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Grown in worm castings?


Active member
JackKerouac said:
For coco, I throw in a handful for a Ca and N boost. It makes the ladies jungle green and grow like mad!
Jack there is actually a brand of coco called coco can that comes with castings already mixed in it. I think it is better than canna myself.

Tony Danza

I mixed some with coco and perlite to keep my bonsai mothers in and they like it so much I'm wanting to add a little all my girls pots.


New member
Straight worm castings set like concrete if they dry out,not what you want,also worms only hang around while they have food,so if you get eggs in castings they wont hatch if no food and if do will soon be gone(each egg has about six worms in it).

My brew,nice top soil,worm castings (my own)seaweed,sea shells and small beach gravel,cow shit,sheep dags or just wool(wool and hair are good for nitrogen)lime,blood and bone,then watered with my worm juice put in a big drum with whole fish and seaweed and comfrey,left to brew for a while.

If you put in cow shit or any shit(other than dog) or food scraps etc,then the worms have something to eat and will hang around,so in affect you are growing on a worm farm,combined with the seaweed you have a slow release fert farm your plants are growing in,lime helps your ph and the plants use the fert but also the worms like the grit,you can empty your vacuum cleaner into your worm farm they like it.

Good shit grows good shit.

NPK fert burns and kills worms so dont put it in a brew if you want worms.

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Active member
Damn good point Pega, you got to frrd them if you wan't to keep them. but even if you don't the castings are more than enough to carry them into flower and then use your bloom boosters, you won't
have worms left but your plants will still be healrhy


Fantastic. This is awesome shit.

How much seaweed do you use Pega? I put some on my beans once (real beans, not cannabeans) and it fried the shit out of them and they died. I think I used too much, or it was too fresh or something, too much salt.

You a kiwi?


New member
I use a fair bit but I rinse it and cut it into smaller bits first and most is fresh,it shouldn't burn.