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Grown in worm castings?


Anyone out there grown in worm castings or worm casting/soil mix?

Any idea what goodness is in it?

I've got a cut that I'm about to repot and do a micro grow with and I thought I'd give it a try.

It looks pretty heavy and hot, so I guess I'll have to mix it with quite a bit of soil


I've been growing for years now, 100% successful since my second grow, and have alwyas used the same formula:


1/3 Worm castings (black gold brand is what's common over here)
1/3 Perlite
1/3 Black golds organic potting mix.

Feed Pure Blend Pro every other day


1/3 Worm castings (black gold brand is what's common over here)
1/3 Perlite
1/3 Vermiculite.


Active member
If you have worm farms in your area go stright to the farm, I used to get a pick up load for 150 dollors, I did grow in this , no other stuff added with the best results of any soil I have ever used. it still has baby worms and eggs in it a drains well. for what its worth.


gramsci.antonio said:
do your own wormcasting! it's way more effective!

Thats why I'm doing this grow, I've got piles of the stuff, I don't want to waste it.

I'd never pay 150 bucks for it though, it's just decomposed food scraps, it makes itself!


Active member
FarmerGreen said:
Thats why I'm doing this grow, I've got piles of the stuff, I don't want to waste it.

I'd never pay 150 bucks for it though, it's just decomposed food scraps, it makes itself!
you have no idea of what you speak.


Active member
as baged potting soil of anything that is worth a shit cost 10 plus dollors a bag and 150 dollors for a pickup load of the best soil there is to grow in is a steal. I could fill a average of 200 5 gl pots with one load of what you call chewed up garbage. at any nursery a small bag of castings cost 7 to 8 dollors a bag, its sceeened and old but still a great additive for organic growing, probably the best. at a grow store its at least 12 dollors a bag. You stated that yours looked heavy and hot, if it is store bought it is heavy but its not hot. thats why you put perlite in the mix to drain it and make it lighter, if you buy stright from the farm its still has sand and all the good microbes and things plants just plain love, you pop and say you would never pay 150 dollors for a load of the best soil there is so there for you know not what you speak of.


ok cool.

I was just saying I got some at home I wanted to try growing in

worm farm

food goes in

worm castings come out

I ended up mixing bout 1/3 casting 2/3 soil and a couple of handfuls of sand for drainage. Felt about right, and just wanted to use what was lying around
I'll get a pic of it soon


Active member
you wont be sorry, you could let your fresh castings sit for 3 to 4 weeks and add the sand and grow in that, it really is great stuff and your plants will love your soil, good luck.


Active member
North said:
are castings to "hot" for seed starting or young seedlings?

i just rooted 2 out of 3 cuttings successfully in straight wormcastings, so i am going to guess that it would be ok for seeds. please correct me if i am out to lunch.


Add it to your soilmix and forget about veg ferts.
Everytime we see a bag of it we think about going back to dirt.

Awesome stuff.


For coco, I throw in a handful for a Ca and N boost. It makes the ladies jungle green and grow like mad!