always does!


Custom User Title
Where are you going to go when you get kicked out of the dorms after the semester? If it's not somewhere in CA, I think you're out of luck.
bounty29 said:
Where are you going to go when you get kicked out of the dorms after the semester? If it's not somewhere in CA, I think you're out of luck.

I won't ever have anything in my dorms... I have plenty of friends with houses near campus whom are also medical patients (they are the ones that thought this would be a good idea for me) and will never even have anything in the dorms or on the campus; I'm a legitimate medical patient as well transferring over from the adderol I was perscribed with back home so I really would appreciate holding back on any posts along the lines of "you're just a college kid that wants legal bud."

Thanks again, but I could use some help here. It would be a big disappointment to have gotten a recommendation only to never even be able to discover if this is for me or not.


Custom User Title
You're being paranoid, my post had nothing to do with you having anything in the dorms and I wasn't criticizing you at all. Whether you're a legitimate patient or not is none of my business, you got a recommendation so what does it matter what I think? I've got no problem with it in the first place so it's a moot point.

All I was saying is: You are only going to be living in the dorms when school is in session, where will you move after school is done for the semester? If it's not in California, I doubt you'll be able to get a CA license. Don't be so defensive, I'm trying to answer your question.

You posted a thread in a public forum, anybody can reply with however they feel about your thread, be prepared to get a variety of responses.
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shut the fuck up Donny
Though the California DMV site says you need all these random things, the fact is all you need to bring is your out of state drivers license, and a passport/SS Card. There's a fee I think it's like $30.

Bottom line you can use your dorm address. When you move to another dorm/off campus you just go to the DMV website and change your address. If you move back to your home state you just go back to the DMV in your home state and can switch back if you want.

Just make sure your changing state residency won't impact anything in your life outside of bud.. if your on your parents car insurance policy (or your own for that matter) back in your home state, changing your drivers license to another state might be complicated... same with health insurance? Just make sure its cool for u to change residency if your at all connected to your parents financially.

Jeff Lebowski

I hope you have money for school snow rider. If you get caught with a "J" on campus you are risking all possible financial aid and possible expulsion. I am not sure what school you go to but you can check University policies online. Even near campus for your friends is too close more than 1,000 feet right? By the time you get all of this situated your two month rec. will be over, which will ultimately come down to you getting a license in CA or a CA ID. Unfortunately, policy regarding mmj near schools of any level is quite strict. But, you claimed on campus so beware. Also, I find it hard to believe you will never have medication with you at home. Is that even realistic for a medical patient to never have medicine where they live, unless under court order?


just get an ID Card?

Better yet, fuck the DMV, call the disp and ask if a school ID was ok or a school enlistment record?

Not sure why you need cali state residency to get them to sell to you, explain to them if they are worried your LEO, don't they think LEO would go the extra step to get a local ID?

Is there even wording in the Medicinal Marijuana laws where you have to be a full time resident of California? I know in other states if you are visiting a special care facility you don't have to fly back to your own state to buy prescription meds.. is this different with MJ?


shut the fuck up Donny
Koroz said:
just get an ID Card?

Better yet, fuck the DMV, call the disp and ask if a school ID was ok or a school enlistment record?

Not sure why you need cali state residency to get them to sell to you, explain to them if they are worried your LEO, don't they think LEO would go the extra step to get a local ID?

Is there even wording in the Medicinal Marijuana laws where you have to be a full time resident of California? I know in other states if you are visiting a special care facility you don't have to fly back to your own state to buy prescription meds.. is this different with MJ?

Yes, you must be a California resident. No way around it.


A couple things you won't lose financial aid on first offense for non felony issues. Second if your so legit why'd they give you 2 months. Third you have friends that live off campus, use their address for the dmv, this will lower your tuition cost, out of state kids pay way more, your parents will be stoked. And last make an appointment online for the dmv so you don't wait for a couple hours.
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Thanks a lot for all the help guys, especially you bounty and I didn't mean to seem defensive before I was just anxious for an answer right away. Also, I'm going to be very careful never to have any pot on campus; I value my college education very much and wouldn't risk losing it for something like that. I may have some edibles in the dorm room occasionally but I hardly see a risk there.

I'm going to head to the DMV late this afternoon and I'll post results tonight. Hopefully it will be my filled perscrip. and some edibles :)

edit- and I'm most likely interning over the summer and I'll actually have residency at this point because for the 2,3,4th years of college I will be living at a house here in SoCal, so all of this will no longer be an issue.
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Jeff Lebowski

Be careful edibles are concentrate albeit conspicuous. Concentrates I believe carry a more severe sentence. Most college campus's adhere to federal law above state law even in a medical case. I'm not trying to "freak" you out but someone needs to advise you of what you can lose for something inconsequential. Watch the girls video on MPP about her losing her financial aid for having a pipe, her first offense. It's only a state misdemeanor but reporting it to FAFSA means you lose Federal privileges. Good luck at the CA dmv, haha! Also, good luck overall, be smart and safe and don't abuse the system. People at that age will get harassed by peers as a "hookup." Don't risk your freedom by hooking up buddies, I know you said they lived off campus. A lot of people have opinions about CA laws work statewide and locally but until we can stop LEO from enforcing laws against med patients you might as well be a rebel. I can't even recall the amount of thread's I've read from med patients busted, or listening to people have all their medicine confiscated. Some cases have been overturned but its only a few. One more thing, make sure you keep up on dates for that temp rec. (rambling end)
Thanks for all the help everyone! I found a disp. close by that is alright with me being a college student from out of state as long as I have my local university ID and prescription on me.

Thanks again, I'm off to enjoy my first club edible :)


Active member
Enjoy... too bad it's only for two months hopefully they'll renew it for free... be safe... so what did they ask to put on your copy?


I'm sure you can find some paper with your name and current dorm address on it, for instance housing receipt? Shouldn't be that hard.

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